Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Today's News

Survivor Series change:

As seen at the end of Raw, Luke Harper has replaced Ryback on Team Authority. Jack Swagger has also been dropped from Team Cena, with an injury (Although he is still working the tour), Ryback will be the most likely replacement for him.


Kamala has been suffering from peritonitis, and has had surgery on his stomach, he is still in ICU in hospital.

Edge on Christian approaching retirement:

"Well he's my best friend, so I know what's going on with him more than anybody else. But he's at that kind of point where you sit back and look and go, okay I'm definitely closer to the end of my career than the beginning. After awhile your body just starts telling you, this is a difficult job to do. When you're in your 20's and you think you're indestructible, you can bounce back, but it gets harder when you start climbing into your 40's."

He also criticised the Attitude Era...

"I do think what's been good, people are always talking about the Attitude Era, and all of this and all of that, but if you watch back, sometimes the matches weren't that great because we had 2 minutes. It's not possible to have a good wrestling match in 2 minutes, you can't tell a story, you can tell a haiku. Since the PG era, I know when I was in matches, I had half an hour sometimes, 20 minutes, there I can tell a story. To me that's the meat and potatoes of the whole thing, it all boils down to the wrestling at the end of the day. The Attitude Era was a lot about the hijinks backstage, and the matches kind of got forgotten about. It's looked at with rose colored glasses because the ratings were good, and it was working for obvious reasons, but to me those obvious reasons were characters like Stone Cold, who would then get in and have a long match at a PPV. Characters like The Rock who would be entertaining, but still at the end of the day, they could go. I think now, you need a little bit of both.''

Twitter spat:

Paul Heyman, Tommy Dreamer and Joey Styles had an argument on Twitter yesterday after the ECW Exposed show, on the WWE Network. Dreamer jibed about the below average pay received by talent, in a joke to Joey Styles, Heyman took offence, and shot back at Dreamer, accusing him of hiding his own sins, Styles defended Dreamer, saying it was just a joke, but Heyman continued ranting against the two men for a while after they signed off.

New Champion:

WWE plan on giving Luke Harper a run with the IC title post Survivor Series.

Legends Daughter visits WWE:

Georgia Smith, Daughter of the British Bulldog was at this weeks TV tapings in Liverpool.

German Goalie to make WWE debut:

Tim Wiese will work this weeks German WWE shows.

Bully Ray vs TNA:

Bully Ray has taken a shot at the lack of communication with the roster, from TNA officials, regarding their TV deals...

''When Generals do not properly communicate with their soldiers, consider the war lost and the soldiers dead.''

The Rock out of Mania?:

The Rock has almost certainly killed off his chances of appearing at WrestleMania 31. He has signed on for another movie, with comedian Kevin Hart, and the movie will be shooting throughout WrestleMania season.

WWE offer compromise:

WWE are set to ask Rey Mysterio to come back for one more WrestleMania run, however, they want more dates than he is prepared to work, and Rey still has not changed his opinion, having no interest at all in returning to WWE, or wrestling.


TNA are reportedly close to signing with Destination America.

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