Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Today's News

Setback for Jake The Snake:

Diamond Dallas Page, who is currently in Scotland has posted a video update on Jake The Snake Roberts, and unfortunately it is not a good one, Jake has fallen off the wagon and has returned to drinking...

Matt Striker interview:

Matt Striker says he hopes he will be able to return to WWE in the future...

"I appreciate when people come up to me but the people who make that decision? The three main people don't feel that way. Which also leads me to believe there has to be a reason. I may have done something that I don't know about that has gotten back to the WWE and they are just trying to protect themselves and me by saying, you know what? Let's cut ties with you for a little while. I don't know. That's the big thing but again when you're a kid and your mom says you can't go out and you say why and she says because I'm your mom and I say so. And that's it."

He went on to wish his replacement on Superstars Alex Riley well...

"He's a good kid. He's a taller better looking version of Matt Striker. I believe he's a graduate from Boston College, he's well spoken, he's bright and I think it's a great opportunity for Alex Riley. To me, this is what is my saving grace, I'm gone now and then I read that it's Alex Riley that's sitting in that chair and I think about all the conversations I've had with Alex Riley. Maybe one thing I said to him he uses on the show and he's now the breath of fresh air, he's now the new guy, I don't fault anyone for that. WWE gives opportunity, they gave me an opportunity, they're giving Alex Riley an opportunity and I expect great things for Alex Riley and I'm genuinely happy for him"

On heat for his attitude when he joined WWE...

"When I first came to the WWE, I did not wear humility well. I think people mistook my New York-ness and my excitement for arrogance and I am glad that it happened, I'm glad that some of these battle tested veterans sat me down in their way and said, 'hey man, I slept in a car, wrestled for $5 and did all these things so that a kid like you could walk in here right now.' Once I started to realize that, I began to adopt the same theories and mentality."

On his feud with Jerry Lawler...

Apparently it is well known that Lawler did not like working with Striker, Matt says Lawler felt he was too fact heavy, talking about stars of the past etc, and that he was too long winded sometimes, but after a talk Lawler gave him some great advice, which he went on to use...

"A lot of that stuff was my fault because I was like a 9 year old kid with an open microphone. All Jerry wanted to do was help me, there wasn't any animosity in the back, it was like a father sitting down his teenage son who doesn't wanna hear anything, saying this is how it's got to be."

The Rock:

The Rock has acknowledged being on the cover of the next WWE video game...

"I am exceptionally grateful to be chosen for the cover of WWE 2K14 and serve as the first cover Superstar under 2K's leadership. I want the cover of WWE 2K14 to electrify the people. I want the artwork to stand out and set a new standard for all WWE video games from 2K, both today and in the future."

Orton dig at WWE:

Randy Orton has retweeted a message from a fan, critical of the banning of his finisher the Punt Kick...

"@Randyorton so @WWE ban your punt kick but let @VivaDelRio kick people in the head? whats the difference? Bring back the Punt Kick!!!!!"

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Damien Sandow vs Sheamus

* AJ Lee vs Natalya

* Kane vs Randy Orton

* Justin Gabriel vs Ryback

* Christian & The Uso's vs The Shield

Tebow to WWE:

Jim Ross has again updated the status of the Tim Tebow to WWE rumours, He says they have had no recent contact...

"I have not. He's got a job at the moment and seems to be busy."

Zack Ryder buried again:

George Steele remembers Randy Savage:

"Another night in Detroit, Vince McMahon asked me to grab Miss Elizabeth by the ankle. You guessed it, Randy went R.P. McMurphy crazy. We were not flying over the cuckoo's nest; we were living in it. Every night it was something different. Randy's jealousy was driving him crazy. There were times when he would lock her in the dressing room. Randy was always screaming at somebody."

Money In The Bank:

The second MITB match has been confirmed...

* Antonio Cesaro

* Cody Rhodes

* Damien Sandow

* Dean Ambrose

* Fandango

* Jack Swagger

* Wade Barrett

The winner will earn a World Title shot.

Jack Swagger:

Now the court case is over more details of Jack Swagger's drugs arrest have been made available...

* Swagger was stopped by Police on Feb 19, he told Police he had showered stopped at a local fast food joint and was beat up following a SmackDown taping, and that he was wanting to get to his hotel to rest.

* The officer noted he was driving 10MPH too fast and the car smelt of marijuana, he also saw marijuana on the stars lap.

* Swagger admitted his error of judgement to the Police.

* Swagger was praised for his attitude by the arresting officer, who said he was a gentleman, but that he was very nervous, confused and talkative.

* The officer asked for his drivers licence, but Swagger gave him his credit card.

* A video was played in court of Swagger undergoing a field sobriety test, the officer said it was the worst performance in one of those tests he had ever done.

* Swagger may have further punishment, he could lose his drivers licence for a year, but he has the chance to cut that to 90 days if he undergoes a safe driving course.

The Brisco's:

ROH have written the Brisco Brothers out of their stories, freeing them to join WWE.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has reportedly taken out a restraining order against his Mother, after growing tired of constant requests for money and threatening, and abusive harassment from Her. He has been trying to take this action for over a year, and the case is finally being heard today.

He has given his Mother $100,000 to help her, as She suffers from Bi-Polar Disorder, but even that didn't stop the torrent of hate from her, so He eventually decided to give up and cut her off, this escalated the abuse to a new level. He says She threatened to kill herself 4 times last year, threatened to release embarrassing info about him to the press, forcing Punk to reveal his arrests during his school career and much more.

Punk's Mother allegedly said to Punk...

"You don't give a s**t about us. You just care about your money and money hungry/fame hungry friends. You would sell us for a nickel."

CM Punk who is in court today regarding this said...

"I wish for the harassment to stop and am requesting the assistance of the court in this regards."

He was awarded a temporary ruling on June 10, but wants it extending for several years.

Big O:

TNA feature the best bud of WWE star Zack Ryder, Adam ''The Big O'' Ohriner, who will be on Gutcheck tomorrow.

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