Thursday, January 19, 2017

Today's News

NXT - San Antonio:

Eric Young vs Tye Dillinger and Roderick Strong vs Andrade Cien Almas have been added to the pre Rumble NXT special.


Shane Thorne will be benched for several months with his knee injury, and Darren Young is out for 6 months with an elbow problem.

WWE quiz UK:

WWE are surveying their UK fans on which promotions they watch (Including TNA). Their reasoning is not clear, but there are two possibilities...

  1.  They are looking to sign some UK leagues for their Network.
  2. They are looking for a home for their weekly UK show.

The options they list are...

  • PROGRESS Wrestling
  • TNA Impact Wrestling
  • International Pro Wrestling
  • Preston City Wrestling
  • Next Generation Wrestling
  • Revolution Pro
  • All Star Wrestling UK
  • What Culture Pro Wrestling
  • FutureShock Wrestling
  • Insane Championship Wrestling

Boss surgery:

Vince McMahon had a minor hip surgery recently.

WWE UK at Mania:

WWE have invited their UK roster to work WrestleMania weekend events.

Keny Omega open to WWE:

"I don't want to just take a payday and collect a check. While I'm still healthy, while I still have ideas in this crazy head of mine, I want to contribute and I want to do things that are going to make wrestling fans happy and are going to make new people into wrestling fans that were wrestling fans before, I want to contribute in that manner. If a company like WWE were willing to use me in that manner, if they had good ideas for me and I had good ideas that jived with that, I would heavily consider that."


Chris Jericho cannot walk away. Despite his music commitments, he is currently recording a new album, and will be touring over the summer, and having three Hollywood projects in the pipeline, he has this week signed another extension to his current WWE deal.

Champion robbed:

AJ Styles was robbed at a WWE live last weekend. He lost $8,000, some of which was in Japanese Yen, a TV, an X-Box and games, Beats headphones, and his I-Phone.

New baby:

Trish Stratus gave birth to her second child last week, this time a daughter, called Madison.

ROH sign legends:

The Hardy Boyz have agreed to work a programme for ROH.

WWE censor star:

WWE have ran a feature asking their roster who would be a dream surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble, Seth Rollins picked Kenny Omega. WWE have since cut the selection from their site.

New belts:

WWE are working on re-designs for the US and Intercontinental Championships.

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