Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Today's News

Orton out of PPV:

Michael Cole has announced Randy Orton is out of Survivor Series, due to the concussion and facial injuries, suffered at the hands of the Authority.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Gold/Stardust vs The Uso's (Tag Titles, Cage match)...

* Cesaro vs Ryback...

* Adam Rose vs R-Truth...

* Natalya vs Summer Rae...

* Dolph Ziggler vs Kane...


Adam Rose turned heel on his Bunny, and Christian hosted his ''Peep Show'' with Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt.


ADR chastises HHH:

Alberto Del Rio has revealed what he said to Triple H when he was being suspended for slapping the tech guy, for racist jokes at his expense, he pulled no punches...

"I said, 'It's just like in my house: if my son sees me spitting on the floor, he's gonna do it, because he's going to think that it's the right thing to do, because I'm the power figure in the house.' In this company, it's exactly the same: when they hear you doing these racist comments all the time, and we don't say anything, because it is you, now those guys think they can go make those stupid comments."

TNA make the final 3:

Robbie E and Brooke have made it to the final 3 couples on the ''Amazing Race'' TV show, they could win $1,000,000 if they come out on top in the series finale.

New faction, not dead:

Kofi Kingston and Big E. are set to be a part of Xavier Woods new gimmick, but WWE want to build the group gradually, after rushing into the angle earlier, without knowing what they wanted to do with it.

Angle revived:

Vince McMahon's return to TV will lead to the nixed angle for this years WrestleMania, where Vince and Triple H / Stephanie would battle for the control of WWE at WrestleMania 31. This would of course mean Team Authority would win the Survivor Series main event vs Team Cena.

The Rock would be Vince's alternate for the match, and Triple H would fight for The Authority. One stumbling block is Vince, he does not enjoy being on TV any more, and wants to do as little as possible, even for a WrestleMania angle.

TNA change date:

TNA have moved to Friday nights in Australia, starting this week.

Vince apologises to UK:

For the Network delay...

"We appreciate your patience as we work through the details of the roll-out and potential partnerships. On behalf of WWE, I want to personally apologize for the delayed launch of WWE Network here in the United Kingdom. There's no one more important than each and every one of you in the WWE Universe, especially here in the United Kingdom where we shared so many great memories together. I assure you that we are working day and night to launch WWE Network as quickly as possible and I promise that WWE Network will be well worth your wait. Again, thank you for your understanding."

WWE UK fans did not buy it, this announcement was read over the tannoy to fans at a live show in London, and was greeted with a sustained boo from the crowd, prompting WWE staff to use black tape to cover the WWE Network logo from the ring apron.

Spike replace TNA:

Spike will air a weekly movie in the time slot currently afforded to TNA, meaning a change of heart, and a continuation of the relationship is now extremely unlikely.

Rey turns down WWE:

Rey Mysterio refused to work the recent WWE Mexican tour, adamant he had no plans to return to WWE. This was before he met with Vince at this weeks Raw.

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