Saturday, June 29, 2013

Today's News

Vince down on current star:

Shawn Michaels has revealed the details of a conversation he recently had with WWE boss Vince McMahon where Vince said he thinks a current star is ''Not Money''...

"I had a conversation a couple of weeks ago with the man in charge and we were talking about a certain individual and he goes, 'I just don't see money in him.' And I said, 'You said the same thing about me.' He said, 'I did not.' I said, 'Yes you did!' (laughs) I said, 'And it's okay. It's just one of those things.' I wasn't your prototypical - heck, I wasn't anybody's prototypical main event guy, and I knew that. So, you just do your absolute best. Yes, I was very scared and very worried, which had a lot to do with how bad I handled stuff. I spent a great deal of my career waiting for the other shoe to drop, because it was a very real view of me and my ability and talent. I'm a firm believer that talent does rise to the top, but you have to be patient. So, I spent a great deal of time worried, intimidated, and concerned that with each passing storyline, it might be the last one."

It was being reported by some that the star in question was Daniel Bryan, however Shawn Michaels has taken to his Twitter to deny that, saying the star he was talking about was 6'3 and 250lbs, he would not give the name of the wrestler.

Matt Borne:

Police have launched a homicide investigation into the death of WWE Alumnus Matt Borne, who was found dead at his home yesterday. They say while they believe the death was probably accidental, they must follow operational procedures.

Borne who famously worked at the very first WrestleMania in a losing effort vs Ricky Steamboat, before getting the eponymous Doink The Clown character later in his career also had spells in WCW and ECW. He was released from WWF in '94 after a number of drugs fails, and was eventually replaced as Doink by Ray Apollo, although he did return for the Raw 15th anniversary Battle Royal as his famous character.

Borne was 55 years old, his profile is now up on R.I.P Dead Wrestlers.

WWE stars punished:

Triple H has released a statement on the fines given to Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton this week (See yesterday)...

"We don't allow chair shots to the head in WWE, We understand it was in the heat of the moment but we take this very seriously and as a result, [Orton and Bryan] were fined."

Orton wouldn't say how much he was fined but said it was ''Enough''.

Titles retired:

TNA have retired their Knockouts Tag Team Championship, last held by Eric Young and ODB.

DDP on Jake The Snake:

Diamond Dallas Page says he does not believe Jake's story about falling off the wagon...

"It wasn't just two drinks. I wasn't there, but from the behavior that I heard about, it wasn't just two drinks."

And promised any further slips would have consequences...

"If there are no consequences from his actions, he'll easily slip back into his old habits. He's back on the positive trail now. He's doing 90 meetings in 90 days. He's got the goal board up and he's already marking sh-t down. Like I've said before, my house is not a rehab center. There's no f-cking discussion [if he falls again] It's like, 'go to rehab bro."

RVD starts work:

Rob Van Dam has had to cancel a comedy gig due to a WWE commitment on Tuesday.

New baby:

Ex WWE man Armando Estrada has become the Father to a baby girl.

NXT Exec quits:

Dusty Rhodes has announced Rob Naylor is leaving the WWE feeder league soon. He was hired in 2011 from DGUSA.

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