Sunday, November 2, 2014

Today's News

WWE Network:

The WWE Network will be available for free to former subscribers, next month.

Wrestlers in movies:

Batista and Kevin Nash will both wrap their current movie projects this week.

Darren Young:

Darren Young is cleared and ready to return to WWE. He also revealed a meeting with a fan, in the wake of his telling the world he was gay...

"He asked if I was Darren Young, and I could tell he was a huge wrestling fan. He told me he had seen the news about me and admired my courage. He said hearing my story helped him come out to his family. He was emotional and started crying. I knew what those tears were about. We connected and got a photo together. It's moments like this that make me realize I can help create a positive change in the world.''

Cesaro buried:

Cesaro was made to lose 2 straight falls vs Dolph Ziggler as punishment for a UK interview where he criticised WWE over use of Randy Orton and John Cena, talking to the Liverpool Echo, he said...

"Exactly. It is a new era of guys, it's a new generation, and it's a lot of fun to watch that because there are fresh match-ups. I mean I'm sick of seeing John Cena against Randy Orton for the 500th time. It's great that we have some new, young guys that can come out and provide absolutely great match-ups and for the fans there are fresh, exciting matches and things to watch."

I deserve HOF:

Ken Shamrock says he deserves to be in the WWE HOF, and wrestling fans will agree with him...

"I don't know if I can really speak to that. I do feel that I definitely deserve to be in their Hall of Fame based on the things that I did while I was there, being able to change that sport along with other people. I feel I earned that right based on what I was able to do there in a small amount of time. I'm not sure that I can stand here and boast about that. The fans are the ones that really tell the tale and I think they speak very loudly about where I stand in pro wrestling. I don't think that there are too many people who would tell you that I don't deserve to be there.''

Biggest honour:

Gail Kim says her remaining goal in wrestling is...

''I guess the biggest honour would be going into the TNA Hall of Fame."

Steve Austin wants WWE to change:

"You can put it under the umbrella of 'sports entertainment' but when two guys or two gals get in a 20-by-20 squared circle and start wrestling, it is professional wrestling and that is the end of the story. Yes, it would be great to see… I'm all about yeah, we know it's a work, but we all want to believe. In a world that's a work, all you can do when the storylines aren't so great, make the people believe in you. But that being said, here's the thing: WWE is its own world. They say 'WWE Universe,' so whatever they create and put out there is what they create and put out there. So create and put out something that people can buy in to on a serious note, and don't make it the three-ring circus that it's become, and let it be wrestling."

WWE reject comes home:

Mason Ryan has given up on making it on the US indy scene, and has returned home to Wales.


Expect Randy Orton to be written off TV on Raw tomorrow, with an injury. This will cover his time away making his movie.

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