Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Today's News

Titus on WWE racism:

Titus O'Neill has discussed the rareness of African Americans holding top titles in WWE...

"I've never been involved in the creative process in any aspect of this company, so I couldn't tell you why there has only been one. Is it disturbing in some cases? Yes, but it's no different than any other form of entertainment. There aren't a lot of places, whether it's film or television, with African-Americans as heroes. I can't answer the question of why there has only been one, but I would definitely like to be the next African-American champion. Not because I'm African-American, but because I've deserved and earned the right to be WWE world heavyweight champion."


It seems WWE may have hit Hornswoggle with a swerveball in relation to his recent suspension. They reportedly turned up at his home to test his urine without giving notice beforehand, as was always the norm, and when he was unable to produce a sample for testing, was banned, not for failing a test, as was originally thought. This, if confirmed, would mark the start of a much more severe enforcing of their wellness policy.

WWE refused to comment on the story for privacy reasons.

Kelly Kelly:

Kelly Kelly's reality show has been renewed for a second series.

Diva's fight back:

The abuse of Renee Young on social media site Instagram has become something very dark. Female fans, angry at the Canadian for her relationship with Dean Ambrose, have taken their harassment of her to another level, and have begun to threaten her with violence. Some of her fellow WWE stars have seen her suffer enough, and are fighting back on her behalf...

Summer Rae wrote to one...

"TO EVERYONE IN THESE COMMENTS: I feel so so very sorry for most of you. The fact that you actually take your OWN precious time out of your day to make these lame comments is so weird. Like REALLY odd. Kinda creepy even that the infatuation with someone's personal life of a person you don't know could be THAT strong. If you are unsure of what to do with your spare time I would suggest hobbies or volunteering for a local homeless shelter or opening your mind & reading a book. I know it may take a long time for some of you guys but hey, we all have to start somewhere. Think how much better the world would be if all of these internet stalkers trolling around actually got up & put the time it takes to put people down on the good use! Now that would be a great world to live in! I won't hold my breathe for that day but hey, a gal can dream."

Eden also responded...

"What was the saying? What if you fell in love with someone and then found out they trolled celebrities on the Internet? My's already happened and that's why trollin' is all they got!."

WWE star opening Indie:

Nick ''Eugene'' Dinsmore is working on starting his own promotion, and has launched a weekly podcast to keep fans up to date on it's progress.


WWE tarped off the whole top tier of the venue for last night's TV tapings, due to poor ticket sales.

  • Team BAD vs Team Bella.
  • Kevin Owens vs Ryback (Intercontinental Championship).
  • Cosmic Wasteland vs Lucha Dragons & Neville.
  • Dudley Boyz & Kane vs New Day & Seth Rollins.

Website bites back:

Pro Wrestling Tees have responded to WWE slapping them with a legal warning yesterday, and they are clearly highly unimpressed with the WWE juggernaut...

''We received a notice from WWE saying that we were violating intellectual property rights by selling Jim Neidhart shirts on our website. First off, we don't sell anything on our site, the wrestlers do. Our website is a portal for independent and retired pro wrestlers to sell their own merchandise to hundreds and thousands of fans worldwide. We then simply print for them and ship them to their customers. Everything is contracted through the wrestlers, they get final say in the designs they sell and the price they sell the shirts for. After doing more research we found that WWE didn't own the trademark on the name Jim Neidhart nor Hart Foundation. After explaining this to their "lawyer", we were then told that Jim has an "exclusive merchandise agreement" with WWE. Really? Then where is all the Jim the Anvil merchandise? We've never seen a Jim "The Anvil" t-shirt ever. Maybe one of him and Bret Hart together but never solo. WWE continuously blocks retired pro wrestlers from selling merchandise on the internet. These wrestlers have fans that want to show their appreciation for them but they aren't allow to because WWE says they have the "merchandise rights" to them. If WWE has these rights then use them. Wrestlers profit sometimes over 10x more what they get in royalties through any merchandise deal with WWE. There is no reason they shouldn't allow Jim to have extra money is his pocket. There is no competition here, because they aren't selling Anvil's t-shirts. Being under a WWE legends contract is understandable, but why is Jim in an "exclusive merchandise contract" with no merchandise? If they aren't going to allow him to sell his own merchandise through our website portal then at least sell shirts for him through the WWE shop.''

Worst Raw ever:

This weeks Raw scored the lowest viewing figures since the early days of the programme, right back into the 90's, bar Christmas episodes.

Dwayne rocked:

The dog Rock saved from drowning in his pool recently has died. The Rock and his partner decided to put him out of his pain today after he ate a poisonous mushroom he found whilst on a walk.

Lana thanks diva:

Lana has thanked Natalya for helping her train for the ring, before she got hurt.

Paige in heat:

A backstage spat was accidentally broadcast on WWE's Facebook yesterday. Paige was doing a live Q&A when one of the diva's (Unidentified) called her a bitch, not realising she was filming, Paige spat back at her, telling her to f*** off, former referee Scott Armstrong then approached Paige telling her not to use that language, as the broadcast continued.

Hell I A Cell:

Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns has been added to the card.

WWE's best hand?:

Titus O'Neill flew from this weeks TV's directly to the home of a fan he met earlier this year, after the 10 year old was diagnosed with a recurrence of his cancer.

TNA India:

TNA have confirmed a one week TV taping tour of India, from November 29 to December 5.

Lesnar coming back:

Brock Lesnar has been added to Raw for next week.

NJPW own legend:

NJPW have won the rights to Jushin Liger's character. They have long fought with the owners of a comic from the 70's over the name and likeness rights, and have finally won them.

TE diva's:

Chelsea has finally recovered from her ankle injury, suffered on the show, and Mick Foley has apologised to Amanda for his strong criticism of her on the programme.

NWA on TV:

NWA are reportedly in talks with Spike TV, hoping to bring their brand to the screen.

Michael Cole reveals why he lost weight:

"I started at 226 pounds with 29.9 percent body fat and as of today, 11 months later, I weigh 169 pounds with 6.5 percent body fat. I was down 65 pounds, but I've put on a little weight because we changed my diet and added some calories. I feel better now at 48 years old than I did at 21 years old."

HOF'er attacks women:

Alundra Blayze is not impressed with the WWE womens roster. She attacked Nikki's performance, and told Paige that she was no AJ Lee.

Vader called out:

A US promotion have challenged Vader to come out of retirement for a shoot fight. They say they will pay him $5,000, he is considering the offer.

Brock is a bully:

Kenny Bolin has accused Brock Lesnar of bullying him...

"So the show ends, the fans are out and Brock Lesnar's girlfriend, who he's engaged to, who had been to my house 100 times, who I had hugged 100 times, and who I had kissed on the cheek 100 times. Well this particular night I didn't hug her or kiss her because I was soaked in sweat so bad I wouldn't put anybody through that including my worst enemy. So I did the "Hollywood thing" (motioned a kiss towards her cheeks). Never touched her and it wouldn't have mattered if I did in my eyes. Here comes Brock Lesnar through the door, he's on the ring crew. Brock comes through the door and says, "Get your hands off my woman Bolin." So I'm thinking, "The show is over Brock, no need to carry on anything here." I said, "Oh OK Brock, nothing out of me." Playing along with him for whoever he's trying to entertain. He says, "I mean what I say. Get your hands off her you son of a b---h." I looked at him and I said, "Are you serious?" Then he goes on a bit of a cussing rant, telling me what he's going to do to me if I ever touch his wife-to-be again. I said "Number one, I never touched her. Number two, I've kissed your woman on the cheek 100 times before and it never bothered you, what is your problem?" Now he comes over and gets in my face. I'm going, "What the heck is the matter with this guy?" So he's nose to nose with me. He says, "You ever touch her again and I will f--king kill you. I said, "Alright Brock, point made. Then his girlfriend says, "Brock leave him alone, he never touched me." He turns to her and says, "Shut up b---h, I ain't talking to you." So now she's hot. He looks at me again and I said, "You're out of line pal. He takes his hand and pie-faces me. The worst thing I did is I didn't go down. It pissed him off that I did not go down. My son loses it. He's going, "Oh God, dad's going to get killed. He runs downstairs, gets Sylvester Terkay, runs him back up. Terkay comes charging in, gets in Brock's face and says, "Hey if you want to fight somebody, why don't you fight somebody your size that's capable of fighting you." He says, "You wanna fight? Fight me." Brock looked at him and walked away. So that's where Brock was then as opposed to where he is now, because now that might be a different story."

WWE support England:

Paige and WWE were shown on the roof of the O2 stadium before a Rugby World Cup match, as thanks for them supporting the ''Wear the rose'' campaign, backing the English team.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Today's News

WWE featured:

TV show Ellen ran a feature on the WWE's dancing challenge for paediatric cancer awareness.


Wade Barrett returned last night, and Lita was backstage.

A fan campaign to get Heath Slater a US title shot was rejected by the office. Xavier Woods got the match.


Kurt Angle will face Eric Young at Bound For Glory.

TNA confirmed:

Destination America have confirmed they will continue to air TNA for the final quarter of the year.

DeMott controversy:

A WWE insider has revealed that the current Kane storyline is based on the Bill DeMott controversy.


A new DVD on the history of the Royal Rumble match has been announced.

Hogan parodied:

Mad Magazine have poked fun at Hulk Hogan's legal troubles in their new edition (Photo).

Ambrose pulled:

Dean Ambrose has been pulled from this weekends comic con in Florida.

WWE block Neidhart:

Just hours after launching a new T-Shirt with Pro Wrestling Tees WWE demanded Jim Neidhart's shirts be withdrawn, as they own his merchandising rights. The parent company of the site blasted WWE, pointing out that they don't own the name, and have no merch available for him, so his shirts are not going to affect the sales of his non existant WWE gear.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Today's News


Whilst attending a charity event with his wife Michelle McCool over the weekend Taker's house was attacked with toilet paper by vandals. McCool says the incident was caught on their security system.

Seth Rollins sets record:

Seth Rollins has set the record for the longest WWE title reign after cashing in a MITB contract, beating The Miz's 160 days.


TNA have announced a third person will join their announce team at Bound For Glory. Josh Mathews says the person will make their debut.

The promotion have also announced a $5 cut in their ticket price, to try to improve the dire audiences.


Despite Ronda Rousey's inavailability, Rock vs Triple H is still on for next years Mania.

Russo hurt:

Vince Russo wrestled in the UK this weekend and was hurt when he horribly botched his taking of an RKO.


Lana has chalked up 1,000,000 followers on Instagram.

Kelly Kelly:

Kelly Kelly has revealed who she wants to face if she returns...

"It's funny, because I feel like all the girls who are there now I've worked with. The [Bella] Twins are still there, Natalya's still there, Alicia Fox is still there, Rosa Mendes is still there, all these girls - there's not many new ones. Maybe Paige. When I left she came in so I think she'd be someone I'd like to work with for sure."


WWE have signed a deal to keep Summerslam at the Barclays Center for the next two years.

Raw tease:

  • Is Kane from split personality disorder or is his behavior part of a larger plan?
  • What's next for the Divas Revolution?
  • Should Randy Orton fear what The Wyatt Family is planning?
  • Who will challenge John Cena for the U.S. Title?
  • What message will Big Show deliver to Brock Lesnar?

  • Barrett goes back:

    Wade Barrett is on his way back to the States after making a movie in the UK.

    PC tour:

    Tom Phillips is hosting the exclusive fan tour of the WWE PC today.

    EC3 recalls the day he realised his WWE days were over:

    "I kind of knew when I wrestled Cesaro on Saturday Morning Slam. It was cool and we were having fun. I was in this weird spot where I was maybe getting this character that I was pitching, but I didn't know because there you never know. I did a suicide dive and dislocated my kneecap, and thought it was probably my last WWE match. There was a transition in the office. Old guys are leaving, new guys are coming in. The guys who signed you aren't going to be in power anymore. There's no one in your corner per se, because they want to make their own people and it's business, I get that. I just wish I didn't have to go through the last five months of developmental. I could have just walked out that day with my head held high."

    He also talked about an incident that got him and Daniel Bryan in heat with the office...

    "We did get into a little bit of trouble. The way I looked at it was that the show was based around screwing with us as talent. We kind of changed the game by rigging our answers. That should have been commended and I should have been promoted immediately for being the ultimate wrestling snake. But alas, when you go against the machine, sometimes you get a slap on the wrist. The only thing that bothers me is the next week they deducted time from me doing the Out Think The Fink challenge, and I had Howard Finkel beat. You know? Now I'm pretty upset."

    WWE star suspended:

    Hornswoggle has failed a wellness check, and has been sent home for 30 days.


    Paige is teaming up with Rosa Mendes' boyfriend Bobby to open a coffee shop.


    The conditions of Sunny's bail have been released, she must...

    • Post the $2,000 bail.
    • Report to the Carbon County Adult Parole & Probation Department within 72 hours of her jail release.
    • Officially notify the court, the District Attorney and her own attorney of any change in address or phone number.
    • Complete a drug and alcohol evaluation and follow all recommendations made.
    • Agree to a zero-tolerance policy for "the possession, control and consumption of alcoholic beverages and non-prescribed medication." If she violates, she will be arrested for violating bail terms.
    • Agree to a zero-tolerance policy if she misses any urine tests without a legitimate reason. If she does miss one and does not have a legit reason, she will be arrested for violating her bail.
    • Agree to appear in court on December 2nd for charges against her to be read. The judge will be advised if there has been a plea bargain reached. If no plea is made, Sunny agrees she will appear in court for a jury trial on December 7th.

    UFC to wrestling:

    Shayna Baszler of Ronda Rousey's four horsewomen group made her wrestling debut over the weekend.


    X-Pac suffered a suspected torn bicep and pec at an indy show over the weekend.


    RVD is making a war movie with Steven Seagal.

    Sunday, September 27, 2015

    Today's News

    Arnie loves wrestling:

    Arnold Schwarzenegger has discussed his love of the sport, as he promotes his appearance in 2K16...

    "I love them all, The Rock, Stone Cold, but I really identify with Bruno Sammartino. He is a fellow immigrant, and he is truly a legend. He sold out Madison Square Garden 187 times! And he is so powerful. I remember the first time I saw him picking up someone over his head. Imagine the power. And he is the sweetest, most inspirational guy."

    Seth Rollins reveals who got the Shield signed to WWE:

    "Joey (Mercury) is responsible for first of all getting me signed in WWE, second of all he was responsible for getting Ambrose signed, he played a huge hand in training Roman Reigns from the ground up. You look at those three things but it's more than that, I mean Joey as a performer is one of the best ever as far as just in the ring, the smoothness with which he moves inside the ring is pretty unparalleled and his mind for the industry is really incredible. He's a guy that I love to death, someone I consider a mentor, a brother, and honestly the WWE you see today wouldn't exist without him. He's such a huge cog in the machine in the back. he's responsible for helping us out, putting matches together, booking the live events, he's got a lot on his plate, and he does an incredible job."

    Legend may return:

    Diamond Dallas Page says he would consider a ring return, if WWE put him into an angle with Randy Orton.

    LU hit by cuts:

    Lucha Underground have been given a much reduced budget for their second series, which will start taping in December. They still hope to get Rey Mysterio contracted for the series.


    Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio will host next years special on February 21.


    Rock is opening a personal gym in two weeks.


    R-Truth shot a music video over the weekend.


    Emma is starting a YouTube cooking show next week.

    WWE stars party:

    The Miz and Maryse went to a Kanye West concert this past weekend, and Lita joined Trish Stratus in Texas, for the premiere of her new movie.

    WWE promote indie show:

    WWE allowed an indie promotion to promote their next event on the house mic at a live yesterday.

    Demolition bigger than LOD:

    That is their view, they told Jim Ross...

    "When Vince offered me the job and I saw those pictures and everything, it never even dawned on me that we were going to be like the Road Warriors. I never even thought of that until a lot longer later, after we were done. That's when people kind of started saying that and I think it was just to cause a little controversy. It's funny because the New York territory was so much bigger than the southern territory. I think a lot of fans liked the Demolition because we were in a bigger territory and everybody's goal was to get up there".

    Saturday, September 26, 2015

    Today's News

    Cody coming back:

    Cody Rhodes will appear out of his Stardust character as he and Goldust present the Dusty Rhodes trophy to the winners of the NXT tournament.


    Sunny went before a judge yesterday to find out her fate. She was set a $2,000 bail, and was sent back to prison. She has since raised the funds, and has been released. She will be back in court in December.

    Jake interview:

    On being scared of Dynamite Kid...

    "I think one night we were in Edmonton, Alberta, and he had me down there [on the mat] working the arm and he says, 'don't f--kingg move, okay?' And he let go of my arm, walked down to the audience five rows back, and just paintbrushed some son of a b---h like crazy, walked back to the ring, and I still got my arm stuck in the air." Roberts added, "I was scared to move!."

    On Dusty Rhodes catching him cheating on his wife...

    "I decided I was going to gig myself and tell my old lady [that] coming out of the arena, somebody hit me with something. I'll get out of this s--t, so I stopped at a K&B drugstore and got Platinum Plus [razorblades], which was the wrong s--t, big old thick ass blade, and cut myself. I didn't do it the right way. I went side to side and really overdid it. F--king Dusty called me out on it. I said, 'yeah, these f--king guys last night, man, I went to a bar and they f--king hit me with a goddamn bottle. He said, 'damn, that looks like f--king stainless steel Platinum Plus to me.' Yep, he f--king knew."

    On calling out Andre The Giant...

    "He didn't sell a goddamn thing I was doing and he just guzzled me. [He] ate me. [He] ate me to the point, I must have been high, because I called him out. He wanted to see if I had balls. He was funny like that, you know? He wanted to be in there with a man, somebody that respected him, respected what he did, and respected himself."

    Austin out of Mania:

    Since WWE brought the rubber match between Lesnar and Taker forward to Hell In A Cell speculation on who Lesnar will face at Mania instead has been rife. High on the list of possibilities is Steve Austin, but he has today put the story to bed, saying he will not wrestle the beast in Texas.

    DVD confirmed:

    Eric Bischoff has got WWE cameras at his house this weekend, filming for a DVD.

    TNA to WWE:

    So Cal Val and Shelly Martinez were in the crowd at a WWE live this weekend. Santino was also in attendance.

    Titus talks post career plans:

    "Sometimes life has a funny thing of working things out. Once I'm done here in WWE, I plan on pursuing my coaching career or in broadcasting. Either way I'm covered and whenever my contract is done here, I have no worries about the next move I'm going to make."

    Chris Jericho:

    Chris Jericho's podcast has been downloaded 100,000,000 times.

    TNA referenced by WWE:

    Marcelo Rodriguez referenced Sting's TNA title reign on the Spanish call of WrestleMania.

    They all look the same?:

    WWE accidentally mixed up Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods on their site yesterday, Woods took to Twitter to call them out on the error.

    Mark Henry:

    Mark Henry says his retirement has been weighing on his mind recently, and he hopes Daniel Bryan will be able to work as his opponent for his farewell match.

    Diva cries over WWE career:

    Cameron became upset during a Periscope video today, when talking about her frustrating WWE career so far.

    Friday, September 25, 2015

    Today's News

    WWE MSG special:

    Kevin Owens vs Chris Jericho will now be for Owens Intercontinental Championship, and Kane has been added to the show.

    DDP provides update on Jake & Hall:

    "Jake is almost two years sober. Now, when you speak with him, you can have a really intelligent conversation with a really smart guy. But there were times when this really beat me up. That first year when Jake was sober, he messed up maybe six times. He went cold turkey from booze, pills, and crack, but he needed to go completely sober. Scott fell after the movie. But even when the cameras aren't rolling, we're still going. So let's focus on the story you keep telling yourself. I call it 'self-talk,' like you talk to yourself. Nobody can pull you down more than you. No one one can f--- you up more than you. The positive side is nobody can pick you up more than you, but you just need to learn how to do it. So that was my goal with Jake and Scott. Teach them how to help themselves. They'd say, 'I'm worthless, I'm a piece of s---, I f----- up again,' and if you keep telling yourself that, then you're screwed. If you say you can or you say you can't, you're right."

    HOF'er to WWE:

    Jake The Snake is at the WWE HQ today, filming for a new Network show.

    Paige discusses adjusting to Total Diva's cameras following her:

    "I was definitely worried at first and very skeptical. I wasn't ready for it. But the crew is absolutely amazing. We're like a big family. They make it so easy and you don't even realize they're there half of the time. They're so respectful. It's different because obviously I don't like my personal life being out there, but this is helping people as well."

    HOF'er in surgery:

    Edge has had surgery on a hand injury that has bothered him for years.

    WWE legends reunite:

    Alundra Blayze recently met with her old rival Bull Nakano. They had not seen or spoken to each other for twenty years.

    Dana White vs Wrestling:

    Dana White has asked wrestling fans a question today...

    "The thing she did with WWE was cool, it was cool. She did a great job, I thought it was awesome, but believe me when I tell you she's got a lot of s**t to do. She's pretty busy. Why would you want to see her wrestle when you can see her fight?."

    Hall Of Famer in jail:

    Sunny has been in jail for two days, and has been warned she can expect that to be extended until December 7. This is because of her habit of no showing court hearings.

    Balor goes through the roof:

    For the second time in as many months Finn Balor hit his head on the ceiling at an NXT live. This time he was hurt, Samoa Joe checked him in the ring after the match.

    TNA BFG:

    The Wolves will defend the Tag titles vs the GFW partnership of Curt Hawkins and Trevor Lee at Bound For Glory.

    Rock vs Hogan:

    The Rock and Hulk Hogan are vying for the lead villain role in the fourth movie in the Expendables franchise.

    ROH vs Roster:

    ROH officials are furious with their talent for holding a wrestler's court before last weeks tapings, and have forbade a repeat of the incident. Referee Gino Colucci was put before the court after amassing a series of minor infractions.

    Sting reveals Rollins  apology:

    ''Really, I can't say enough. He poked his head in the ambulance and said, "Man, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened." I said, "Seth, don't worry about it. It's not your fault." And he, for 15 minutes, he said, "I just wanted to tell you what an honor it was, what a pleasure. I can't believe I had a chance to get in the ring with you and work with you. I was you for Halloween when I was a kid." He was on and on about it, but man, this young guy, he doesn't have any idea how much I appreciate being able to work with him.''

    Rusev vs Owens:

    Rusev took a shot at Kevin Owens weight, after working with him this week...

    ''Hey if you can't fight you should run. But It's surprising after all the running Owens isn't in good cardio condition.''

    Fan released:

    Oscar Ramirez was released from jail today, after spending  just 3 of his 10 day sentence in prison. He revealed why he got in the ring at NOC, saying WWE had supported him when he was homeless, and he wanted to give something back.

    LU drop TNA star:

    After the controversy over his return to TNA, whilst still contracted to LU, and the fallout that followed, Lucha Underground have decided to release Hernandez from his deal today.

    Thursday, September 24, 2015

    Today's News

    Angry Vince:

    Vince McMahon is freaking out about the decline in their viewing figures. WWE creative are trying to come up with something big to improve the situation.

    Sting talks injury:

    ''I was out in the hospital — out like a light. They had a neck brace on me, and they were pumping me with [medication] to get me out of pain. I had to do a CT scan and an MRI. They ended up talking to my wife, and I have some details from my wife, but I still have [further evaluation ahead]. They mentioned cervical spinal stenosis, but that's only part of what I heard. I don't know if there's anything else. The doctor did tell my wife, "He's going to have to get this dealt with. He's lucky he walked out of there. Bottom line, I had tingling, numbness down both arms, all the way to my fingertips. And then, later in the match, I just fell wrong, whatever it was, and this time [the tingling and numbness] went down both arms and into my legs, and I couldn't feel my legs too well. They just felt like rubber. I don't know how to describe it. I had to go down on all fours there for a minute, get my composure. I was a little … I was worried. Long term, well, I'm just going to take care of the short term first and see how the long term might play out.''

    On when the injury happened...

    ''Both times into the turnbuckle. First time was like a whiplash. [pause] It's my fault, bottom line. I know better. The second time, I went up into the air and back toward the turnbuckle like that, I thought, "Well, that's not going to happen again," and it did. The second time was worse.''

    TNA Bound For Glory:

    Here is the latest card for the upcoming TNA special...

    • TNA World Heavyweight Title Match - Drew Galloway vs. Ethan Carter III.
    • TNA King of the Mountain Title Match - Bobby Lashley vs. Bobby Roode.
    • TNA Knockouts Title Match - Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim.
    • Ultimate X for the TNA X Division Title  - TBA vs. TBA vs. TBA vs. Tigre Uno.
    • Kurt Angle vs. TBA.

    CM Punk:

    CM Punk's UFC debut may be announced soon. UFC bosses are currently working on his potential opponent for the bout.


    Carlito turned down the WWE offer made this week, as the money was too low, but he has confirmed he will consider a return if they bump up the financial package. The current repackage of Los Matadores, WWE hope, will lead to Carlito's return.

    Ban the Diva's:

    Mick Foley says it is time WWE got rid of the term ''Diva's'' and returned to Womens wrestling, and championship. Ivory later echoed his feelings, on a WWE Network show, saying the word made the girls look prissy and weak.

    He also says he almost talked Vince McMahon into allowing him and Terry Funk to wrestle an exploding barbed wire match back in 1998, but Vince got cold feet, and the bout was dropped.


    Chris Jericho has signed his fourth book deal, but is promising something different next time.

    Joey Styles:

    Joey Styles has confirmed he will be in 2K16, as an announcer.

    Mexico tour:

    The Brothers Of Destruction will reunite to feud with the Wyatt Family when WWE travel to Mexico in a couple of weeks.

    NXT do not want Mania match:

    Finn Balor says WWE have promised them their own special show for WrestleMania weekend next year, and he would rather be on that, than on the Mania card.

    Rock recalls first meeting with Vince:

    ''My nightmare aka my very first TV "appearance" when I was 11yrs old. At a WWE TV taping in Allentown, PA. Since my dad was always on the road wrestling, any father/son time we got in was great, so I was super pumped to travel with him. It was backstage that I'd meet a man who years later we'd enjoy tremendous success together and he'd become one of my strongest mentors in business - Vince McMahon. I'll never forget he shook my hand, looked down at me and said "We gotta get you on camera tonight young man!". I thought, "WHOA I'm gonna be on TV... can't wait to tell my friends... AWESOME!". So I'm sitting there in the crowd, the camera man comes over and tells me he's getting ready to shoot so be ready.. It was in that defining moment that I just realized something awful... I was just getting over a bad case of Chicken Pox (you can clearly see a few "post pox" on my face) and I thought "Holy sh*t this is terrible! The world will see me for the first time and I look like someone set fire to my face and stomped it out with cleats". Looking back at this gem of a picture, there's two things I've learned: Things are never as bad as they seem (especially at 11yrs old) and instead of worrying about my Chicken Pox I should've been concerned with the world questioning whether I was a boy or a girl. Which, for the record happened all the time to me when I was a kid.''

    Wednesday, September 23, 2015

    Today's News

    WWE DVD:

    WWE have scheduled a DVD set on the career of Eric Bischoff for 2016.

    JR responds:

    Jim Ross has angrily retorted to Eric Bischoff's claims that he fired him from WCW in the early 90's, on the WWE Network this week...

    "I can tell you that Eric Bischoff did not fire me. Bill Shaw, a TBS VP/lackey reassigned me to work with Rob Garner, an old friend from my Crockett days, to work in TV Syndication of which I had previous experience with the UWF. I was told I was 'too Southern' to be the voice of a national brand. That from a station that aired multiple, Andy Griffith reruns daily. That reassignment directly violated my TBS agreement of which they themselves drew up-. However, my goose was cooked in WCW when my mentor and friend Bill Watts left his bombastic renderings on TBS mgmt when he departed as EVP of WCW and departed Atlanta. I was so closely aligned with Cowboy even though I had no idea he was coming to Atlanta until he arrived and no one from TBS management asked me about him even though I had been in WCW from day one. Good background check for feedback, right? Nonetheless I would not trade Bill being my mentor for a TBS or any other job but I did love living in Atlanta. Yes, I was bitter and angry that TBS never gave me an interview for the job that Eric got even though looking back in hindsight Eric likely would have done a better job than me over the long haul because it was my destiny was to take Vince McMahon's offer and join WWE in 1993, a run that lasted officially 21 years. My family's financial future was secured after enduring the dark days of near bankruptcy for WWE in the mid 90's, taking a large cut in pay, seeing office executives jump ship like scared rats, by the way this does not include my dear friend JJ Dillon who also left because he could not afford to care for his family on what he would be earning after the pay reductions. My department was able to assemble, arguably, the best talent roster in the history of the business that helped provide WWE with the ammo to have a $160M Initial Stock Offering (IPO) to go from a not so long ago near bankrupt public company to a thriving, healthy, public company that it is today. So, in hindsight, going to WWE and not staying in WCW was the best professional move that I ever made in my 40 year professional career."

    SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

    • Luke Harper vs Roman Reigns.
    • Lucha Dragons & Neville vs New Day.
    • Bo Dallas vs Cesaro.
    • Dolph Ziggler & Ryback vs Kevin Owens & Rusev.
    • Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins.

    Scott Hall blames Warrior for him never winning WWE title:

    He says the last minute change of plans at his debut match (Survivor Series '92) cost him a world title run, that forever evaded him during his time with WWF...

    "It was supposed to be Flair and I against Warrior and Savage. Warrior had a history of holding Vince up for money before pay-per-views to get his guarantees, and Vince called his bluff. They had to substitute for Warrior, so they brought Mr. Perfect in. I was told prior to the match I was going to break Randy's leg and retire him. But when you have a substitute, you have to feature the substitute, so I think I got PerfectPlex'd and Flair got PerfectPlex'd."


    Sting has not broken his neck, he was given the all clear from his tests after his injury on Sunday, but there are still concerns over his spine, because he is struggling to walk.

    WCW man wants Rousey:

    Tank Abbott says he will give Ronda Rousey $100,000 if she can beat him in a fight, but if she were to lose, she would have to get in the kitchen and make him a sandwich.

    I saved Cena:

    Kenny Bolin has already taken credit for the Montreal screwjob this week, he now adds that he is also responsible for the WWE career of John Cena...

    "He's got me so mad lately, because there have been times I've been in the hospital, and not one time has he came to see me. I've had financial stress, trying to take care of my son after a couple of serious car wrecks he's been in. Other struggles, like getting his wife legal in the United States. They wanted to fire him and Rico Constantino. I went to Danny Davis and Jim Cornette. I had a meeting with Steve Austin, Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon. I told them they had 80 days left on their contract, and we needed to put them on the road and see what they're made of. They both got jobs. Look who's the face of the company now. I didn't like to brag about it, I'm the guy that got him his free meals and publicity when he was here."

    NXT UK:

    WWE have made more tickets available for the UK tour, after tickets were eaten up in no time by the British fans.

    Jimmy Snuka:

    Jimmy Snuka will be in court on October 7 for the start of his murder case.

    WWE vs Fans:

    WWE swamped last nights TV's with security, to continue their crackdown on fans crossing boundaries. They admonished people for leaning over barriers, and for chanting too enthusiastically at the wrestlers.

    Cancer costs Brit career:

    Kris Travis, who was a part of TNA British Bootcamp 2, has announced stomach cancer has cost him his chance to wrestle again, and he is retired.

    Kurt confirms:

    Kurt Angle says he will go ahead with his UK speaking tour later this year, despite his recent family tragedy.

    WrestleMania 32:

    WWE are bringing in every legend they can wrangle up for Raw on October 19, as they promote WrestleMania, which will be in the same city as the TV episode. Flair, Michaels, Austin and Taker are already confirmed, expect more to be named in the coming weeks.

    Diva fight:

    Cameron has revealed a backstage fight she had with Paige, over her training outside of WWE, which was featured on Total Diva's, was very real, and that bad blood remains between the two.

    Diva wants to Rock the beach:

    Kelly Kelly hopes Rock will help her get a role in the upcoming Baywatch movie.

    Japanese great snubs WWE:

    Okada says he does not care that WWE have expressed interest in his services...

    "I like doing the shows with Ring of Honor, but I don't want to leave Japan. I'm not interested in WWE at all. Many people ask me about WWE, and if I'd go to WWE in the future. They ask me if I'm going now. I will not go. I want to make New Japan Pro-Wrestling bigger. That's my future."

    Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    Today's News


    Sting's manager has released a statement on the injuries his client suffered on Sunday, revealing the injury was worsened because the bout continued...

    "As many of you may already know, Sting is undergoing treatment for the injuries he sustained in last night's match with Seth Rollins. Doctors will continue to evaluate his condition, but he is a man of remarkable health and resiliency, especially at his age and with all he's endured throughout his stellar career. Therefore, we are optimistic he will have a speedy recovery and return to full health soon. Sting has kept his body in excellent shape, due largely to the guidance he's received from his personal trainer Jeff Cavaliere (ATHLEAN-X), and we trust this will prove beneficial to the recovery process. As a side note, we later learned the greatest damage to his body took place before the match was over, but being the true professional he is and among the hardest workers to ever step foot in the ring, he insisted to see the match through to the end."

    WWE also pulled him from appearing on Raw last night, and sent him home to rest.


    After much deliberation Lucha Underground has been renewed for a second series, which will air next year.


    Paige turned heel last night, and trashed the entire diva's division, in her own little pipebomb. This will lead to a triple threat match at Hell In A Cell, Charlotte vs Nikki Bella vs Paige.

    WWE called out for copying TNA angle:

    Abyss tweeted his annoyance that WWE are using Kane as both Corporate Kane, without the mask, and Big Red Monster Kane, with the mask, with apparently no knowledge of the other side of his split personality. He says it is a direct copy of his TNA character.

    TNA take old boy to court:

    TNA's case against Scott Steiner will go to trial next February.

    WWE seal commercial partnership:

    Total Diva's have secured a tie in with a make up brand.

    DDP remembers fighting Eric Bischoff:

    "I met Eric in AWA, and it turned into a pull-apart fight. We were both sh-tfaced, and wound up. We never got near each other. From there, I went out with Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond, and I'm pretty sober. He must have been drinking the whole time, because he got off the elevator a little after us with his wife, the ring announcer Larry, and Chip Shields. He started in on me again, and I went at him again. Everyone was like 'Diamond, go to your room,' and he's like 'let him go!' He was sh-tfaced!. The next morning I go by his room to see how bad ass he is at 8 o'clock in the morning. I put on my jeans, I put on my boots and I hear a knock. I thought it was the cleaning lady, and it's him. He's got his leather jacket on and his gray hair at the time. I was 31, he was 32, and his hair was halfway down his back and silver. When I opened the door, he's standing there looking like he'd been rode hard and put away wet. He said, 'I heard I was a real asshole last night.' I said he was, and told him I was on my way to his room, and he told me that he saved me the walk. He said, 'there's two ways we can handle this. One, accept my apology and shake my hand.' He had like three teeth in a bridge. He was a black belt, he wasn't afraid of anybody, he would fight at a drop of the hat. He pulls his f-ckin' teeth out and says 'or you can punch me in the mouth. Whatever you think works.' I just started laughing. I was like 'dude, I've been running nightclubs since I was 22. I've heard every excuse to get back in the bar. I've never heard that one. I'd much rather shake your hand.' That was that."

    Kurt Angle:

    Kurt Angle has released a statement on his brothers recent arrest for murdering his wife...

    ''This has been a very trying time for everyone in my family. We ask that you respect our privacy to mourn our loss I love my family very much and will support them every way I can. Thank you.'' - Kurt

    Daniel Bryan addresses if he is retired:

    "No, at least not in my mind. WWE might be thinking that but I feel great. I feel like I'm ready to wrestle. If they called me to wrestle tomorrow I would. It's just a matter of getting cleared. I've had a long history of concussions, so they are a bit hesitant to get me back."

    Fan jailed:

    37 year old Oscar Ramirez was sentenced to 10 days in prison today, for criminal trespass after he entered the ring at Night Of Champions, this past weekend. He could have fought the charges, but would have risked spending as much as 18 months in jail. He will also be banned for life by WWE.

    Chris Jericho tweeted support for the punishment...

    ''So the jackass who jumped in the ring at #nightofchampions got sentenced to jail time. Let this be a lesson to all…stay out of OUR ring!.''

    Monday, September 21, 2015

    Today's News

    Night Of Champions:


    Pre - Stardust & The Ascension bt Neville & Lucha Dragons.

    1. Kevin Owens bt Ryback to win the Intercontinental title.
    2. Dolph Ziggler bt Rusev.
    3. Dudley Boyz bt New Day. (DQ).
    4. Charlotte bt Nikki Bella to win the Diva's title.
    5. The Wyatt Family bt Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Chris Jericho.
    6. John Cena bt Seth Rollins to regain the US title.
    7. Seth Rollins bt Sting.


    • A fan entered the ring during the Wyatt's vs Shield match. WWE say they will press charges against him, as they want to crack down on future incidents.
    • Sting was injured in the main event.
    • Sheamus tried to cash in his MITB contract.
    • Kane returned, with his mask.
    • Bayley, Scott Hall, Scott Norton and Sharmell were backstage.

    Hell In A Cell:

    WWE have cancelled plans for Undertaker to gain redemption over Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 32. The two men will have their final battle inside a cell at next months PPV.

    Career over?:

    Sting suffered a significant, and potentially career ending injury, when Seth Rollins bucklebombed him last night. The injury is to his neck. He is booked to be on Raw tonight.


    Sunny has been ordered to attend court again on October 7, for missing previous hearings.


    ROH have secured their first TV deal outside of the US, with a French network.

    Snuka postponed:

    Jimmy Snuka's court case was cancelled today. No new date is yet in place.

    Raw tease:

    • Why has Demon Kane returned?
    • Is Ryback hungry for a rematch against Kevin Owens?
    • How will Charlotte celebrate her Divas Title victory?
    • What might The Dudley Boyz have planned for The New Day?
    • Will Cena's newly won U.S. Title be on the line?

    Booker buys mall:

    Booker T has bought a disused shopping mall, and will renovate it for his ROW promotion.

    Del Rio open to return:

    Alberto Del Rio says he has put his problems with WWE behind him, and would consider returning in the future...

    "Oh, we're good. We shook hands, we talked about what happened. They apologized, I apologized. We're good right now. I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing now. The schedule in that company is brutal. I was doing over 250 appearances per year, I was never home. At the moment, I'm working everywhere they want to see me, and I have the opportunity to spend time with my family. I get to enjoy my kids, I'm at home 4-5 days a week, I do 1-2 shows per week. I'm happy, I don't have plans to go back, but like they say, 'never say never.'"

    Sunday, September 20, 2015

    Today's News

    ALS Hero:

    Chris Hero raised thousands of dollars for ALS by wrestling a three hour match this week.

    Bully Busick:

    Former WWE star Big Bully Busick is recovering from surgery to remove cancer from his throat. He has pledged to donate all of the excess funds raised from a go fund me, to the WWE charity Connor's Cure.


    Dolph Ziggler reportedly lost a tooth at a live last night.

    Long time staffer leaves:

    Muriel has left WWE's security team. He was given a farewell by the stars at a live in Waco, Texas yesterday.

    Foley pops for new star:

    He is a big fan of Apollo Crews...

    ''DID I JUST SEE THAT? That's what I kept asking myself while catching up on NXT last night, and seeing Apollo Crews in action. While the road to stardom to WWE can be paved with roadblocks - both physical and psychological - I wouldn't be surprised at all to see this man playing a major role on WWE Raw, Smackdown and PPV for years to come.''


    Despite giving out free tickets, and having many top stars, including hometown hero Kurt Angle, TNA drew another miniscule crowd last night.

    Night Of Champions:

    Tonight WWE presents their annual PPV special. Kane is backstage, as is Chris Jericho.

    Alums in movie:

    CM Punk and AJ Lee will star in a post apocalyptic horror. A financial crash causes the world to crumble, and a group of disparate survivors find themselves in a small town battling monsters. It has managed to draw together quite a strong cast, despite the strange premise.

    Damien Sandow:

    Damien Sandow presented the Muhammad Ali humanitarian award last night.

    Former champ coming back:

    Carlito is reportedly talking to WWE about coming back soon.

    Renee blasts fans:

    Renee Young says she is giving up on social media, due to the hate...

    "I really wish people could focus on more important things in their own lives rather than stay up way past your bedtimes on a school night and try and tear down other people. It's exhausting and it's stupid and it's so sad. I understand that most of these comments come from teenagers that compare high school stories to real life, but grow up. And if you are an adult, you should be ashamed of yourselves for behaving like a maniac because you "think you know who these people are". You make social media a horrible time, and turn into a forum for a roast. TV is not real life. Period."

    Angle charged with murder:

    The Angle family have revealed their shock that David, Kurt's older brother, has been arrested for murdering his wife. He had called paramedics after a domestic violence incident got out of hand, but she had perished by the time they arrived.