Sunday, October 6, 2013

Today's News

Tony Dawson:

Recently released WWE announcer Tony Dawson has landed a new job working for CBS sports.

To turn or not to turn:

AJ Lee's pipebomb promo on September 16's Raw was meant to turn the cast of ''Total Diva's'' face, however someone forgot to tell The Bella's and Eva Marie, they continued to play the heel on TV and social media for another couple of weeks, but, it was made clear to them that they were face before this weeks Raw, and they have now dropped the mean girl attitudes.

New Diva's:

Shaul Guerrero returned to NXT this weekend, and Leah Van Damme and Devin Taylor also debuted at a live show in Florida.

Great Khali:

WWE refused Great Khali permission to make a movie recently, saying his contract only allows him to work on WWE movie projects (Which is not true, he made a movie called Get Smart in 2008). Sylvester Stallone, one of the co-stars had specifically singled Khali out for a role in the flick, but was told that...

"The federation's contract doesn't allow Khali to sign up for any movies''

However sources close to Khali added...

''At least not as of now."

Leaving WWE???

Jim Ross remembers Brian Pillman:

"My friend Brian Pillman died on this day in 1997 at the age of 35. I think of Brian every day in some fashion. Brian was obsessed with pro wrestling, amazingly unpredictable, and a classic, athletic overachiever. Brian could be described as 'brilliantly crazy' and an 'athletic, wild man' and one wouldn't get an argument from too many folks that knew Brian well. I helped him get his break in WCW bringing him in from Calgary and also hired him to come to WWE. The story of Brian planning on chaining himself to the goalpost at a Super Bowl is true. The Cincinnati native felt it would garner him global publicity and certify him as a legit, crazy man. I still remember to this minute where I was standing in the arena in St. Louis when I got the news of his untimely passing. A heartbreaking day."

He also predicted Hulk Hogan will be back within WWE next year, and will have a part to play in the Hall Of Fame inductions of The Ultimate Warrior and Macho Man Randy Savage in 2014.

BattleGround SPOILERS!!!:

Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton for the vacant WWE title will main event tonight's brand new WWE PPV. Expect interference from the Big Show, although who he will side with is unclear. Will he continue to side with the McMahon's and help Orton win the championship?, or will he pull a swerve and help Daniel Bryan get the win?.

Either way Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton will continue for one more PPV match before Orton moves on to face Show for the remainder of 2013.

Santino Marella and Great Khali vs The Real Americans has been added to the card.

Don't forget, as usual I will be hosting a live fan chat over on our other page during the show, so come on over and join in.

Shaggy's Wrestling Page

WWE signing:

WWE have signed Californian indy wrestler Brian Reid AKA Brian Tannen to a developmental deal.

UK legend joins WWE full time:

Robbie Brookside who worked for NXT last year as a trainer has made the switch permanent, his wife says he is moving to the States to work for WWE full time.

History of WWE DVD:

Three new matches announced...

* Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels, WWE Title (Survivor Series 1997)

* The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan (WrestleMania X8)

* John Cena, Rey Mysterio and Batista vs. Randy Orton, Chris Jericho and Big Show, (Tribute to the Troops 2008)

Wrestlers robbed:

A group of wrestlers including La Parka and Cibernetico were robbed at gun point and had their lives threatened on their way to a show in Mexico. They lost money and electrical gadgets, but still worked the card.

Change of heart for Stacy:

Following news of Stacy Keibler wanting a hefty pay off for a one night WWE return earlier this week, Stacy has today denied wanting to come back, saying, through friends, she is grateful for the part they played in her career, but that part of her life is over.

Hogan / TNA split:

It seems Hulk Hogan has decided not to return to TNA...

"One door closes, another one opens, and I'm ready for my next challenge. Life is good. HH."

Tara knocks TNA:

She announced her wrestling career is not over, but...

"TNA is out of the question. It wasn't a good fit for me. I had a great run there, but it was very different from WWE. It made me appreciate WWE a lot."

The original Stone Cold:

Glacier says he was going to been called Stone Cold in WCW, but didn't like the name...

"So we started off with like 150 names and we kept whittling them down and whittling them down and so we got down to the last ten or so names. I'll never forget it, Andre, the special effects guy came up to me with a piece of paper with ten names on it. One of those was Glacier but one of the other names, and again if you go back and check this, it was January 96, one of the other names was Stone Cold *laughs* Now that name wasn't a good fit for me, it didn't resonate with me. Now Austin at that time ended up taking that name. And looking back I think we can all agree that the right guy got that name."


BattleGround match predictions please, card in comments...

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