Thursday, November 27, 2014

Today's News


WWE are preparing to call Charlotte up, thoughts are she will debut after the next NXT special on December 11.

The Rock:

The Rock and / or Bruce Willis are set to star in the fifth Transformers movie.

GM role:

WWE were going to bring back the Anonymoous GM, but after the success of Daniel Bryan this week, they are now planning to go with a weekly guest GM, and are also considering bringing in celebrities to do the role.


Sting's appearance at Survivor Series was not a last minute call, they booked him two weeks ago, but they kept it quiet.

Major returns:

4 top WWE stars are set to return before the end of the year, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns and Rey Mysterio are having their return angles written now.

Online debate:

Now Sting has (Finally) ended years of self exile and set foot in a WWE ring, an online debate has begun asking who is the new best wrestler never to appear for the E. I will throw this one over to you, biggest, best or favourite, who is the one star you wish, or wished would have had that WWE run?.

Being British, I would have to pick the legends Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks, but am a huge fan of Jessy Sorenson (TNA), and Roderick Strong (ROH), so one of them would be cool.

Christian talks reuniting with Edge:

"It was fun [working together again]. We hadn't seen each other for a while with him being up in Nova Scotia for the better part of four years filming there and me working for WWE. He just had a daughter. I just had a daughter. Between children and both of us having different schedules, I think we had probably seen each other once in about a year. We just happened to be in the same city at the same time and had dinner for two or three hours, and that was all we had seen each other in about a year. So it was cool to get to go up to [Nova Scotia to film 'Haven'] and spend some time with him and hang out and catch up and also act with him. It was a great experience."

He also says he does not want to join the creative team, and wants to continue to appear as an on screen talent...

"No. I've always liked being on the performance end of it. I've come up with different ideas, but as far as being a creative writer, I'm not sure about that. I've always liked the performance end of it and wrestling, getting in the ring in front of a live crowd."

Punk breaks silence:

CM Punk has turned down multiple big money offers to tell his story since leaving WWE, but chose to give the story away for free to his best friend Colt Cabana.

On re-signing in 2011...

"I wouldn't say Vince convinced me, but I talked myself into giving it the old college try. Now people are saying 'You can't make change sitting on your couch in Chicago', and I disagree, because that's exactly what I'm doing now. It almost took that. When I split in January, they changed everything. Part of me thinks they changed a lot of stuff to spite me. And that's fine, because certain people who deserved certain things at those certain times got those things."

On his attitude...

"OK to be bitter. I wasn't the nicest guy to deal with or the easiest guy to deal with either."

On why he left...

''The main reason that (I) left the company after the Royal Rumble was due to injuries, notably broken ribs sustained at the hands of Ryback. (I) also worked through a concussion and fever all while checks got smaller.''

He said he suffered a concussion very early into the Royal Rumble match this year, but still worked 40 minutes.

On issues backstage...

He listed a number of things, including...

* Concussion testing being ''Bull sh!t''.

* Visa problems, and no help from WWE.

* Constant drugs testing of him.

* A promo that Triple H cut into too soon in 2011.

* An argument about Daniel Bryan being overlooked for WrestleMania 30's main event, despite how hot he was with the fans.

* Vince McMahon embracing him in tears after he said he was going home, telling him they did not want to lose him, as he was family (Emotional blackmail).

* Brock Lesnar being allowed to bring in his own sponsorship deals, after he was denied the chance to do so.

* A UFC appearance being pulled, because WWE did not want him to be there in case ''Someone died in the cage''.

* He blasted the WWE medic as dangerously inept.

* He said Vince was too old, and out of touch.

On his legacy...

Punk says he will always consider his wrestling career a failure, because he did not achieve his goal to be in the last match of Mania, and people talking about him being comfortable financially are off base, as he never earned the really big bucks.

He also revealed he did not leave, he was fired...

He says two weeks after he walked out of Raw, he received a text telling him he was suspended for two months, at the end of the ban he received no phone call, but, on his wedding day, did get his WWE termination papers in the post. He says he had to hire a lawyer to fight WWE over the termination, and he won everything he wanted.

He said he could have ruined WWE's business model (The way they contract their talent) by taking them to court, but their fears of him joining TNA are pointless, as he despises wrestling, and will never go back, including to WWE, who, he says he can never work with again. He also confirmed he cannot work for UFC as part of his no compete clause.

On Ryback...

He saved particular venom for Ryback, accusing him of taking decades off his life, deliberately injuring him, and being addicted to steroids.

Other notes...

He claims he invented the Shield, and was just talking about his personal issues with Triple H, when the volume of people tuning in to the podcast crashed the website.

When it came back, he said Hunter made it clear he did not like him, and rarely dealt with him directly, in particular over a WWE movie he was asked to do, during his epic title reign. Punk was reluctant, not wanting to miss events, or damage his momentum, so Triple H messed him around for weeks, supposedly coming up with a creative plan to allow him to both, but ended up giving the movie to Randy Orton, without so much as picking up the phone to tell him about the change. Punk said the movie was ''Lame as F*ck'' but he wanted to give it a go, to see if acting was something he would like to do more of later in his life.

On the backstage argument that led to him walking...

He went for concussion testing the night after the Rumble, at Raw, and then had a meeting with Vince McMahon. McMahon said Triple H had to be in the room too. During the tense exchange, Triple H demanded Punk undergo a drugs test, there and then, saying Batista would be asked to do one too, Punk shot back asking if Triple H was going to take one, but received no reply. He refused to take the test and left the building, hearing nothing from WWE until two days before his wedding, a voicemail from Triple H said they would discuss his royalties after his wedding, but as noted he instead was given his termination papers, and told he would receive nothing for breach of contract.

He will be back on the show next week, answering fan questions.


Mike Tenay is to be replaced by Josh Matthews as lead announcer on TNA's new network.

Bray Wyatt:

Bray Wyatt says Waylon Mercy was the inspiration for his gimmick.


The Rock has credited Iron Sheik with his catchphrase...

"When a lot of people think, 'oh, jabroni, oh, yeah, yeah, it's The Rock's word.' No, no, no, no. It's not my word. It's the Iron Sheik's word."

No, No, No:

Ice Hockey fans are growing tired of the Daniel Bryan Yes! chant...

"A majority of the callers have been the older demographic, which make up a large portion of our season ticket holders."

Ryback responds:

Ryback has not commented on CM Punk's accusations against him, but did post a picture of a number of Ryback action figures standing over a broken CM Punk toy.

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