Sunday, January 22, 2017

Today's News

Million Dollar belt stolen:

Brother Love has told a story of a time the Million Dollar title was stolen... or was it?...

"We had been in maybe Hartford, Connecticut, maybe Providence, and we finished up there, this is we, me and Ted DiBiase, and we were heading to Boston. It was probably Providence because we were going to Boston to fly out. He was going to fly out from Boston and I was going back to Connecticut, so wherever we were. So anyway, we get to Boston and we're in a Ford Bronco, so we have our bags in the back of the Bronco. We go to Chinatown and we go to our favorite little restaurant in Chinatown and we have some great food and a lot adult beverages and we come out and it's about 2 o'clock in the morning. And we're walking down a side street, we had been parked on the street. We look and the side window had been busted open on the Bronco. It's bashed in. There's broken glass all over the ground. And we look, and we go, 'oh s--t!' We open up the door, we look, and our bags are gone. Someone ripped us off. We start going through the car and s--t and Ted looks at me and says, 'hey man, the belt's not here.' The belt was carried in a separate gold Halliburton everywhere we went. And we're going through there and the only thing they left in the car was my briefcase, which had kind of been in the back on the floor. But they stole my garment bag, they stole his garment bag, they stole his briefcase, and they stole all of his s--t. And we're like, 'motherf--ker, somebody stole 'The Million Dollar' belt.' We called the cops. The cops come out and make a report. And I said, 'well, you've got to call Vince.' 'Why do I got to call him? You call him.' 'Hey, motherf--ker, it's not my belt!' But I end up, there's a little payphone there and it's now 2:30, 3 o'clock, 3:15 in the morning and I make that call. 'Hello?' 'Hey Vince, this is Bruce.' 'Yeah, pal. What's up?' 'Well, I'm here with Ted and we were on our way to Boston and we stopped and got something to eat and somebody broke into our car and it seems that somebody stole 'The Million Dollar' belt.' 'What the f--k do you want me do do about it?' 'Well, I guess, nothing, but I wanted to make you aware of it. Ted lost the belt.' And he's like, 'Goddamnit, there's nothing I can do about it! Call the f--king news! Make some Goddamn noise! Wake somebody up!', which I had already done by waking him up, so long story short, we get to the Hilton there, Boston Airport and we check in and we start calling people. We were looking for Virgil because Virgil usually was pretty good about grabbing the belt. And as I started doing my investigative work, I'm going, like, 'Ted, s--t, man, are you sure you had the belt?' He's like, 'yeah, I'm pretty sure I had it because Virgil, we weren't riding together and I'm responsible for the Goddamn thing.' And we can't get Virgil to answer his phone in his room. Well, lo and behold, we later found out, in the morning, that when they were going to the airport, Virgil did have the belt. And I woke Vince up at 3 o'clock in the morning on a false alarm and I let Ted make the next call to him to let him know that we found the belt and it was a mistake and all that other good s--t. But it was a weird night in Chinatown in Boston."

The belt is currently missing of course. It hasn't been seen since it was last used on TV, Bruce also addressed it's whereabouts...

"I don't know if they got it back or not, but I know that when Teddy left, he gave the belt to a member of the ring crew and sometime after that, because it was an expensive belt, Linda called Ted and asked him to please send the belt back. Ted said, 'I do not have the belt. I gave it to someone on the ring crew to take back with them to Stamford.' 's--t, well, who'd you give it to?' I don't know if he knew the name or what, but they did some investigating and couldn't find the Goddamn belt! So she called Ted again. She goes, 'Teddy, I don't mean to be… but it's an expensive belt, you were the last one to be seen with it, we really need you to send it back if you have it.' And Teddy was adamant that he didn't have it and that he had given it to the ring crew. So I don't know if they ever found it or not. I know Ted has told me in private that he did not have it. He had told me the same story. He never wavered on his story and I believe him because Ted is not the type of guy to do that, especially if he was asked. He would've given it back if he had it. Maybe they did find it. Maybe it's in a safe. I don't really know, to be honest with you."

NWO on TV:

Comedian Aziz Ansari wore an NWO Wolfpac shirt on TV last night.

Triple H talks why Angle got the HOF call:

"I think it's a very well deserved induction into the Hall of Fame. We've had an association with Kurt for a long time but when Kurt was here in the WWE, he was one of the most impactful and memorable and iconic characters probably ever. One of the things that always stands out for me is that I was here when Kurt was coming out of the Olympics and training. And having never done this before, he went from zero knowledge of our industry to being one of the most incredible performers in the ring in the time frame of the Attitude Era where, you know, he was in there with some of the best in the world. And he very quickly went from walking to the ring for the first time to being one of the best in the world himself. It happened faster than anyone else. And that's what I do now mostly in my day to day job. Most of my day is focused on talent and recruiting and training and talent development. I don't believe I've ever seen someone pick it up as fast as Kurt. Just on that basis alone, he should be inducted. But then you throw in all that he's accomplished, that he's accomplished since leaving WWE even, and will continue to accomplish. I'm really happy for Kurt as a human being. I'm also happy that he's a really good place in his life right now."

Top star quits AAA:

Pentagon Jr announced he quit AAA after last nights event.

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