Sunday, June 16, 2013

Today's News



For the second consecutive PPV I am not going to be able to do a lives comms on Shaggy's Wrestling Page.

Most of you know why I couldn't do Extreme Rules, due to the personal issues I had at the time, and I cannot do Payback tonight because I have a work thing tomorrow, and have to be up at stupid O'Clock for it. I can't stay up until past 4 in the morning for the show, as much as I would like to (I wanted to see the Punk / Jericho match).

I am not giving up on them though, I do still like doing them a lot, and they are one of the most popular features of my pages, so I will get back to them ASAP.

UK promoter interview:

Some highlights from a great interview with a the owner of British Championship Wrestling, Graham Mckay...

On former BCW Alum Drew McIntyre...

"He's getting wasted in WWE. You look at the 3MB set up: three of the best guys they've got in that company and they are totally wrecking them. He was supposed to get the big push, he was the next big thing. Bret Hart has spoken to Vince about Drew, Roddy Piper has spoken to Vince about Drew, but nothing seems to be happening. Drew doesn't let much on about what's happening, but I said to him a couple of weeks ago that he's getting ruined. He didn't say much but he seems quite happy with what he's doing. So I don't know if they have plans for him, but I don't see how they can repair what they're doing to him right now. Drew's ability is so much more advanced than what WWE will let him do. He is so technically minded. Him and Sheamus got signed at the same time, they're best friends: they would have great matches."

On former BCW Alum Sheamus...

"Sheamus was actually in two minds over whether or not to go for the WWE try-out. He's that little bit older, he's in his 30s, he had a good job in Dublin and was very well paid. So he was in two minds, because obviously if you get through the try-out you go to developmental, you can spend two or three years there and get nothing. So it was a big risk for him to go for that and potentially come back to no job. Believe it or not it was Drew that convinced him to go for the try-out."

Giving props to Chris Masters...

"You get a lot of American workers come over and they are lazy. They're going to get paid either way: Chris worked so, so hard to get people over. He's such a hard-working man. He should be signed back up."

On getting punched by Raven...

"I came backstage after managing the match before, and Alex Shane grabs my collar and pulls me out the curtain saying 'come on, you're managing me.' He gave me this spot at the end where I was to jump up and get hit by Raven, but the referee messed up and accidentally counted the 1-2-3. So Raven started getting pretty upset, and when I jumped up on the apron Raven punched me full force in the face… then I had to pay him. It can be great to have Americans over… but you get the good ones and bad ones."

On Marty Jannetty almost dying on him...

"I once thought he was dead. He mixed UK Paracetamol (mild pain killers) with US Paracetamol. I went in to wake him up and he had been sick blood all over the pillow and he wasn't moving. I thought 'my god, I've just killed Marty Jannetty.' But I shook him, and he just kind of woke up with no idea what I was so worried about… it's crazy."

On Bret Hart working for him, and his health issues...

"There were a few things he was talking about backstage when he was over to work in England. For example, if he turns his head to fast in one direction he loses all sight, gets dizzy and may collapse; so he has to be careful even getting in the ring. That's why when he does the Sharpshooter there is a possibility that he may lose sight and keel over. That's why he does it very, very slowly now. And yet, you book him in the UK and he will still sell out shows. Last time he was over to promote his book and they had to close off a couple of streets for him."

On why he didn't book Piper...

"I still have the email in my phone, he would only come over to work for BCW if I could get him a part in an Irn Bru advert. He said he had just been over and would have no reason to come back otherwise. I was just like, I've got enough troubles trying to promote a show without trying to get him a role in an advert."

Sean Waltman talks WrestleMania debut:

@WrestleMania 15 vs Shane McMahon...

"I didn't like it going in, I was expecting to have this big WrestleMania match. But back then If something wasn't my idea, I didn't like it, even if it was a good one. I was a bit of a spoiled brat at the time. I remember thinking I wanted to have a really good WrestleMania match, but how was I gonna do that with somebody that'd never had a match before, but I told Vince y'know, he listens to me and I'll do it but it's my way. And the agreement was he'd do the job (laughs). But the overall picture of why we did the finish of the match, you know Hunter turned on me and a lot of good things came out of that. My team with Kane came out of that, Hunter's big first championship run kinda came from that. I thought Shane did an amazing job, he really did. He rented the St Paul Civic Center, it had this little building that held 3-4,000 people called the Roy Wilkins Auditorium, he rented that and had someone in Detroit drive a ring and set it up in this empty building, so I'd go there and work out a match with him for WrestleMania. I wasn't going anywhere on my days off. I thought that was really going above and beyond, sending a ring to Detroit, Shane and I ended up being pretty tight."

WWE feature Sunny:

Injury return delayed:

Santino Marella says he will not be back until September.

WWE signing:

Dan Eckos has been signed to a WWE developmental deal, he has worked for them before as a Ryback squash victim.

WWE release ad for War games DVD:

JBL vs Airline:

JBL is furious with American Airlines after they lost one of his bags as he was travelling to Payback tonight, he has sent a series of tweets attacking the company, demanding his bag be returned to him, and urging people not to use the airline.

Ex WWE star to attack wrestling?:

Tough Enough loser AJ Kirsch says he is battling with his conscience. He has a guest spot on Larry King on Tuesday and says he does not know how much he should reveal about the world of professional wrestling.

TNA announce online winner:

They have been holding an online Gut Check challenge, with the winner getting a TV Gut Check challenge opportunity, the winner of that spot was named today as "Bad Bones" John Klinger.

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