Saturday, June 22, 2013

Today's News

Dolph on World Title:

Dolph Ziggler says the World Championship is not as prestigious as it once was because there is two top titles in WWE...

"Honestly, no, I don't think so. Here's the deal. As a titleholder of a championship, you are the representatives of the company. You are the champion, you are the face of either Raw or Smackdown, and for some reason in the past couple of years the WHC has gone down in value from the fans' standpoint and perhaps from an administrative standpoint. As we understand it the WWE Championship is the title of Monday Night Raw and that is the flagship of WWE. But my goal, every single time I've touched anything, I found a way to bring prestige back to something that used to be a stepping stone. To me, the WHC is one of the biggest prizes in the game of all time, because I grew up as a huge fan of it. So now, my goal is to have this become the premiere title in sports entertainment. Whether that can happen, I don't know, but I am just getting started. I'm a couple weeks into it, and I promise if it has anything to do with me, then it will become the prize that it was."

The Rock:

The Rock has been named as the preferred star of Terminator 5 by the script writer.

Rosa Mendes:

Rosa Mendes was at this weeks NXT taping's visiting friends, and She obviously pleased officials, because She will now return to the road, earlier than planned for this weekends Lives.


WWE have announced that John Cena will respond to Mark Henry's attack on him last week, and that Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton will have the match that was aborted last week again on next Monday's show.

Rob Van Dam getting ready:

RVD wrestled Tommy Dreamer this weekend, and fans at the show said he looked better than he had for months.

Colt Cabana:

WWE have approached Colt Cabana for further try outs as a commentator, Also on this and in a correction from an initial report from the Wrestling Observer, it was WWE that wanted Colt Cabana to try out, the first trials were not arranged by CM Punk, although it seems WWE asked Punk to contact his friend to see if he would be interested in the gig.

New show:

WWE have Trade Marked a new name for a show... ''Slam City''.

Vince and Linda make donation:

Vince and Linda McMahon have made a $25,000 donation to a Theatre in Connecticut.

Bray Wyatt:

It has been revealed that Dusty Rhodes invented the new character for the former Husky Harris, but the Hall Of Famer says he sewed the seeds, but Bray has taken the idea and ran with it, He is very hands on with input into the story direction and character development, and is always full of ideas.

Wade Barrett talks retirement:

"You only have to look at the guys at the top. I was watching Big Show and Kane when I was in my middle teens (14, 15, 16). I really feel like I've just scratched the surface. I'll probably wrestle until about the age of 40. That's a realistic age."

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