Saturday, June 8, 2013

Today's News

WWE at the Special Olympics:

Big Show and Mark Henry are representing WWE at the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics tonight.

Hogan talks WWE - TNA cross PPV:

Hulk Hogan says only divine intervention would bring WWE and TNA together for a cross over PPV...

"Not unless Vince And Dixie have a come to Jesus meeting or someone sells to the other brother. HH"

Major TNA issues:

TNA Impact failed to make the top 100 viewed shows this week for the first time in the shows history. It will be a major blow coming off the back of their biggest PPV of the year.

Daniel Bryan talks road issues:

He says he has had to stop riding the road with his friend Ryback...

"Actually, The Ryback stopped riding with me! It's unfortunate, but I don't think it's because of the constant hazing I've given him. We had fun together and it went both ways really, but he prefers to ride by himself. He has a very specific schedule that he likes to keep. It's hard because when you're riding with someone, your schedules have to coincide or else it just doesn't work. I'm somebody who likes to go to bed early and wake up early. A lot of guys like to stay up later, wake up later, and get their stuff done. Different people require different riding partners really."

He also discussed the toll on his relationship with Brie Bella, since She returned to WWE...

"It's been harder, actually, now that they've been filming this reality show because Brie has to go do certain things for the show, you know what I mean? Before Brie came back, I'd be on the road and come back and we'd have our time at home just together just completely by ourselves before I would go back on the road. Now, it's a little more interesting because she's on the road sometimes with me, sometimes on a different brand or something like that, but we'll see each other more on the road and we get less quality alone time at home. So it's an ever-evolving situation."

Ex WWE man suffers home invasion horror:

Justin Credible was the victim of an attack on his home by 3 men all toting guns, they tied his family up and threatened to kill them, while he slept elsewhere in the home.

They entered the home through a broken kitchen window and tied up his Brother and Nephew, telling them they were going to be shot. They then went to his Parents bedroom and tied them up before threatening them, and demanding to know the whereabouts of the safe.

They eventually came to believe what they were being told, and that there was no safe, so stole $5 from the Father's wallet, and a Cell phone from his Mother's purse and left.

Interestingly the robbers knew Credible's Brother's name, So he believes that the robbers must be known to the family.

Bobby Eaton:

Bobby Eaton has been released from hospital for a few days, but will return next week to have a pacemaker fitted.

Wrestling wedding:

Conor O'Brian and Former WWE star Krissy Vaine were married earlier this week, congratulations.

WCW star dies:

Former WCW wrestler, and FCW trainer Mark Starr died this weekend, his friend and former student WWE star Sheamus broke the news with this tribute...

"Devastated to hear the Passing of Mark Starr! A great wrestler & great person. @ FCW he helped me in the ring on his own time. What a loss! Mark Starr was the man who actually encouraged me 2 use the Brogue Kick!I remember him getting on my case all day till I got it right.Legend"

Brian Pillman to HOF?:

Jim Ross has poured cold water on speculation Brian Pillman may be inducted into the Hall Of Fame next year...

"Been in mine 4 yrs....#wwehof...don't know. Likely a Longshot."

Jake The Snake talks dream last match:

He wants to be a guest in the 2014 Royal Rumble...

"That's my dream. That's my dream. That's nothing they've said. I've been wanting to go back, man. Whenever I started losing the weight, whenever I started seeing the world again, whenever I started seeing progress in myself, when I seen – when I started dreaming again, man, dreaming of not so much getting back to the ring, at first. The dreams at first were taking a walk. I went and actually walked up Stone Mountain, man, few months ago, and I could not do that years ago even when, you know, I was in wrestling form, you know? It was a very tough experience."

He also said he would love to wrestle Shane McMahon, praising his ring work.

Bobby Lashley:

The former WWE man won his return MMA fight, his first in over a year.

Kurt Angle:

Kurt Angle says WWE need him in their HOF, and WWE HOF induction is his next career goal...

"I've Been Inducted in Every Amatuer and Pro Hall Of fame. Except Wwe and that is Next. I Will Be the Only One. it's in Honor in TNA. But Wwe Needs to Give Me My Props. We Will See Someday. Much Love."

Top 10:

WWE list their ten best Leaps Of Faith...

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