Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Today's News

Mark Henry:

Shame Shame Mr. Hall Of Pain... You fooled us...

I must say, I started to suspect this more as yesterday wore on, whenever anyone wished him well on Twitter he kept urging them to watch Raw, then WWE acknowledged his retirement tweets (See yesterday) at this link.

And that confirmed for me that it was an angle, as it turned out to be.

He was making his retirement speech last night alongside WWE Champion John Cena, when he suddenly turned on and attacked the champion.

Vince McMahon vs Creative:

Vince McMahon is so frustrated with the creative team's output that he has personally taken over the stories of some stars, notably AJ Lee's current Diva's Championship angle with Kaitlyn.

Dolph Ziggler written out:

WWE have written Dolph Ziggler off TV, saying he was not medically cleared to compete at Payback. They did not provide a timescale for his return.

He is actually 100% fit, but WWE feel he is to over to be a heel Champion, so the current plan is for him to win a briefcase at Money In The Bank, and to cash in vs Alberto Del Rio at SummerSlam.

Raw returns and more:

Brock Lesnar and Christian made their WWE returns last night.

CM Punk's face turn continued, he was attacked by Lesnar after refusing to allow Paul Heyman to accompany him to the ring.

Kaitlyn suffered a wardrobe malfunction.

Sting says he DID work for WWE:

Sting has decided to speak out on never wrestling for WWE. He says he did wrestle for them, although in a roundabout way. On the final WCW Monday Nitro after the promotion had been bought out by WWE, he wrestled in the final match of the show vs Ric Flair, and he considers that match a WWE match...

''We were in Panama (For a) Monday Night Raw, by which I mean Monday Nitro but it turned into Raw as we watched''.

''I have always said I have never done anything with WWE, but in reality I have''.

Heel Turn?:

Cameron & Naomi worked heel vs Layla & Natalya in a Taped for TV match last night, Not sure when the match, which was taped for Superstars will air, but it seems a story line twist is coming for Tons Of Funk.

Money In The Bank:

The first match has been confirmed for the next WWE PPV...

John Cena (C) vs Mark Henry for the WWE Title.

So they are saving the Daniel Bryan feud for SummerSlam.

Ex WWE star speaks about release:

Anya says...

"I wish I had known [it was coming]. I always asked my coaches what to work on but they always told me I was doing well. Honestly, I wish I had an idea that it might come but I didn't."

Chris Jericho:

Has had his Heel turn nixed.

The Undertaker:

After Dean Ambrose mocked Taker at Payback, speculation is growing that The Undertaker has agreed to a Shield vs Undertaker & Kane (Possibly with a 3rd team mate) match at Summerslam.

CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar WILL happen at SummerSlam.

Rob Van Dam:

WWE approached RVD for a return 2-3 weeks ago, he did not, as is being reported elsewhere approach them. RVD has been forced to cancel a number of indy bookings after agreeing to return.

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