Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Today's News

Survivor Series:

More changes to the now confirmed Team Cena. Sheamus was taken out of Survivor Series last night on Raw by Mark Henry, he will be replaced by Erick Rowan, and Ryback has taken the spot vacated by the kayfabe injured Jack Swagger. The new members join John Cena, Dolph Ziggler and Big Show. They will face Kane, Seth Rollins, Luke Harper, Mark Henry and Rusev.

The fatal four way Tag Title match has also been confirmed, and Fandango will return with his new valet Rosa Mendes.

Paul Heyman and Wade Barrett will be on the pre show panel.

New Champion:

Luke Harper has won his first WWE title, taking the Intercontinental gold from Dolph Ziggler last night.

WWE Champ leaving?:

Brock Lesnar is reportedly looking into a return to MMA, according to UFC boss Dana White...

"Brock Lesnar's under contract with the WWE. We have a great relationship with him. He's healthy and he has said that he's interested in fighting again," 

Lesnar is contracted until the day after WrestleMania 31.

Marc Mero:

Marc Mero has avoided heart surgery after his enlarged organ decreased in size drastically whilst under his doctors care over the weekend, this does not mean he will not need the procedure, but for the time being at least, he has been cleared to return home.

Diva's division double boost:

Eve Torres and Maryse are increasing speculation about imminent WWE returns, but nothing is official as yet.

Mick Foley checks in:

Mick Foley has spent some time in DDP's home, trying his hand at DDP Yoga to help with his persistent back issues.

Help make the Ultimate tribute:

WWE are asking fans to make tribute videos for The Ultimate Warrior, to air as part of a tribute package, they want to include as many fans as they possibly can... Full details...

''Warriors, we need you!

WWE and Ultimate Creations are working on a brand new Ultimate Warrior project and as each and every one of you were so special to Warrior we would like YOU to be included!

To be featured all you need to do is the following:

1) Record a video on YouTube saying just three words "Thank you, Warrior"

2) Email the YouTube video URL to thankyouwarrior@ultimatewarrior.com
tarted a twitter

3) Share your video on Social Media with the hashtag ?#?ThankYouWarrior? ?#?WWE?

Deadline for videos is December 5th.

Always Believe,

Team Warrior''

No business, like Ho business:

Former Godfather valet, turned one of the best WWE Women's Champs ever, Victoria, has started a storm on Twitter. She posted a phone number of a woman she claims is constantly communicating with her husband, all day, and all hours of the night. This led to her followers bombarding the woman's phone with messages, and Victoria re-tweeting abusive comments about the lady, and advice to start divorce proceedings against her husband, from fans.


Alberto Del Rio has expressed his intention to make his TNA debut in 2015.

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