Saturday, January 21, 2017

Today's News

Owens names preferred Mania rival:

"If I had to narrow it down to one it would be The Undertaker. He is synonymous with that event and I was always in awe of him - as a kid, teenager and adult."

Bray Wyatt has also named his...

"Daniel Bryan would be my match-up. I could say a lot of names - The Undertaker, Jake "The Snake" Roberts", Ric Flair in his prime - but I didn't feel I was finished with Bryan. I felt it was taken from me and I will always feel that way. This year, though, I plan to beat AJ Styles - if he is still the champion - and it would be good if it was a Last Man Standing Match."

Alum returns to old gimmick:

Adam Rose has started using his Leo Kruger gimmick on the indies again, although with a different spelling.

Rumble on the round:

A random guy approached Goldberg whilst he was playing a round of golf today, and started throwing kayfabe punches. Goldberg responded by picking him up and throwing him into a water hazzard.

Austin remembers stunning the President:

"It wasn't a picture-perfect stunner, but I give Donald Trump a hell of a lot of credit for being a man. He was a stand-up guy, he was there to do business and we did business, so I respect the man for that. If I see him giving a speech on the TV, I don't think, 'Hey, I gave this guy a stunner.' We were doing business and we did business. The fact that he is going to be the next President of the United States, it's a hell of a story."

Hogan movie:

A documentary following Hulk Hogan's legal battle with Gawker has debuted at Sundance this week.

Ziggler at rally:

Dolph Ziggler is covering a Donald Trump protest march in Washington today, on social media.

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