Friday, November 7, 2014

Today's News

Sheamus reveals post career plans:

"I definitely think there's a market for me to be in movies, because of what I've done in WWE. I'm recognisable - even if I'm out wearing a hat people always know I'm Sheamus from WWE. I do look distinctive with my red hair and I stand out a lot and I definitely would like to bring that to the movies ... I like actors like Michael Fassbender, I think he's brilliant. I think Hugh Jackman is great too - look at the way he took the role of Wolverine and made it his. Robert Downey Jr. I'm a big fan of as well. It would honour to work with any of those guys."

Team splits:

WWE shot a promo, officially splitting RybAxel. It will air on Main Event this week.

Cena heat:

The fans in attendance in Dublin, for the live show, were able to hear John Cena calling his moves, right the way back to the second to last row of floor seated fans.

Alum hospitalised:

DH Smith has had to cancel a tour of the UK. He has come down with severe throat issues, and is unable to talk or swallow, he will need a surgical procedure to remove fluid from a growth inside his throat.


TNA have named the final 16 competitors for British Bootcamp 2, NXT fans may spot a couple of familiar faces...

WWE party:

WWE have announced a WrestleMania tickets on sale party, on November 14, numerous stars will be there, including Hulk Hogan and Daniel Bryan.


NXT star Charlotte will be named Charlotte Flair when she moves to the main roster.

Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns is filling his time away by taking acting lessons.

Muhammad Hassan:

Is now a History teacher.

Hogan on Sting at Mania 31:

"I don't think the match would be Sting and Hogan. Sting has been talking about the Undertaker. I've got a split decision, I think either the Undertaker or John Cena would be a great match for Sting. I really have a gut feeling that we're going to see some Stinger Splashes at WrestleMania 31. That's my opinion."

WWE Alum in ad:

Tyler Reks has starred in a Dorito's advert, to air at the Super Bowl.

WWE accidental racism:

WWE were booed out of the building for airing the Vince McMahon Network apology, and twice referring to Ireland, as a part of the UK.


SmackDown will switch to Wednesday nights in Canada, from January 14, a day earlier than the show will air in the States.

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