Thursday, November 6, 2014

Today's News

Early return:

Roman Reigns could be back by TLC. He is healing much faster than expected, however, WWE may hold off on using him, as they want to make sure he is 100% for WrestleMania. He will be involved in the Royal Rumble match.

Bring it back:

WWE are asking fans if they would like to see the return of the Cruiserweight division, and how they would like them to be used, on NXT, on the Network, or inclusive of the main roster, as an exclusive for Main Event.

Obscene request by WWE:

WWE asked for $12,000 for one minute of footage of Kamala, for use on a feature of their former star, but after having the amount rejected, they went back and gave the footage up for free.

New WWE stars:

Gerald Brisco is looking for MMA and Hockey players to bring into NXT.

$5,000,000 update:

Chael Sonnen has admitted he made up the story of WWE offering him $5 Million to join them.

Scott Hall talks improved life:

"I couldn't be happier, actually. I mean, both of my kids are chasing their dreams. My daughter Cassidy is 19. She's a sophomore at the University of Central Florida down in Orlando so she's chasing her dream of higher education. You know, college ain't for everybody. It wasn't for me... it doesn't seem to be for Cody. So we moved to Atlanta & decided to focus on getting him into the indie scene & taking it from there. I'm happy to announce that Cody has been invited to train & live in Japan. He's been offered a spot in the dojo for New Japan Pro Wrestling. So things couldn't be scripted better. It's exactly how we talked about. We wanted Japan first & then maybe Europe & then NXT so , I mean, we're right on track with everything. Everything is going great for me. I feel like I'm going to wake up & someone is going to tell me it's a dream. But so far, I'm sleeping soundly.''

Why Cena missed Raw:

John Cena taped a cameo appearance on NBC show ''Parks & Recreation''. He also taped a message for a young boy, who saved his mum's life, the media are calling the youngster a ''Lunchbox hero''.


WWE have confirmed SmackDown will move to Thursday nights on January 15, NXT would then switch to Wednesday's, again going into direct competition with TNA, and Lucha Underground.

WWE racism:

Sin Cara has joined in the allegations of racism going to the very top of WWE management, although refused to comment on any incidents he was subjected too. He went on to claim the negativity toward minorities was, in the large part, the reason he failed to make it in WWE.

Alberto Del Rio has talked to the UK's Wrestle Talk TV, and continues to make the same allegations, confirming he was fired because Mr. Barbierri threatened to sue, and the reason he slapped him. He also said he has held off on commenting for as long as he has, because he was worried speaking out would hurt his children's futures, but he is very confident in his legal team, and needs to get it off his chest.

Rock blocked:

Universal may be about to kill off The Rock's WrestleMania 31 match. Fast 7 will be released 5 days after the event, and The Rock will be sent on a world wide promotional tour. Universal are reportedly concerned their star could get hurt, and are set to tell The Rock that they do not want him to get involved physically at the show.


Lance Storm says Madusa / Alundra Blayze should be the next female inductee into the WWE Hall Of Fame...

"When you compare Madusa's 17 yr career (14 yrs in major promotions) to those already in the HOF, how can she not be a viable candidate?". The only reason I can come up with to deny her, her spot in the WWE HOF is possible heat left over from her dumping the WWF Women's Title into the trash on WCW Nitro. While I can see that being a sore spot, WWE has since employed Eric Bischoff, the guy who hired her and made her do to it. Hulk Hogan has also been welcomed back into the fold and given his rightful spot in the HOF, and certainly his role in the Monday Night WAR against WWE was much more damaging than Madusa's."

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