Friday, November 28, 2014

Today's News

WWE Alum responds to Punk heat:

Road Dogg Jesse James has raised his head above the parapet responding to the social media storm following CM Punk's interview yesterday. Replying to a fan who exclaimed his fury at the WWE treatment of CM, he said...

"You only hear one side of the story!. I understand that (You're angry) but are you sure you have all of the facts? There are always 2 sides to every story. Just to be clear, I don't know the truth either! I just know how these stories get told around our industry."

To another who said WWE must be a miserable place to work...

"It's crazy but do you always get treated perfectly at work? It's a team and we need team players, everyone can't win!"

A third fan who said WWE should have given him what he wanted (Mania main event)...

"Did you just read what you typed? He didn't get to be in the main event so he got hot!!! C'mon man! I like Punk but dang."

The same fan then said he believed Punk, gaining this retort from D.O.G.G....

"So if VKM or HHH did a podcast would you believe every word of those too?"

He shared his own experience of being fired by WWE (in 2000)...

"When I quit and then got release papers, I dogged the company too. It's what you do when you aren't honest with yourself."

Then told fans not to expect a WWE response to the accusations made (He was proved wrong on this, see later in the news)...

"Well you never will. The way everyone is reacting, I don't believe it's in the WWE's best interest to give one."

He also made a few comments questioning Punk's honesty...

"As far as release papers on his wedding day, wasn't his wedding a secret? How did they know it was his wedding day?"

Personal Note, He married AJ Lee, she asked for the time off to get married, that's how...

"If he has no hard feelings why all the negative talk. He was 'The Man' and that guy runs hard all year long. I'm done!"

He received a lot of anti WWE heat during his comments, later apologising for any offense his defense of WWE had caused...

"Didn't mean to argue and I'm sorry to those I offended. I'll just keep quiet on this subject. I'm passionate about the business. I'm sorry."

Ryback responds:

Ryback too has responded to Punk's allegations, he later deleted the comments...

"For the record if I quit for being fragile and insecure I would make up excuses too. Things didn't go my way for a long time and I kept Going day in and out. Slander is a powerful thing and to state complete made up nonsense for no reason shows his insecurities. I will Continue to bust my ass study matches every chance I get, cut promos when driving and push myself for hours on end even when hurt. Thank you"

He also promised he will one day tell his side of the story...

"Last message on this. I will tell the truth about @CMPunk comments in due time. Not once did he ever confront me. Let's all move on. Thank u."

WWE respond:

WWE have responded to Punk's comments, but only addressing a single part, they decided to defend their medical and wellness team / policy...

"WWE takes the health and wellness of its talent very seriously and has a comprehensive Talent Wellness Program that is led by one of the most well-respected physicians in the country, Dr. Joseph Maroon".


The updated card for R Evolution...

NXT Title Match vs Career Match...

Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville (C)

NXT Tag Team Title Match...

Simon Gotch and Aiden English vs. Kalisto and Sin Cara (C)...

NXT Women's Title Match...

Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte (C)...

Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs. The Ascension...

Kevin Owens debuts.

WWE stars on TV:

SyFy's Haven, has not one, but two WWE legends in it tonight, Christian joins his ''Brother'' and cast regular, Hall Of Famer, Edge.

Alum in hospital:

Kamala is back in hospital, this time for a nasty stomach infection.

Good news for WWE in Canada:

The Canadian TV and Film board have thrown out the complaints about WWE's Network, and have authorised it to continue broadcasting.

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