Sunday, November 23, 2014

Today's News

Survivor Series:

Tonight is WWE Survivor Series night, I will be hosting live updates over on Shaggy's Wrestling Page, so if you want to join in the chat come on over...


Stardust is promising a new look for the show.

Chris Jericho's tweet that he was on his way to the show with Randy Orton and Sting was likely a practical joke, as of this writing Orton is still officially making his movie, Jericho is on tour with his band, and Sting... well...


Roman Reigns is going to be at Survivor Series, but may not appear on camera, Randy Orton and Sting are in town for the show, and WWE have another surprise waiting in the wings.


HHH - Punk:

Triple H favourited a tweet by CM Punk today, he said hello to Paul Heyman.

Seth Rollins blasts Brock Lesnar:

Talking about no champion on WWE TV...

"I think it's bull crap, I don't appreciate it one bit. I'm sitting here with this contract biding my time. I want to be the WWE world heavyweight champion now. I don't want to wait around to when he decides it's cool to show up. He has said it before. He is this mercenary. He is basically a guy you pay as much as he wants and he comes and works for you. I'm not a fan of that. I think there is no honor in that."

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