Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today's News

WWE list top families:

15 - DiBiase's
14 - Colon's
13 - Poffo's
12 - Windham's
11 - Vachon's
10 - Hennig's
9 - Brisco's
8 - Guerrero's
7 - Funk's
6 - Orton's
5 - Von Erich's
4 - Rhodes'
3 - Anoa'i's / Maivia's
2 - Hart's
1 - McMahon's

Big Show arrested:

Michael Cole says Triple H is planning to have Show arrested for the KO punch on Raw.

El Local's:

Update on yesterday's SmackDown SPOILERS!!!, the other El Local was portrayed by Tyson Kidd.

WWE returns:

Christian was due back later this week, but has been pulled. Rey Mysterio will return, on the upcoming Mexico tour.

Daniel Bryan on his beard:

"It'll be interesting to see (Brie Bella) if she wants me cleanshaven for the wedding or not. I don't know if I could shave my beard right now if I wanted to. We're filming SmackDown tonight. Imagine if I just showed up to the arena tonight cleanshaven, how mad everyone would be. [Laughs.] It's no longer something that I can control myself. I have to accept that this is what I am."

He also revealed a prank he played on the ''Total Diva's'' crew, taking them on a 5 mile hike before making the proposal to Brie Bella, and then popped the question before they had chance to get their gear set up.

Michael Hayes suspended:

Update on yesterday's story...

According to former WWE creative writer Court Bauer, Michael Hayes has been suspended by WWE for offering Rosa Mendes alcohol just days after she returned from a ban for alcohol related bad behaviour on the last European tour. She came back after a spell in rehab, and WWE felt Hayes' actions were so insensitive they had no choice but to take action.

Road Dogg Jesse James has taken up the duties of Hayes, and is said to be doing very well, which may worry the former Freebird, will they want him back?.

WWE have reiterated their original line, with this brief statement...

"Michael is taking a leave of absence for personal reasons."


Backstage at BattleGround was chaotic, scripts were not signed off until way past the 11th hour, WWE talent and staffers were allegedly openly betting (Via friends and Family, not first hand) on the outcomes of matches, and Vince McMahon fumed at the power outage.

Related to that final point, Vince McMahon is extremely concerned that a repeat of the power outage could come at WrestleMania 30, the arena suffered an outage during an NFL game, and Mania takes up much more power than NFL needs (With Pyo etc...). he is said to be looking for assurances from the organizers.

Backstage WWE notes:

Creative is not in a good place within WWE, there has been very little organization and leadership since Erik Pankowski left after SummerSlam.

Big Show will be added to the Orton vs Bryan feud after Hell In A Cell, to continue and breathe new life into the WWE title feud between Randy and Daniel.

Damien Sandow has been told to stop singing and doing cartwheels, because an NXT star does the same thing, and Vince feels it looks amateurish. He will be turned face after cashing in his case, originally the plan was for him to lose and then change his character, but he is now expected to get a run with big gold first.

Art meets life:

The current WWE story, where Triple H is buying Big Show's house because of financial problems is based on truth. CM Punk bought the home of Joey Mercury, when he could not afford to maintain his financial obligations on the property.


Zack Ryder's Internet Championship will be available on the WWE game.

TNA change:

Bob Carter is no longer the head of TNA's parent company Panda Energy, he has handed the role to his wife Janice, and she is not a fan of wrestling it seems, it is speculated that since the switch was made TNA's financial issues have started, she apparently keeps a much tighter hold on the purse strings.

Ted DiBiase Jr:

Ted DiBiase is only using wrestling as a hobby now, he will not go on the road, and has landed a number of jobs to keep him busy. He will still make appearances at signing's and one night shows, but will not travel too far from his family.

Ric Flair:

Is taking bookings, he cancelled all previous dates after the WWE SummerSlam feud, WWE said he needed help.

Wade Barrett:

WWE have changed their mind about calling him bad news Barrett, but will still give him a new character.

NXT's top star:

NXT officials say Mojo Rawley is the next big thing.

WrestleMania 30 plans:

#1 Hulk Hogan to WWE...

WWE are considering making Hulk Hogan a bid to counteract the offer made by TNA, with the view to him appearing at WrestleMania 30. The plan would see him induct either Macho Man Randy Savage or Ultimate Warrior into the Hall Of Fame and then work an angle with a mid level heel on the PPV.


WWE are considering building the show around the retirement match of The Undertaker.

#3 WWE are still open to the idea of Goldberg vs Ryback, and are working at keeping lines of communication open with the former WCW man.

#4 Goldust vs Cody will happen in 2014, Goldust will be the heel, and the plan is a retirement match at Mania 30. This will not happen if Taker is also retiring at the show though IMO, they would not want to distract from the dead man's farewell.

Cena vs ADR:

John Cena and Alberto Del Rio will continue their feud post Hell In A Cell, probably into Survivor Series.

Ken Shamrock:

Has reunited with his brother Frank.

New WWE Alum:

This week the legendary Tiger Mask.


Who is wrestling's greatest family in your opinion???

OK news done... video uploading, now time to celebrate getting another year older... 


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