Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today's News

Video game contest:

To coincide with the official release of the new WWE video game cover art and trailer (On Wall), 2K sports have announced a competition for artistic types, they want fans to design a unique cover for the game featuring their favourite WWE stars or Diva's.

The winning design will be inside the game boxes, on the reverse of the official cover.

To enter go to.

SummerSlam match leaked:

A potential match for SummerSlam has been leaked from WWE creative...

Triple H & Stephanie McMahon vs Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman.

However with Heyman managing both Punk and Lesnar for the event, the match may end up being HHH vs Axel 1 on 1.

WWE Alum attacks current product:

Brutus The Barber Beefcake is not a fan of the modern way of doing promo's...

"Now, all the wrestler interviews are scripted by writers from L.A. What do they know about psychology in the wrestling business? Nothing whatsoever."

Beans to WWE:

Hall Of Famer Bret Hitman Hart's Daughter Beans has expressed a desire to make it to WWE in the future.

Iron Sheik profiled:

Yahoo have profiled WWE Hall Of Famer The Iron Sheik today, they discuss his career, his addictions, his health issues and more.


Alex Riley has replaced Matt Striker as the play by play man on Superstars, Striker was released from the company last week.

Money In The Bank:

More matches have been added to the next WWE PPV card, John Cena vs Mark Henry was already confirmed, the new matches are...

* Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler (World Title)

* The Shield vs The Uso's (Tag Titles)

* Money In The Bank match featuring...

- Christian

- CM Punk

- Daniel Bryan

- Kane

- Randy Orton

- Rob Van Dam (Making his WWE return)

- Sheamus

The winner will get a shot at the WWE title.

* Chris Jericho vs Ryback

In an ad for MITB WWE have accidentally released a spoiler. The ad features The Shield, hinting they will be in the other MITB match. That means the Tag Champs would be pulling double duty, the details will probably be announced at tonight's taping's.

Derek Foore attacks WWE:

Ex NXT star Derek Foore has again attacked his former employers...

On Bill DeMott's controversial training methods...

"If you messed up on a spot, he would break a yard stick over your back."

Derek then talked about John Cena's personal trainer Rob MacIntyre being blamed for all the injuries in NXT but he says in actuality it was DeMott who injured the wrestlers with his high intense level of training. He also added that DeMott was a bad influence on the youngsters because Bill would tell stories about the amount of drugs he did back in the day. 

On promotion to the main roster...

''Everyone who is making it on the road looks like a freak show, the freakier you look pretty much the better and that's what is going to get you to the top. They aren't going for that pretty boy muscle look anymore as a lot of the guys have flabby bodies.''

On main rostered stars stealing from NXT talent...

Foore went on to talk about his tag team partner Chase Donovan and himself turning in 13 pitches and even making their own vignettes but the office didn't want to use any of their ideas. However a couple of weeks later the Prime Time Players and Team Hell No were using their ideas on Monday Night Raw, He says they stole some of their stuff.

He gave a couple of examples...

* Their manager started using the whistle.

* Team Hell stole the Doctor, the hugging and using the word nerds.

Jack Swagger:

Jack Swagger's court trial was today, He was fined $500, told he must pay all court costs, and placed on probation for 6 months. However he had his 2 days in jail suspended.

Smart move for new signing:

Samuray Del Sol who has reportedly signed with WWE has decided to Trade Mark his name before he joins up with NXT. Many stars have lost their gimmicks after leaving WWE because WWE are fierce about protecting their copyrights. He has followed the path Beth Phoenix took before She joined WWE.

Rock's movie or Mania choice:

The Rock has confirmed he is in talks for a role in Terminator 5, however the filming of the movie will clash with WrestleMania 30 next year, so if he accepts the role, it will a big hint that he considers his wrestling / WWE career to be over.

Bad behaviour from HOF'er:

Ric Flair was said to be badly behaved at this past weekend's House Of Hardcore event, he was paid for a meet and greet and autograph session, but he showed no interest in the fans and refused to sign mail order merch as he had been asked to do, he eventually grew bored and left the event before the first match had even started.


Raven and Scott Steiner will both undergo Shoulder surgery this week.

Brisco's to WWE:

ROH say The Brisco's have worked their last ROH show, and that they are moving on to greener pastures (Hinting at WWE). Jay is the current champion there so that could be an issue, but ROH feel the relationship between the Brisco's and themselves is coming to an end.

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