Friday, November 14, 2014

Today's News

World Champion leaves WWE?:

The Great Khali has been removed from the WWE roster, and transferred onto the Alum page. This either means he has retired, or has parted ways with WWE. His contract reportedly expired in the past week, and WWE opted not to renew. This is not yet officially confirmed.

More releases are expected before the end of the year, names are making their way onto the internet, but at this stage nothing is official, so they should be taken as speculation for the time being. 

Scooby-Doo meets the HOF'ers:

Hulk Hogan and Dusty Rhodes will be involved with the new WWE Scooby-Doo movie.

NXT group named:

WWE are creating a group called ''The Shooters'' in NXT. The members will all wear USA flag decorated, amateur singlets.

He's Happy:

Colt Cabana says his friend CM Punk is happy as he is, and he sees no signs of him wanting to come back to wrestling...

"When Punk wants to talk, he will talk. That's not for me. I enjoy seeing him being happy right now. So that's where I'll leave it. I know he is very happy. Things are going well for him. When he wants to talk, I'm sure he will do it."

Hugo Knox talks change of locker room life:

"I've left a football dressing room where most lads are skinny and run around for 90 minutes but there are guys here picking me up and throwing me around like I'm a little boy. It's daunting but it's a challenge I'm looking forward to succeeding at."


Seth Rollins was bust open in Madrid, Spain today.

Hogan vs The World:

Hulk Hogan today accused John Cena of ''Gimmick infringement'' and called Steve Austin a ''Coward''.

This was in response to a question. He was given five names and asked who he would most likely step in the ring with at WrestleMania 31. He said Cena has stolen his colours, and his ''Shtick'', Austin was hiding and ducking him, The Undertaker simply received the exclamation ''Wow''. CM Punk was out of the question, and Sting was the man he believes to be his most likely rival.

Finn Balor:

The former Prince Devitt has been given his official WWE profile.

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