Monday, November 10, 2014

Today's News

AJ strikes back:

AJ Lee has announced she will launch her own website soon, to counter a number of fake accounts set up in her name across various social media platforms.


Cesaro had staples removed from his head last night.

Bray Wyatt:

Bray Wyatt was very upset with WWE tech staff for a number of issues with his entrance, and post match promo at a live show this weekend, he was heard loudly chastising tech crew members backstage.


Solomon Crowe is back from injury.

Alberto Del Rio:

Alberto Del Rio and WWE have come to terms on his release. This means he is now free to work where he wants, when he wants, and the threat of legal action hanging over him is gone. He has already announced he will debut for Lucha Underground in 2015.

Lilian flies out:

Lilian Garcia is over her recent illness, and has flown to England for tonight's Raw.

Raw UK tease:

* Is Team Authority setting the table for Ryback?

* How will AJ Lee retaliate against Nikki Bella?

* Is Dean Ambrose secretly afraid of Bray Wyatt?

* Will more Team Cena members emerge?

* Can anyone stop the new United States Champion?


WWE movies poster, featuring CM Punk.

Survivor Series:

AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella (Diva's Title) is confirmed for the PPV.

WWE invite internet star to Raw:

Grumpy Cat will host Raw next week.


Raw was taped earlier today in beautiful Liverpool, here are the matches...

* Jack Swagger vs Seth Rollins...

* Alicia Fox vs Paige...

* Rusev vs Sheamus (US Title)...

* Damien Sandow & The Miz vs Los Matadores...

* Dolph Ziggler vs Mark Henry...

* AJ Lee vs Brie Bella...

* Adam Rose vs Tyson Kidd...

* John Cena vs Ryback...


* ''Where's our Network'' chants started the show...

* Jack Swagger, Big Show and Sheamus have been named for Team Cena, Rusev,and Mark Henry for Team Authority, both Team Cena and Team Authority vied for Ryback's services, he chose to join the Authority... Or did he???


Legend in hospital:

Kamala has been in hospital over the weekend, no details were provided.

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