Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Today's News

WWE snub Foley?:

WWE did not turn up to tape Mick Foley's one man show in New York as planned last night. They were going to do a Network special.

Tyler Reks talks Cena incident:

''I come backstage happy after a good match with Eddie (Primo / Diego Colon) all excited and John grabs me in front of everyone and says, "what do you think you're doing? I thought I told you to get a new finisher." I said, "yeah, I thought you were joking John. We hit it wrong last night. I'm really sorry." He started yelling at me asking who gave me permission to use that. He belittled me, called me an idiot, and asked me if I enjoyed working here. I told him of course I do. He told me, "find another finisher or you're fired." I was humiliated, I was a full-grown man, why can't we talk about this like human beings?. I went outside to cool down, and I was ready to quit, to walk out. That didn't seem like a healthy workplace environment. I came back in and John Cena was sitting there by the curtain and I figured that I'd cooled off and he'd cooled off so I'll try to apologize one more time. I said, "John, I'm super sorry about this. I really thought it was just a miscommunication." He looks over at me and says, "what was there to be miscommunicated? I asked you to stop using that finisher, are you stupid?" He wouldn't even allow me to apologize. Finally I was just like, yeah, I'll find another finisher. He and I never really talked after that. That's the whole story of John Cena making me feel like a six year old boy.''

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Daniel Bryan is General Manager again.

* 20 Man US title Battle Royal.

* Emma vs Nikki Bella.

* Ryback vs Seth Rollins.

* Big E., Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods vs Curtis Axel, Heath Slater & Titus O'Neill.

* Luke Harper vs Dolph Ziggler (IC Title).



Daniel Bryan made a match for TLC last night, Kane vs Ryback.

Shield heat:

Seth Rollins has revealed resentment to his former group, when they debuted, for being too good, too soon...

"It was one of those things where it makes people uncomfortable. It puts people on the spot and they don't like that. I think that over time, when you do steal the show night in and night out—when you do things you said you were going to do—it earns people's respect. They jump on the bandwagon, so to speak. Over time, the guys that were haters—the guys that didn't appreciate our attitude kind of jumped on board and wanted to be a part of the movement."

AJ Styles - Neckbreaker:

AJ Styles has injured another star. After breaking the neck of British star Lionheart earlier this year, he has now done the same to former WWE man Yoshi Tatsu, in Japan. The Japanese star needs surgery to cure the constant pain he has been in since the accident. These are not the only incidents involving Styles, he was also involved in a nasty accident that injured Roderick Strong, he however blamed Roddy for that one.


TNA have announced four specials to air on Spike as their final shows before they leave in the new year. The episodes will be best of 2014 shows.


Sheamus has returned home to Ireland, as he recovers from surgery.

Wade Barrett:

Wade Barrett will have no further issues with his visa. He has been granted a green card to live and work in America as a permanent resident.

Jimmy Hart talks homosexuality in wrestling:

"We've been around the locker room and people coming out. What's so funny, outside, everybody makes such a big to-do of it, but inside, we're just brothers and sisters, having a great time, and everybody just overlooks those things and goes about their business."

Oh and thanks for 1500 fans, that's pretty swell...

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