Sunday, June 23, 2013

Today's News

Matt Striker:

Matt Striker has given an emotional interview following his release from WWE earlier this week, He was at his first Indy booking just 1 day after being cut...

WWE top 10:

This week Top 10; Attitude Era catchphrases...

British Bulldog to HOF:

The widow of Davey Boy Smith, Diana Hart has added her voice to calls for the former Intercontinental Champion to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame...

"I guess time will tell; hopefully. Vince appreciated Davey's ability and liked him so we'll see..."

Rob Van Dam vs TNA:

RVD continues to attack his former employers, tweeting today, in response to the question... ''Why did you leave TNA'''...

''Contract expired. So did professionalism, courtesy and respect.''

Michael Tarver talks joining WWE:

"When I signed the contract I was homeless. I literally was homeless. I had just come out of a very rough situation personally. I was working three jobs around the clock and training, body-building and wrestling. Traveling two days a week. I wasn't sleeping. I had to choose between saving money and getting an apartment or paying child support to take care of my children. I chose the latter of the two. I would drive to Philly (an eight hour drive from OH) just to get a shot to work with PWX. So when I got that contract, I cried. It was surreal. I never thought anything like that could happen to me in my life. I was literally sleeping in my truck or on a friend's couch. The contract became effective two days before my birthday in 2008. I moved from OH to Tampa FL that month and it happened to be the week of Wrestlemania 28. When I got that I found myself on with. the Big Show. I literally went from being homeless to being on WrestleMania. I didn't expect it. I was feeling something big was coming because things were starting to go right but I never would have thought in a million years it would be WWE. I was very, very thankful for it. And every year I was on WWE I made it my goal to work arder than everyone else and not let it ever be said anyone worked harder than me. I'd stay after practice sometimes. Sometimes turn the lights off. I worked hard to keep this opportunity to take care of my children that I would never ever thought I'd get."

He went on to put TNA over, and said he would be open to working there.

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