Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Today's News


WWE star Fandango will miss his first major WWE title opportunity. He suffered a concussion at last weeks SmackDown taping's, and despite passing Impact testing has not been cleared to compete at this Sunday's PPV, Curtis Axel will take his spot.

WWE say he was pulled in the... "Interest of safety."


The updated card for this weekend's new WWE PPV is as follows...

Pre Show...

* Damien Sandow vs Sheamus...

WWE Championship (3 Stages Of Hell)...

* John Cena (C) vs Ryback

World Championship...

* Dolph Ziggler (C) vs Alberto Del Rio

Intercontinental Championship...

* Wade Barrett (C) vs The Miz vs Curtis Axel

US Championship...

* Dean Ambrose (C) vs Kane

Tag Team Championship...

* The Shield (C) vs Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton

Diva's Championship...

* Kaitlyn (C) vs AJ

* Chris Jericho vs CM Punk

NXT roster additions:

More of the NXT roster have been added to WWE.Com this week, still no sign of Conor O'Brian though 

Angelo Dawkins.

Baron Corbin.

Enzo Amore.

Judas Devlin.

Knuckles Madsen.

Memo Montenegro.

Sawyer Fulton.

Sylvester Lafort.

Travis Tyler.

Troy McClain.

Hall Of Famer Hospitalised:

Dusty Rhodes was hospitalized this past weekend after being bitten on the foot by a snake, which led to an infection.

Mark Henry:

WWE have announced Mark Henry's return will be on Raw next week.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki Bella has been asked to join the judging panel of Miss USA, she says She accepted and is honoured to be a part of the show.

WWE rename pre-show:

From this Sunday the Pre Show events will be named ''Kick Off To...''

Derek Foore:

Derek Foore says he is still contemplating how much he wants to sell his WWE contract for.

Antonio Cesaro:

WWE are considering putting Anotonio Cesaro into Zeb Colter's stable. Not sure how that would work with Colter's all American gimmick.

Sting talks career regret:

He says he is disappointed that he never got to face Shawn Michaels.

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