Sunday, November 16, 2014

Today's News


Tommy Dreamer welcomed a huge surprise guest at his HOH IPPV last night... Alberto Del Rio, and his buddy Ricardo Rodriguez, who came out to attack Curt Hawkins, after he lost his match. He then put Tommy over, had a couple of digs at WWE and soaked up the huge pop he received.

TNA dropped:

Spike officials have officially confirmed that they have ended their relationship with TNA, and that they have no intention of continuing talks in the future. It is now likely that TNA will leave Spike this week, also withdrawing the filler archive shows they had made to air in the remaining time slots, that they do not have new footage to show in. 


WWE star R-Truth welcomes his new baby girl into the world.

Former WWE star needs surgery:

Marc Mero is on his way to see the best cardiologist in America for a operation on his heart, he says he will put his faith in his god, and expects to come out better than ever.

Hogan on one more match:

Hulk Hogan says he is training like he is going for the WWE Title, and wants to be ready to be in the main event match at WrestleMania 31.

Nikki Bella vs The Internet:

Nikki Bella has hit out at Internet commentators constant criticism of her...

"I don't have to tell you how hard I have worked. I don't have to tell you the hours, sweat, blood and tears I have put into this. I don't have to tell you stories so you'll feel bad for me. My dream may have started later than yours but you can't take my dream away from me. You say bad things about me but in the end you don't really know me. I may not be your internet darling but what I am is Fearless. And being Fearless is what has gotten me to where I am today. 8 years of constantly being put down, I am still here. And that's because I am a Survivor."

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