Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today's News

Bound For Glory:

TNA have announced a 4 team Gauntlet match will be featured on their first ever PPV pre show kick off event, the participants will be Bad Influence, Joseph Park & Eric Young, Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez and The BroMans.

Hardcore Holly defends anti WWE rant:

Hardcore Holly was not impressed by his former employers allowing Ted DiBiase Jr. to leave last month, he has today defended His strong comments at the time, and took a shot at some of the promotions current top stars to make his point...

"When you have a talent like this [Dibiase], you are so missing the boat on this guy because I worked this guy. They don't get no better than Ted DiBiase Jr. I'm sorry, it just doesn't happen. It's a shame, it really is. I just got tired of seeing WWE people, executives and stuff, saying 'hey, if you want to make it in WWE you have to show us you want it. You have to work hard. You have to not cause any problems within the company. You have to be able to cut good promos. You have to be able to work.' Let me tell you something. Ted DiBiase has every single tool it takes to be number one. That, to me, and I talk about it in my book, because why is he not on TV right now?. Let me tell you something, when they bring Sheamus back - because their excuse is they can't just throw him out there - but then when they bring Sheamus back, you watch and see if they don't put him in something when he comes back. It's like the other guys that get hurt, like Rey Mysterio. How many times does he get hurt a year? About 15 times a year and then he comes back and they throw him right out there and put him in a storyline. You can't sit there and tell me they don't have anything for this guy or they can't find anything for him."

Tyson Kidd:

Tyson Kidd continues His return to action, he wrestled in the pre show dark match before last nights WWE taping's vs his former Tag partner Justin Gabriel.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Big Show promo saying he is getting tired of being used by the McMahon family.

* Triple H makes a handicap match main event Show vs Randy Orton and The Shield.

* Fandango vs Rob Van Dam

* R- Truth vs Ryback

* Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler

* 3MB vs Los Matadores

* Aksana vs Brie Bella

* Big E. Langston vs Kofi Kingston

* Big Show vs Randy Orton and The Shield

* Curtis Axel vs R - Truth for the IC Title at BattleGround was also confirmed.

Mickie James criticises WWE 'Bullying':

In reference to the Piggy James angle...

''Looking back on it now, I think it shed some light on a big issue in our school system and on the internet now, with technology at your fingertips. It's so easy for bullies to do it now, sitting behind a keyboard because there's no face-to-face interaction. And that storyline, I think, was an attempt to address bullying and tell a story with it. Michelle and Layla had already been playing the role of the "mean girls," but I don't know where exactly that storyline came from. And honestly, I feel like it was one of the most difficult storylines to take, as I found it difficult to take my personal feelings and emotions out of it. But I can see how it may have resonated, because at some point most of us have been bullied or picked on, so most of us can relate to it in some aspect. Because you're going to have sympathy for the character and understand where she's coming from, impacted from the perils of bullying.''

John Cena:

John Cena has added some US dates to his special appearances, all post Christmas.

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan has officially left TNA, his contract expired at midnight last night, talks are ongoing but money may be an issue.

Also AJ Styles and TNA are no closer to agreeing a new deal, despite WWE declaring no interest in the 36 year old.

Hall Of Fame 2014:

Two names are vying for the headline inductee spot at next years HOF ceremony, The Ultimate Warrior and DX, as a group (Shawn Michaels, Triple H, New Age Outlaws, X-Pac and Chyna).

DX were penciled in to headline this year because WWE did not think Bruno Sammartino would agree to join the HOF, however when he did DX were dropped.

Royal Rumble:

Two names are being discussed as possible winners of the Royal Rumble, Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar.

Brock was scheduled to return to TV later this month in time for Survivor Series, but WWE may be holding back until the Rumble now, whilst Daniel Bryan may be given the win to reinvigorate his top level status.

However, these rumours Have only started since it was reported that WWE had already decided who was to win next years event, and that CM Punk would be lifted back into the top title stories soon, so this may be to deflect attention from the Punk to win stories IMO.

Mark Jindrak on Evolution:

Mark Jindrak has shared his thoughts on why he was dropped from the original line up of the WWE faction...

"I wasn't ready for Evolution at that time in my career," Jindrak admitted on his Twitter. "I was immature and Batista fit better. It was mine to lose and I dropped the ball. But since then I've matured and understood why I missed that chance and it's helped me in my career which ended up in CMLL in Mexico''.

Austin Aries hints at TNA tensions:

In reference to the Christy Hemme incident, where he thrust his crotch into her face because she botched a mic call...

"That's a difficult situation. I'm not going to say a whole lot about it but it was an unfortunate event. I'll just say I was disappointed in the way things were handled in multiple levels and I think I will leave it at that for now."

Cody Rhodes:

Despite being fired, WWE have released a new Cody Rhodes T-shirt today.

Brie Bella on future plans:

And they do not include WWE...

"I want to raise my babies, I want to be home with them every day. And I'm excited for when that chapter in my life happens."


WWE have today named Edge & Christian the greatest tag team in the promotions 50 year history... were they?, if not, who was better???

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