Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today's News

Performance Center guests:

Hall Of Famer Shawn Michaels and WWE boss Vince McMahon visited the WWE PC yesterday, but they did not interact with any of the superstars in attendance.

Eve Torres has also been to the PC this week, teaching self defense classes to the female roster.


CM Punk and AJ caused a ridiculous amount of dirt sheet column inches last night because they arrived at the arena together.

After the show Triple H demanded the crowd leave the arena, and when they didn't he fired the entire audience.

CM Punk suffered a cut to his eye, but did not need stitches.

Members of the Dudley Boyz Team 3D academy attended WWE Raw last night for try out's and some appeared as extras on the show.

Ex TNA star So Cal Val was at the show.

Vince McMahon was scripted to return last night, but they used a different script and he did not appear.

WWE releases:

Money In The Bank anthology and WWE 2K14 hit stores today in the US, the European release of the game will be on November 1.

To promote the release 2K14 have posted a live stream of the streak mode...

Indy star accuses Hall Of Famer:

Damien Darling, former partner of Sunny is claiming she is trying to ruin his wrestling career by costing him indy bookings.

Sunny BTW is on her way to the UK for a tour next month and has also announced she will be selling Skype chats for $10 every 5 minutes.

One more match?:

Shawn Michaels was telling people backstage at Hell In A Cell that he has no desire to have another match despite physically involving himself in the title match at the PPV. As seen on last night's Raw however his feud vs Daniel Bryan is to continue, and Shawn is going to be around WWE TV for a few more weeks yet.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair has moved to Tampa, Florida.

PWI women:

Cheerleader Melissa has responded to being named the number 1 woman in wrestling this year by PWI...

"I feel nothing but pure excitement. I'm so very honored."

WWE burying top stars?:

WWE have been accused of burying some stars on Raw last night, including Damien Sandow for having him cash in his case for a shot at the World Title on Raw rather than Hell In A Cell as originally planned, and also because he failed to win.

Some also said that CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were buried (More on this later).

Kane unmasked:

Kane has once again removed his mask, presenting it to Stephanie McMahon on Raw. This is to sell his movie See No Evil 2 which he has just completed. 

There is no word on whether or not the mask will be returning in the future.

Survivor Series:

One match is confirmed for Survivor Series and others currently under consideration have also been leaked...

Cody Rhodes & Goldust will defend the Tag Team Titles in a fatal four way elimination match vs The Shield vs The Real American's vs another team yet to be confirmed (But will probably be The Uso's, or Los Matadores).

Other's under consideration...

* Big Show will wrestle either Triple H or Randy Orton for the WWE Title.

* CM Punk and Daniel Bryan (+2 others) will compete in a Survivor Series match vs The Wyatt Family (+1 other).

This despite some reports is not to bury or punish Punk and Bryan, rather the plan is to push The Wyatt's up the roster. WWE also want to return Survivor Series to the major event standing it once had, and feel putting established top guys in an old school elimination match could help them to achieve this.

Although not being buried Daniel Bryan is now out of the WWE Title picture.

* John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Title will also be added, some are calling for Damien Sandow to be included as well, but that is not thought to be likely.

* Daniel Bryan vs Triple H was, but is no longer going to be a match for the show.

Twitter feud:

Curtis Axel and Konnan are in the midst of a Twitter feud after Konnan called for WWE to fire Axel, due to his lack of charisma.

TNA for sale:

The Carter family have quietly being trying to sell TNA for several months, but are hoping to sell to a short list of preferred sellers, and do not want to make it a public sale if they can help it.

TNA talent are growing increasingly concerned about their financial status. They are paid on a per night deal, and with TNA recording multiple episodes of Impact at once late next month they will see a drastic drop in their pay. TNA have also removed some live dates and are reducing the amount they host going into the new year which will again decrease their monies.

Other TNA notes...

Abyss has started working as an agent alongside Jeff Jarrett.

Genesis is expected to happen, but will be pre taped at Universal in Orlando, not live or on the road.

Eric Bischoff is ''Gone''. Dave Meltzer reports he was sent home and will be paid for the duration of his contract, which will be until early next year, but he will not return to TNA.

Chris Jericho:

''But I'm Chris Jericho''...

Episode 1...

Episode 2...

Bonus Episode...

Fandango wants to fight actor:

Fandango has declared he does not like actor Colin Farrell, and in fact despises him so much he wants to punch him in the face.

Alberto Del Rio:

ADR says he has no plans to return to MMA after he retires from WWE.

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles first TNA title defense outside of the promotion will be for AAA in Mexico this Sunday, his opponent is TBA.

Christopher Daniels on TNA issues:

"We're definitely not going to be done by December, for goodness' sake. I think we're going through some growing pains. We're still trying to find our legs with being on the road. I don't think there is trouble in the sense of imminent doom. I'm sorry to see some of the people who have left in the past couple months leave, but hopefully contract negotiations mean they'll have a chance to come back. All I can really count on is me trying to stay relevant on the scene from now until my contract expires in the middle of next year, not that I'm counting the clock ticking. I'm just trying to stay entertaining on television for as long as I can."


Kane - Mask or no mask???

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