Monday, June 10, 2013

Today's News

Fan altercation at TNA live show:

At a show in Aiken this weekend, AJ Styles was making his entrance to the ring for a bout vs Bobby Roode, when a fan heckled him as he was entering the ring, causing AJ great offence, he came down from the ring and collected a chair from ringside. He then walked to the fans seat and put the chair down in front of the railing for the fan to use to climb over, the fan got in AJ's face but pushed the chair away and refused to climb over the rail, so AJ shoved the guy in his chest.

AJ then began his return to the ring, but the fan came back with more obscenities, leading to AJ coming back again, this time however He leapt the fan barrier and chased the fan through the crowd, AJ went to the exit of the building and asked the guy to join him outside for a fight, the crowd also started goading the guy into backing his words up with his fists but the guy wanted no part of it.

AJ returned and had a great match with Roode, the fan was reportedly ejected from the building.

Randy Orton names his favourite opponent:

He said he has had the pleasure of working with some of the WWE's biggest names, but his favourite star to compete against is... Christian.

More Pierre road stories:

Earlier this week, Pierre (Of the Quebecers) was recalling his issues with Kevin Nash, today he has shared some happier memories of his friendship with Sycho Sid...

Superstar Billy Graham:

Billy Graham has had a kidney stone removed, but still needs another surgery on June 18.

Steiner Brothers reunite:

Rick and Scott Steiner have reunited, Rick coming out of retirement to do so, for a tour of Europe, and they are winning gold along the way. Scott won the Dutch Heavyweight Championship, and together with his Brother won the Preston Tag Team Titles, in the UK.

UK legend talks women's wrestling today:

Sweet Saraya, Mother of WWE / NXT star Paige has discussed the state of Women's wrestling in 2013...

"I think a change is as good as a rest The girls nowadays are all dominant in their field, I have been in the job now 23 years and I have seen it go from the old school style of large women dominating the scene to a more fresh approach of girls being more adaptable and knowing more about the job. Believe me there are many out there that are not worth the boots they are wearing. I think, to be honest, it has more to do with the promotion of female wrestling that has catapulted a more acceptable style in the field. Shimmer led the way, bringing in top talents from all over the world, helping the girls to get notoriety. I for one have seen a significant rise in female workers that excel in their work, they are on par with the men now, not there for T + A, given 5 minutes and told to wear string as outfits. There is also a wider scope of females to choose from that can actually work in the ring, confident and athletic, they dominate the scene, I remember years ago there was only a few girls about on the circuit and in the UK it was just me and Klondyke Kate, nowadays there is so much talent it is outstanding. The product is definitely in safe hands."

Jim Ross attacks mid card talent:

In an interview with a UK newspaper Jim Ross says stars should not complain about not being pushed on TV, but should blame themselves, for poor commitment or reliability concerns they create.

He went on to say WWE need to be confident the people they give the big stories too are reliable and that they need their heart to be in it, and those that don't get pushed don't have it.

He defended WWE by adding that if WWE didn't want stars to succeed they would drop them, WWE want all their stars to be the best they can, but WWE can only do so much, eventually the stars have to take personal responsibility for their own lack of success within the company.

He has also, (As we have come to expect from him) had a pop at fans, saying fans do not understand how these things work, and waste their time demanding stars be pushed for their own reasons, and shouldn't complain on the internet because...

''No matter what I say or you say, there will still be some people who still say 'I still think so-and-so should be pushed'. That's great. That's your right to say it. But don't live and die by it and let it upset your day. If it is meant to happen, it will happen.''

Personal Note...

To get a push you need to be reliable... What like Jack Swagger???

And if you don't get pushed you don't have heart... Erm... Zack Ryder???

Like him or hate him, one thing you can't question of Ryder is his heart.

JBL interview:

Highlights from a JBL discussion with Wrestling 101...

On Vince Russo...

''The head of creative at the time Vince Russo didn't think much of me or Barry I believe, he's selling comic books or whatever he's doing right now so that tells you what you need to know about Vince Russo.''

On working with WWE Hall Of Famer Barry Windham...

"I thought that was my big break, I idolised Barry and a still do to this day, he still had a lot of gas left in the tank, and for whatever reason they didn't want to use him. The tag team never went anywhere but for me it was a big deal."

On His career highlight...

"Eddie Guerrero, he was the biggest influence on my singles career. I'm not sure the JBL character would be alive if not for Eddie, he really made the career that I had''

On Passing the torch to John Cena...

"One of the greatest things that I got to do was pass the torch to John Cena, which I absolutely take zero credit for, he would have gone to the top anyway but I was lucky enough to be the guy that passed the torch and I was very honoured to be able to do that."

Superfly Jimmy Snuka:

A newspaper has investigated the death of Nancy Argentino, the former Girlfriend of Superfly Jimmy Snuka, who it is alleged died at his hands.

This is to give an outside view on the crime, because Snuka recalls the incident in his biography.

The article starts by discussing Nancy's links to WWE, she was a fan, regularly attending shows at MSG and eventually became romantically linked with Hall Of Famer Johnny Rodz, after they split she dated Hulk Hogan once or twice, before finally pairing up with Snuka (Who was married at the time, unbeknownst to her).

On the night of the death, May 11 1983, Snuka says he returned from a show to the hotel room they shared, when he found her gasping for air with a yellow fluid coming from her mouth and nose.

He phoned the front desk of the hotel, who called an ambulance, but it was too late, and she was unable to be saved.

The family were interviewed as part of the piece, where Nancy's Sister reiterated her suspicions surrounding the death, such as the refusal to release the details of the autopsy to the family, she feels the Police should have done more.

Snuka in his Biog, says the incident ruined his life, but the only crime he committed was cheating on his Wife, he says he never touched or threatened to touch Nancy violently.

Snuka also offers his view on the Cause Of Death. He says She hit her head whilst using the bathroom at a rest stop. However Hotel staff say She told them he pushed her during an argument, and He himself acknowledged that when Police were called to the hotel, telling the officer that they were ''Fooling around'' when things got heated and he shoved her.

The article also alludes to possible shady behaviour of WWE chief Vince McMahon. They say (Confirmed by Snuka) Vince McMahon attended a Police interview to speak as Snuka's advocate, Snuka doesn't remember details of the meeting only that Vince had a secure briefcase in his possession during the talks with the investigators. Snuka notes in his book that after that meeting the Police showed no further interest in the case.

(Alluding at a possible pay off).

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry has broken his silence on the tensions he has with WWE with a thinly veiled dig at WWE officials...

Via Twitter...

"The only reason I'm breaking my silence to the twitter world is to tell u I'm not retiring!!!! I have hate in my heart that's too dangerous. It's best to be away till I'm right I feel I my hurt someone or do damage to my family by going to jail.tired of holding back. I will return when I'm healthy,not because the roster is thin. I AM HURT! Don't hide on the web you got my # call me with that bull sh@t. Back to silence!"

WWE TradeMarks:

WWE have secured two new trademarks...

* Torlito

* Torito (Little Bull)

Probably for the new mini wrestler they have signed.

Raw official teaser:

* Triple H vows to defy Mr. McMahon and Stephanie

* The return of the World Heavyweight Champion

* Kaitlyn's secret admirer to be revealed

* The CM Punk watch continues - will he appear?

* Will Cena finally get some payback?

EX NXT man threatens WWE:

Derek Foore is threatening to sell a copy of his WWE contract, which he says will shine a light on how WWE exploits it's talent.

The document signed by John Laurinaitis and Triple H includes salary details, Wellness policy procedures, and much more. Foore says it is better than a tell all book on how WWE works and operates.

Lanny Poffo talks Randy Savage - WWE rift:

First He was asked about the falling out Macho had with Vince McMahon...

"If I didn't have the guts to ask Randy to his face about what you're referring to, then I wouldn't dare speculate about it now."

And he announced his reasons for refusing HOF induction for Macho in 2012...

"I got a call from John Laurinaitis before the Miami (WrestleMania), the year before last. He was real nice to me, he just forgot to extend his condolences. I'm from the old school; even if you're glad he's dead, just pretend like you loved him and extend your condolences. That's all I ask. He was just trying to get my feedback on that. I said, 'Go ahead and do it, but make sure you play the video of the Huckster and the Nacho Man,' so he can keep it even."

He was referring to the parody video's WWE made against Hulk Hogan and Macho during the Monday night wars.

Hulk Hogan to return:

Hulk Hogan has confirmed he is going to return to the ring, he is beginning training for one final run.

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