Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Today's News

Kane thanks Daniel Bryan:

Kane says the past year has been the most enjoyable of his 18 year WWE career, and he credits Daniel Bryan for being one of wrestling's finest right now...

"Daniel Bryan might be the most talented guy on the roster right now," Kane said. "I think he's the best technical wrestler we have, and he's also one of those guys who's been able to forge a connection with our fans. And people who are able to do that are very successful."

Justin Credible talks joining WWE in '94:

He says he was initially brought in to help train Brian (Fake Undertaker) Harris for the big summer feud that year...

"So basically they paid me $150 a day to go up there and be a crash test dummy for Brian Lee doing the impostor Undertaker. We did it all week and on Friday we did a dress rehearsal with Brian Lee in full Undertaker gear and Mark was sitting there and (Vince McMahon) and Pat Patterson, one of the bookers at the time, came down and saw the entire dress rehearsal and at the end, Pat and Vince come up to me and started asking me questions about where I was from, who trained me. But the next question they asked me was, what nationality I was. So I told Vince I was Portuguese and he said, "Ahhh, you're Portuguese, do you speak it?" I told him yeah absolutely and he laughed and said good and that was it. So low and behold I found out later they'd been fixing to do the Aldo Montoya gimmick anyway and they had it written up. So they were looking for a legitimate Portuguese kid to come in and do the gimmick and I was just the in the right place at the right time."

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Daniel Bryan starts the show with the news He is breaking up Team Hell No, leading to a confrontation with his now former partner Kane, and his new partner Randy Orton...

* Antonio Cesaro vs Sheamus...

Note, Sheamus was badly cut after being thrown into the steel steps at ringside...

* Great Khali vs Heath Slater

* Alberto Del Rio & Chris Jericho vs Big E. Langston & Dolph Ziggler

* Aksana vs Kaitlyn

* Curtis Axel vs Wade Barrett

* Daniel Bryan, Kane & Randy Orton vs The Shield

Booker T:

Booker T has finally had his elbow and Triceps surgery, He went under the knife yesterday.

WCW stars reunite:

Kevin Nash and Bill Goldberg will be working together on a joint project later this summer.

Jericho announces new band tour:

Fozzy will tour the UK in August, and then embark on a tour of the US and Canada from September 12 to October 10.

CM Punk has also been rocking this weekend, He appeared on stage with Rancid in Detroit. They introduced him under His own name, but did mention his WWE return this Sunday.

Diva fined:

Kaitlyn has been fined $10,000 for slapping the face of a referee at this weeks SmackDown tapings.

Payback change:

WWE have dropped a Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan summer feud, which they started on last weeks SmackDown show, they are instead putting them together as a team. Orton is going to have to continue to wait for his heel turn.

Also on Payback, rumours of Heel turns are currently swirling...

* Chris Jericho

* Daniel Bryan (who is about to begin a WWE title feud with John Cena).

Summer feuds leaked:

WWE are planning a Shield vs The Undertaker and Kane match for this year's SummerSlam, although if Taker decides not to work the show Randy Orton and Sheamus will face The Shield instead.

Other matches planned are...

* John Cena vs Daniel Bryan

* Big E. Langston vs Big Show or Mark Henry (Depending on injuries).

* Rey Mysterio vs Dean Ambrose

Nixed matches include...

* Randy Orton vs Ryback

* Rey Mysterio vs Jack Swagger

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