Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Today's News

Faction re-named:

Zeb Colter's group will be called Colter's Militia.

WWE injury:

The planned end to a Raw match this week had to be changed after Daniel Bryan suffered a stinger, D-Bry was booked to win vs Randy Orton. The injury is legit, and WWE are monitoring his condition closely.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

Daniel Bryan opens the show with a shoot style interview talking about his injury from Raw.

* Cody Rhodes vs Sheamus

* Curtis Axel (C) vs Wade Barrett (IC Title)

* AJ Lee vs Natlaya

* Alberto Del Rio vs Chris Jericho

* Christian vs Drew McIntyre

* Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton

Teen kills Sister using ''WWE moves'':

A 13 year old boy caused the death of his 5 year old Sister by using what was described by Police as ''WWE style moves''. Police say he started to use wrestling moves on his sister, eventually he slammed her onto his bed and started to beat her. She suffered cuts, brusies, broken ribs, a laceration to her Liver, and internal bleeding. It seems the Children were home alone because the boy phoned the emergency services himself, but it was too late to save the little girl, apparently the boy only stopped the attack when his Mother called to tell them they were on the way home.

The boy Named Devalon Armstrong has been charged with second degree murder, Police noted that the boy smiled throughout the interview when talking about the moves he was doing to his Sister, although he acknowledged that he knew wrestling was ''Fake''.

WWE have released a statement urging restraint in reporting of the story...

"WWE urges restraint in reporting this unfortunate incident as if it were the result of a WWE wrestling move. As in similar cases, criminal intent to harm and a lack of parental supervision have been the factors resulting in a tragic death. Authorities have already charged the accused with second degree murder and determined that this was not an accidental death due to a wrestling move."

They did add their sympathies to the children's family.

Pictured is the deceased, his Sister Viloude.

Rey Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio is to have more surgery today.

Brock shock:

Brock Lesnar did not turn up to Raw this week until just before his angle with CM Punk, and only those involved in the angle knew he was coming back to maintain the surprise.

Steph vs The Diva's:

The scene on Raw this week, where Stephanie McMahon admonished the Diva's for interrupting her was a repeat of a recent backstage confrontation. An unnamed Diva spoke to Stephanie whilst she was talking to someone else, and Steph apparently went off on her, and caused a huge scene.

Florida want WWE:

The state of Florida want to host both the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania as a double header between now and 2019.

Shawn Michaels talks death of tag team wrestling:

"When we were doing it, there were a lot of talented and very different tag-teams, but I think it might be fair to say that the business is more individually-oriented now. That's why I don't know if things can go back to the way they were, as phenomenal as it was. I also think that when there was a number of different territories, it wasn't a strange thing for the tag-teams to be the main draw. Obviously that's something, perhaps from a business standpoint, people don't think can be a reasonable expectation now, so it's more focused on individuals."

He went on to add that only the guys themselves can change the current perception of Tag wrestling.

Tommy Dreamer reveals he turned down a WWE return:

He says WWE wanted him to come back Part time, but his love for the sport meant he only wanted to return as a full roster member, so he decided to reject the deal and return to his own promotion House Of Hardcore, which is currently preparing for it's 2nd PPV.

To end Happy 11th Birthday TNA...

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