Sunday, June 2, 2013

Today's News

Big Show written out:

WWE have decided to give Big Show some time off to heal his Shoulder injury, they wrote him out with a WWE.Com interview, he said...

"I don't do what other people tell me to do. They do what I tell them to do. 'Ironclad' means I answer to no one. That includes Booker, and anyone else in WWE management."

Goldberg slams TNA:

Some rumours are going around this weekend that Goldberg has signed with TNA, he tweeted today...

"I'm telling you now it would never happen."

Then further to that statement, and in response to a fan comment on it (The fan said if Goldberg joined TNA he would stop watching), Goldberg said...

" and the other 4 people"

John Cena TV ad:


Five knuckle shuffle them in your face...!!!

Are you F'N serious Cena...

This ad is clearly aimed at kids, I think someone needs to explain to Cena or the manufacturers of this Food??? what that means LOL...

Christopher Daniels reveals dream opponent:

He wants to face Chris Jericho...

"I think the one guy that I haven't had a chance to work with that's still working is Chris Jericho. He's the perfect blend of athleticism and his character. He was neither just one or the other – he was a good mix. I don't know if we'll ever get a chance to share a locker room and work against each other, that's something that I've always held out hope for."

He also said he would like to be a part of the WWE / TNA cross over PPV...

"I'm not sure if it'll ever happen – I'd certainly be up for it though. There'd be a lot of attention drawn an event like that. It's just a case of both companies putting their ego aside and giving the fans something they're not going to see at any other time."

Sunny talks being the first ''Diva'':

"I find it fascinating that so many women now strive to be a WWE diva. I'm so happy I helped make that occupation a glamourous one, back in the prehistoric days of not-so-glamourous lady wrestlers.'' (In the past, the WWE Hall of Famer has labeled the women who came before her as "one dimensional). "Then I came along and anything they threw at me I could do. I could get in the ring and have a match, I managed at ringside, I co-hosted TV shows, I did broadcasting, I did the modeling. I was the first one. My definition of a Diva is that all-around, well-rounded performer."

Dean Ambrose talks facing The Undertaker:

"Being across from The Undertaker is a very surreal experience. It felt like it must have been a dream. On the other other hand, this is a window that's only open for who knows how long and how quickly it's going to close. You better take advantage of it. I'm not intimidated by any scenario, whether it's The Undertaker or John Cena or anybody. We're going to do this. At this level, it's kind of like the fight or flight kind of thing. All of us are kind of put in a position where you don't get intimidated by the magnitude or the pressure of it. You don't feel it. You feel the aura of The Undertaker. He has a presence. This is the most legendary guy you're standing across the ring from and as big of an opponent as you can get. It's like winning the lottery and I'm not about to not cash my lottery ticket in. You have ice water running through your veins. You're out of your mind. It's funny. The music's playing. The pyro's going off. It's The Undertaker's music. But once the bell rings and you make physical contact, it starts to work and the world shrinks down to a 20-by-20 ring and it's any other match really and you have to stay on your game once the bell rings."

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