Friday, November 21, 2014

Today's News

Return of:

WWE have announced Santino Marella will be on Raw next week.

CM Punk:

The front man of rock band ''Screaching Weasel'' has asked all of his female fans living in the Chicago area to fight CM Punk, who he calls a steroid ravaged, sexist, bully. Here is the rant he posted on his Facebook account...

''Okay gang, CM Punk's been running his mouth again and it's time to teach him a lesson. Who's CM Punk, you ask (along with the rest of the world)? Some washed up, burnt-out, has-been former wrestler who's been reduced to hanging out on Twitter challenging guys half his size to fist fights, that's who. I wish I was joking. Yours truly was targeted by the big goof when he saw a YouTube video purportedly showing me hitting two women while on stage in Austin TX a few years ago. In fact I was hugging those ladies with my fists, not that it's any of his business. But the slobbering nitwit still challenged me to a fight, I guess so women will feel like he's a really great guy. Well, guess what? I don't believe our female fans are delicate flowers in need of the protection of some oily mouth-breather who runs around in his underwear pretending to fight other men for a living. I think you ladies can hold your own. Heck, I KNOW you can. So I'm challenging all our female fans – including all our M-F transgender fans – to stand up with us on stage at our show in Chicago on 11/22 and challenge the big goon to a fight. He thinks it's so easy to slug a chick? Let's see him try! This is not a joke. If you're up to the challenge and can throw a solid punch, or even just kick a gym-muscled bully in his shriveled-up, steroid-ravaged nuts, post in this thread. Our road manager Kotton will contact you if we can use your help. Let's shut this buffoon's mouth once and for all!''


The next special will be on December 11, and will be named ''NXT Takeover: R Evolution''.

Kevin Steen:

Will make his WWE debut on December 11.

Beth Phoenix:

Beth Phoenix will be the female inductee into the CAC class of 2015.

TNA starting again:

TNA officials say their new Network will mark a completely fresh start, announcing a new logo, new set, new graphics and more.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan has been removed from the SmackDown credits.

Bret Hart on Montreal:

Bret Hart says 5 people knew what was going to down that night in Canada, Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Gerald Brisco, and Earl Hebner. He also says it was good that he did not know what was about to happen, or...

"I would have choked Shawn out in the middle of the ring. I would have front-face locked him and ended the match. Before I went in the ring, I told myself I'd never let them put a submission hold on me. But because I had Earl as the referee, and I trusted that he wouldn't screw me, I wasn't too worried about that any more. That was my big mistake".

He went on to say he regretted leaving WWE because Hulk Hogan made a point of keeping him down in WCW, killing off any idea or angles he came up with.

Lesnar to UFC:

Dave Meltzer... has confirmed that Brock Lesnar is looking at leaving WWE after WrestleMania 31, and will return to UFC.

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