Friday, October 4, 2013

Today's News

McMahon's vs Rhodes:

WWE are working on an appearance for Vince McMahon as early as this upcoming Monday.

More on the heat between Dusty Rhodes and Stephanie McMahon (See yesterday). Steph has been unhappy with Rhodes for a couple of weeks, she was to humble Rhodes on Raw a couple of weeks ago, but Dusty kept talking over her, spoiling the planned angle, and the Face Palm gesture Rhodes did to her on Raw, compounded her anger with the Hall Of Famer.

Big E. Langston:

Speculation about Langston's slump has been blamed on John Cena. Cena is a very vocal supporter of Langston, and since he has gone away on injury leave, Langston has been split from AJ with no story line reason, and has been floundering in the mid card. WWE are said to be working on a face turn and big story line, but has, as of this writing shown no signs of beginning that angle for him.


The Hall Of Famer's Dory and Terry Funk are on their way to Japan, Dory Has announced.

Rey Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio plans a WWE return in late October, and says he is determined to prove he is as good as he was at the height of his WWE career in 2007/8.

Randy Orton:

Randy Orton is heavily featured at the top of the WWE creative plans right through until, and including WrestleMania 30.

The Undertaker:

WWE have confirmed that The Undertaker was going to compete with Kane vs The Shield at SummerSlam, but The Shield injured him when they put him through a table and he could not get fit in time. However, Taker fans, good news, he met with Triple H last week, and Hunter presented him with some creative ideas for him to come back, possibly as early as Survivor Series, maybe the Royal Rumble, and dependent on his physical health, he was said to be open to the idea of a return earlier than has become usual in recent years.

He may not be alone, his Wife Michelle McCool is also interesting WWE after impressing officials at a masterclass she gave to the NXT stars recently.

Stacy Keibler:

Stacy wants to come back to WWE. However she is setting strict proviso's. She wants a one night return and wants paying $1,000,000 for the appearance. Her people have said she grew accustomed to the opulent lifestyle she enjoyed whilst dating George Clooney and wants to maintain that standard of life, that, she believes will cost Her $50,000 a month, hence this hefty request. She also wants to make some financial investments to help her create new revenue streams.

The chances are slight however, WWE would probably only pay that for a Mania match and Stacy was better known as a valet than a ring star. Also the last time Stacy wanted to come back in 2009 (She had asked to present an episode of Raw) WWE did not even pay her the respect to respond to her request, never mind take her up on it.

Rumours were circulating earlier this Summer that WWE wanted her back, but that was flatly denied by WWE, and the rumours were from a newspaper not noted for it's honesty, so the validity of those rumours is questionable.

WWE Title (SPOILERS!!!):

The Orton vs Bryan feud will continue for at least two more PPV matches before Randy Orton moves on to a new feud with Big Show over the Title.

Which Luger do you want?:

Mattel want to make a new action figure of Lex Luger, and are polling fans on which era of his career should be recognized, current standings...

* NWA Era Four Horseman Lex Luger (76 votes)

* WWE Narcissist Lex Luger (99 votes)

* WWE Allied Powers Lex Luger (141 votes)

* WCW NWO Wolfpack Lex Luger (46 votes)

BattleGround (SPOILERS!!!):

Damien Sandow may be cashing in his briefcase this Sunday. WWE were considering putting the WWE title on RVD but his refusal to commit to a new contract has changed those plans and a new idea for the World Title leaked online today would see RVD take the title from Alberto Del Rio this Sunday, Ricardo Rodriguez turn on RVD to return to ADR's side and Sandow take his chance to cash in and claim the title.

Some within WWE are said to be dead against this angle for two reasons...

#1 They did this as recently as SumerSlam with the WWE title.

#2 They want to keep Del Rio in the top stories, to maintain their popularity with Latin audiences.

Fandango has tweeted that the show will feature a dancing competition, he promises to win.

Total Diva's:

WWE are in talks with E!, and very confident that a second series of their ''Reality'' show will be commissioned and will air shortly after WrestleMania 30, the current series will return from a mid season break on November 17.

New signing:

WWE have signed Colorado native Dylan Mile to a developmental deal today. He got the job because he performed a 37 inch vertical leap, despite being 6'3 and 285.

Hulk Hogan:

I guess now his TNA deal is up he needs the cash. He has today appeared in a revealing TV ad.

Ethan (SPOILERS!!!):

New TNA star Ethan is going to be played by recent WWE release Derrick Bateman, he impressed officials at a recent try out.

Talk to Sunny:

Sunny is charging fans $4 per minute to call her via the website.

Her bio on the site reads...

"Hey guys! I am the Original Diva of the WWE and 2011 WWE Hall of Famer!! You already know about me, so I cant wait to hear more about you!! Call me!!"

WWE / Winter Olympics:

WWE have shot promo's supporting the US winter Olympic team.

Stephanie selling stock:

Stephanie McMahon has sold another 47,000 shares of WWE stock.

John Cena:

WWE say John Cena is involved in the Cancer charity promo material because they shot them before he left for his operation.

50 years of WWE DVD:

3 matches have been announced today...

* 1998 Royal Rumble match

* Triple H vs. The Rock for the WWE Title

* #1 Contender's Match for the WWE Title, John Cena vs. CM Punk

New look for Tough Enough winner:

(Photo) This is Andy Leavine who won the most recent series of the show, before joining NXT as Kevin Hackman. He was released shortly after.

He now competes on the body building circuit.


WWE hope to keep Goldust around until WrestleMania and are open to offering him the brother vs brother match he has wanted for over 2 years as a carrot.

Ryback talks career goals:

"I'd love to take on Bill Goldberg. I think it's a match that's going to make me a lot of money. It's going to make him a lot of money. It's a match the WWE Universe want to see. I said recently that if people keep chanting his name at me, they're going to make me a ton of money. WWE's going to want to bring in Bill Goldberg to face Ryback. (But) one of my main goals is ending The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak. It's something everyone has their opinion on. Some people say it's something that should never end. I say why not? I say I'm good enough to end it, and I'm very confident in myself. I know there are a lot of people that will say otherwise, but I could care less what they say. I'm the one who wakes up every day and knows how hard I've worked for this. It's something, if I don't believe I can do it, nobody else is going to believe it. I talked to him (The Undertaker) last year at WrestleMania. He made a comment to me. We were down by the ring somewhere and he said 'I hear you're doing some interviews and saying you want The Undertaker.' I said 'You're damn right I do.' That's all it was. Whether it happens this year or the year after, I don't know. Whatever the WWE asks of me, I will do because they are my employer. I give them everything I have because I have a love and passion for this and there is no ego involved. The Undertaker is definitely another one for WrestleMania. There is no bigger for me. The streak has become its own attraction. If that's a possibility, I'm there."

Ken Shamrock shoots on Triple H:

Ken Shamrock says Triple H's ego is the reason he has not returned to WWE, and says Hunter wants to be Vince McMahon...

"I promise you that Triple H wants to be Vince McMahon, he wants that charisma, he wants that control, and he wants that respect but the only way you going to get the respect by putting yourself a side and pushing other people. Now the only way anyone is going to get pushed is if Triple H has something to do with them, period. That right there is a problem. You can't start an organization when you're actually going to be running it and putting yourself in the limelight. Vince McMahon did not do that. Vince McMahon put over (Hulk) Hogan, McMahon put over Andre the Giant, and he was nowhere to be seen. Right now, you got a guy that's pretty questionable on why he is there and then he makes it even more of a problem by putting himself in the limelight and everybody is going: "See, I told you so.'"

Eric Bischoff:

Has called reports of his TNA contract expiring in 2014 ''Bullsh*t'' on his Twitter.


WWE have teased a return for Goldberg in an ad for the new Goldberg DVD...


Is Rey as good as he was in 2007?, can he get back to that level or is his ring career coming to an end???

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