Thursday, June 6, 2013

Today's News

Backstage fight:

Former Tag Team Champion, Quebecer Pierre has recalled a backstage fight with then WWE Champion Kevin (Diesel) Nash in 1995, that eventually killed his WWE career...

HHH vs Curtis Axel:

Although it is great to see Joe Hennig get the push he deserves, a change in the original plan has emerged, The Push was meant to be one of the top Summer feuds and was set to end with a SummerSlam headline spot, the decision has been made to bring the match forward to Payback however. I am sure Hennig is glad though, he has been languishing in the jobber ranks for far too long.

Vince McMahon vs NBA:

Vince McMahon is so angry with NBA games destroying Raw's viewing figures that he wants to book Raw from 2014 and on, around the NBA calender, so if a big game is on, they can book a large city, like New York where the fans could raise the atmosphere of the show, in the hopes fans will decide to stay with WWE rather than change channel when the game starts.

Double suicide threats:

Two former wrestlers have discussed suicide plans, George The Animal Steele was referring to a dark time in his life, while Gorgeous George (Former Valet of Macho Man Randy Savage in WCW) has used her Facebook to declare her sadness and her wish to end her life.

George Steele said of his Crohns disease, and the desperation he felt from the illness...

''Well, it attacks you anywhere from your liver down to anus; your total digestive system. You're totally out of control, constant diarrhea and whatever else goes along with it. On the morning I was ready to bow out, I had pain in every possible joint in my body; even my cheeks and my face was hurting. I was in totally pain and I thought, if I'm going to be like this for the rest of my life, I just don't need it. So, I went out ready to do the thing; at the last minute I had sleeping pills and had the car all set up and was ready to go; just drifting off to sleep, I was listening to country music and I hit the steering wheel and said "Bullcrap! I'm tougher than this!" And I'm not sure if that's me again or I think it was God reaching out giving me another shot. But, it was pretty close."

Gorgeous George wrote on her Facebook yesterday...

"Mylige. (My Life) sucks if i cant get a car and drive to find.a.job this week i am going to end it i cant take it anymore my life.has.too manyproblems i am nothing but a burdon on people i wish God would of here,"

Someone who read the post has taken sympathy on her however, She has been offered a job interview, and is now in much better spirits.

TNA injury:

Earl Hebner may miss Impact tonight, he injured his knee in the main event of Slammiversary.

The Rock:

The Rock's new reality show The Hero debuts tonight on TNT at 8pm EST.

He is also having a huge start to 2013, movies he has starred in have earned $937 million at the box office this calender year.

Jim Ross:

Jim Ross has confirmed he will appear in Glasgow, at the Hilton on August 28.

Zack Ryder denial:

Zack Ryder has denied that the WWE office have told him to grow his hair out, he says he chose to do it for his own reasons...

"I'm growing my hair out to change things up. No other reason."

Batista talks return to wrestling:

''I don't know when or if I will ever go back to wrestle!! I would love to but there's a ton of other factors that I would have to weigh in. s--t much will I be fined if I bleed? And who would I work with? And will I have the freedom to other things that I want to accomplish in life? Ya Know?!! ..but I do mss it. And I miss the fans alot. Even the dips--ts who boo me and make up BS about me and smear it all over the iternet. Anyway..5 , GO!!!!"

Batista then replied to a fan about not going to TNA...

"BS my friend! Said it before and I'll say it again, I bleed WWE! Wouldn't want 2 be anywhere else. And I've had plenty offers"

He went on to wish his friend Titus O'Neil huge success in his WWE career.

Tribute missed:

Ricardo Rodriguez paid tribute to Mexican former WWE star Hector Garza on Raw dated May 27, but because it was in Spanish, during Alberto Del Rio's entrance most fans missed it.

Today Ricardo has recalled sneaking the mention in to his promo.

Garza died aged 43 from Lung Cancer.

Jack Swagger:

You may not see the return to TV of Jack Swagger for a good while yet, partly because of the injured hand (See yesterday), which will keep him out until the end of this month, but WWE are also waiting on the results of the court case he faces over his legal issues, and they do not want to start a feud if he is forced to disappear in the middle of a story line.

He will be back before the end of August, but may miss SummerSlam.

New signing:

WWE have signed indy star Ryan Drago.


Tamina Snuka is though to have suffered a concussion in a match vs Natalya, and Richie Steamboat will undergo surgery on his damaged back which is refusing to remedy itself, he has been benched for more than 6 months.


WWE will name the Diva's Champions admirer on Raw next week, the plan was to start a face turn for Mark Henry by naming him as the beau, but after he walked with little notice a few weeks ago, his status is currently up in the air, so they may be forced to go down a different path.

Money In The Bank:

The main event of this years MITB PPV has been leaked, John Cena will defend the WWE Title in a face vs face match against Daniel Bryan.

Daniel has been receiving huge praise for his run as tag champ and is highly respected as one of the companies best match workers, this is to be his reward.

Kid Kash attacks TNA:

He says he fears TNA is going the way of WCW, with the talent ruling the office...

"I do. They just keep recycling the same people over and over and and don't push the ones who have actual talent in the locker room. And unless they drastically raise their budget they'll continue on the same path. They don't pay like any other "it" company. ECW paid me twice the amount as TNA ever did and that's the truth."

Best TNA signing of 2013:

Eric Bischoff says Taryn Terrell is the signing of the year so far for TNA. What that says about his faith in the incoming Rampage Jackson IDK.

New Alumnus:

The late Test is this weeks new WWE Alumnus.

However, WWE have refused to acknowledge that the man is deceased, probably because of the circumstances of the death (Drugs), they say his WWE career ended after a spell in ECW in 2006.

MVP to return:

MVP has announced he will be back on TV before the end of 2013, but did not say which promotion he would return with.

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