Thursday, November 13, 2014

Today's News


The details of the settlement between WWE and Alberto Del Rio are starting to emerge. WWE agreed to cancel his no compete clause, and paid him a financial package, in return he agreed to stop making negative comments about the WWE, and to stop talking about the racism he claims is abundant in the organisation.

Del Rio did not get everything he wanted, WWE reneged on their agreement to apologise for their handling of his situation, however Del Rio is satisfied with the financial deal he struck, and decided to let it drop.

WWE also struck a deal to avoid any future legal action from Del Rio.

TNA title changes:

Samoa Joe has vacated the X Title, and James Storm and Abyss are the new Tag champs.

Beth Phoenix on WWE return:

"Hey, I would say there's always a chance. Never say never. I can't tell you what tomorrow brings, let alone next year. But I'm physically capable and it's always possible."

Network issues:

The WWE Network was down for a couple of hours yesterday. Speculation the Network was hacked has been dismissed, WWE say they made the decision to take it down, but provided no reason. They later attributed the problem to technical difficulties.

WWE sign deal:

WWE have extended their TV deal by another two years in Spain.


Vickie Guerrero remembers Eddie on the 9th anniversary of his death.


PWI have named the top women of 2014...

1. Paige
2. AJ Lee
3. Gail Kim
4. Cheerleader Melissa
5. LuFisto
6. Angelina Love
7. Ivellisse
8. Courtney Rush
9. Natalya
10. Charlotte.

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