Monday, June 17, 2013

Today's News

Payback news and notes:

Big Show returned as a panelist on the pre / post shows.

AJ Lee worked her match sick, She says she woke up very ill in the early hours of the morning, but did compete.

The Wyatt Family were spotted in Chicago, leading to loads of speculation that they were going to make their debut's at the show. I didn't include the rumours on yesterday's post for SPOILER!!! reasons.

The Cena / Ryback feud is probably now over, WWE were very disappointed with the results of a survey they did on the feud. They asked how fans felt the match would go, The results were...

Cena 4%

Ryback 12%

The rest said they didn't care...

Due to time issues the Tag Team title and WWE title matches had to be shorter than the planned time budget assigned to them.


* Sheamus bt Damien Sandow in the pre show...

* Curtis Axel bt Wade Barrett (C) and The Miz to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

Note, Curtis Axel made WWE history last night by becoming the first Son to win the IC Title his Father once wore, He later dedicated the victory to his deceased Father, WWE Hall OF Famer Mr. Perfect.

* AJ Lee bt Kaitlyn to become the new Diva's Champion.

* Dean Ambrose bt Kane to retain the US strap.

* Alberto Del Rio bt Dolph Ziggler to become the new World Champion.

Note, This has caused a major stir in the wrestling community. After WWE had Ziggler wait as long as he did for his MITB contract winning title match many were expecting a career defining run for Dolph, this definitely was not that.

Various possible reasons are being bandied around, Some suggest maybe his injury is worse than WWE are letting on, and have decided to make the change because he can't fulfill his responsibilities.

However some are suggesting that Ziggler is being punished for getting hurt and the loss of a PPV match (Extreme Rules) and a forced change of stories are the reasons being offered.

* CM Punk bt Chris Jericho

Note #1, Jericho worked the match hurt with a knee injury, it is feared he has a torn meniscus which could bring his current WWE run to a premature end.

Note #2, WWE started CM Punk's face turn with a backstage interview, where he had strong words with Paul Heyman, questioning his loyalty to him.

* Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins bt Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton to retain the Tag Team gold.

* John Cena bt Ryback 2 - 1 to retain the WWE Championship.

Rob Van Dam:

At the WWE PPV last night it was announced via a video package (Link) that RVD has re-signed with the promotion, He will return at Money In The Bank.

He has signed a short term deal, and will work a reduced (PT) schedule, not lives just PPV and special TV appearances.

WWE have moved him to the active roster on their website, and in response to this TNA have deleted RVD from their's.

Former champion to retire:

WWE star Mark Henry is set to end his 17 year WWE career. He is going to make the announcement of his retirement on Raw tonight.

Mark has been considering ending his career for almost 2 years, with a nagging run of injuries, but in the end did come back, however a shoulder injury and the criticism from WWE creative following the injury has caused a lot of bad feelings between the two sides.

Creative were furious that Mark left in the middle of a big story, with what they claim was a minor injury, He says he was told to take the time off to rest the injury by the WWE office and was angered by the attack, clearly feeling betrayed by the comments.

WWE announced he was returning to Raw last week, it is not clear that this was the plan all along, or if Mark has made this decision in that time, but he says after talking to his family, he has come to the decision he will announce on tonight's TV show.

He has been tweeting on this today...

Firstly thanking the fans...

"Whether you loved or hated me in my career.I was all ways there for you.i appreciate u all. Good or bad I will live forever with u the fans. I found a place.''

And then the big hint about his plans for tonight...

"#raw #wwe I have spoke to my family and hope to talk to all of you fans tomorrow live from Grand Rapids. Guys Father Time is undefeated."

However, Jim Ross has poured cold water on the rumours, saying he will wait for facts before commenting.

Kevin Nash:

In response to heat he has been getting after teasing a return to TNA for the new Main Event Mafia group, Kevin Nash has today said he won't be back because he is rich enough not to need to...

"Sat down with my financial guy on Friday said I'm good till 2049.I'm quite sure no one will be forced in to seeing me and my 5 moves"

Raw teaser:

* Will the Hall of Pain reopen for business?

* What will Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio have to say?

* What's next from Daniel Bryan?

* What awaits John Cena after defeating Ryback?

* How will CM Punk co-exist with the newest Paul Heyman guy, Curtis Axel?

Blow for AAA:

AAA were to air their TripleMania 21 event yesterday as an IPPV, however a massive tech glitch meant the stream could not be launched and the show could not go ahead, they are now arranging repaying the $14-99 subscription price to fans.

Yahoo say WWE could change pro wrestling forever:

In an article by Yahoo it has been said that the new WWE concussion policy, whilst hopefully making the product safer could change the sport forever.

Ric Flair comments on his late Son Reid:

After the results of his Son's autopsy were released over the weekend, Ric Flair has responded with more positive memories of Reid...

"I loved him... He should have been on top of the world, but he was fighting a battle he couldn't win. I hope people remember his laugh, his spirit and his love of life."

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