Friday, October 11, 2013

Today's News

The Miz:

The Miz has revealed he has one goal left in wrestling, to win the World championship...

"I've held every single title besides one: the World Heavyweight Championship. I'm a four-time Tag Team champion, two-time United States champion, two-time Intercontinental champion, one-time WWE champion, two-time Slammy Award-winner. Every opportunity I get, I'm taking, and when I get the opportunity to go for the World Heavyweight Championship, guess what? I'm taking it."

Michael Hayes:

More on Hayes current WWE status (See yesterday)...

Michael Hayes will be brought back into WWE at some point, one insider saying he had been suspended from school for a few weeks.

Cena / Rock Mania 28 tensions:

John Cena has admitted that he wanted to win at WrestleMania 28 and was very disappointed when he was told the result was not going his way. He says one day he and The Rock would sit with a cigar and a coffee and tell the full story of the real tension they have towards each other, and what happened backstage at Mania 28, but that now is not the time.

Biggest star omitted from the HOF is...:

According to Jim Ross... Danny Hodge...

''On the WWE HOF topic that so many ask me about, for Dan Hodge not to be in the WWE HOF is another name that can be added to the list of 'head scratchers.' Hodge is in every Hall of Fame in the sport, both amateur and pro, except WWE, if I'm not mistaken. Dan was a legend in the days before cable TV, etc and of all the Oklahomans who are in the WWE HOF Danny Hodge is the most deserving. Plus, Hodge was a star in the Louisiana territory aka Mid South Wrestling that made New Orleans it's top market. Dan is in his 80's and can likely still beat a large percentage of pro wrestlers in the biz or at least those that play the role of a pro wrestler on television.''

AJ Styles:

The publishers of AJ Styles biog have pushed the release date back, without offering a new date for publication. They say they want the book to be the best it can be, and feel slowing down the process would make it better than it would be if they release on the original date.


Kurt Angle returned and Ethan debuted on last night's Impact.

SPOILERS!!! for next weeks show...

* AJ Styles promo, which was affected by poor audio and technical issues, so may not be used.

* Christopher Daniels vs Robbie E.

* Dixe Carter Promo.

* Chris Sabin vs Samoa Joe.

* Gunner vs Knux

* Kurt Angle promo.

* Bully Ray vs Magnus.

* Contract signing.

TNA are also cutting ticket prices to future events, due to awful sales recently and playing to almost empty arena's.

Stephanie selling stock

Stephanie McMahon has revealed the reason she has been selling her WWE shares. She has sold $8.3 Million worth of her stock, which is 1/3 of her total shares to deal with personal financial purposes and to build a new house, adding to the two she already has, one in Connecticut, the other in New York.

She sold the stock in 43 separate blocks of sales, the last of which was on October 7.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair is charging $15,000 per appearance on the indy scene.


WWE star Layla has honoured her mother in an ad promoting WWE's link to a cancer charity...

Hulk Hogan:

Where will Hulk end up?

He has still not agreed to return to TNA, but WWE are remaining tight lipped on talks. It is said any talks with WWE are been handled by Vince McMahon or Triple H personally and they are not telling anyone how those taks (If they are happening) are going.

Officials from both sides are playing down signing him, both sides saying they expect him to sign with the other promotion, with Hulk himself saying nothing on the matter.

CM Punk:

CM Punk may be forced off the road soon. He has been suffering from his injuries to his back and knees and may be taken out of action possibly as soon as post Hell In A Cell to allow him to be 100% for WrestleMania 30. This would cost him a WWE title feud vs the winner of the current Orton / Bryan rivalry, he was due to step into that feud following the next WWE PPV event later this month.

Very early rumours are he may be sent home, until the Royal Rumble, be brought back to win that event, and then start a delayed feud vs the WWE champion going into WrestleMania 30 where he would achieve his dream of main eventing the biggest show in wrestling.

John Cena:

John Cena will be back on Monday's Raw. WWE were going to keep him off TV until HIAC but they feel he may be able to improve flagging ratings.

He also shared his thoughts on changing his ring style to accommodate the arm injury...

"If you broke down my technique, it wouldn't really take a rocket scientist to do so. I don't know how you could take something so basic and do less [laughs]."

WWE debut:

Lana debuted on NXT as a manager on one of the 4 pre taped episodes of NXT, recorded last night.

Ken Shamrock on wrestling return:

"I am very open to that. I have pretty much been begging for someone to give me an explanation as to why I am at least not being considered... I've been pretty much just like black balled and I don't know why? I just need someone to give me the opportunity, but right now, I'm not getting any feedback from anybody."

On WWE...

"I don't think I have any enemies, other than probably Hunter, who I didn't think we didn't get along, but we rubbed shoulders a few times the wrong way... I don't know, I've been asking someone to please let me know what is going on, because I would really love to come back and get that shot at the title."

On TNA...

"TNA, in the short time I was there, I didn't have the time I needed to work there. Now I have that time and I am in great shape. I don't need to worry about keeping my size down for fighting because I'm not fighting... so yeah, I'm pretty much open for getting back."

Nigel McGuiness reveals why he didn't join WWE:

"There wasn't any interest in me wrestling for them. An old arm injury, which was pretty much healed, is why I couldn't work for WWE. Then I got hepatitis B in TNA and didn't want to leave a chance for somebody else to get it."

WWE affected by government shutdown:

WWE cannot book any live events around Florida for their developmental show, because they usually use national guard armories and they are all closed because of the shutdown in the country.

Curtis Axel talks working with Rock / Brock:

"After we'd get done training... he would spend time with me, the guy's attention to detail is so amazing to me. He's one of the greatest WWE Superstars of all time. So to have him take the time to help me, to pick my brain and to figure out what I'm thinking about, that's amazing to me. I was just down there to help him, but he in turn helped me. I did the same with Brock Lesnar. He's [Lesnar] got a whole different mindset when it comes to this business. So for me to get in the ring with both of those guys, and to have them help me... plus now I have Paul Heyman... I'm having the time of my life right now."


Does Ken Shamrock deserve another run in wrestling, and the WWE title reign he craves???

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