Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today's News

HHH Promo:

Edge and RVD have responded to Hunter's controversial promo on Raw this week...


"I think everyone forgets it's entertainment. Santa isn't real either. Or the Easter Bunny(I think, rabbits are sneaky)''.


"Missed it. Sounds strong."

Chris Jericho has also backtracked on the strength of his comments (See yesterday)...

"No big deal. Always nice to be mentioned on Raw."

Backstage staffers have defended Hunter, saying he is really over worked, and is possibly taking on too much, too soon, and that mistakes such as the promo are going to happen as a result.

Nowniski honours WWE:

Former WWE star turned concussion syndrome campaigner Christopher Nowinski's Sports Legacy Institute will honour WWE for their changes since the Chris Benoit tragedy, and their work on the issue of concussions in sport tonight. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon will represent the company.

Nowinski has spoken of a meeting he had with Vince McMahon in 2011 in promotion of the event...

“He let me know how proud he was [of SLI], how far the research had come, the influence we had in changing the culture in sports. And he really opened up the door to saying how could we work together, both to protect the talent in WWE, but it’s also ingrained that they’re supporting CTE research that will benefit athletes, military veterans and the world at large.”

Magnus blames fans:

Magnus has blamed the negativity wrestling fans have shown TNA for the issues they are currently having, and says he does not understand why fans do not get behind the promotion...

"Honestly, I am not qualified to answer that. I'm not trying to dodge the question, I promise you. I'm not really qualified to speak on physical matters or anything like that as far as the company is concerned. I will say this that any wrestling fan who claims to be a wrestling fan should get off this bandwagon of: 'Let's all talk about the state of TNA's business.' Anyone would tell you that and I'm talking about people on Wall Street, people in any industry, particularly the entertainment industry where the reputation of image is very important, that sometimes all you need is the rumor even if there is no validity to it and then the rumor can actually become a possibility. It boggles my mind there are people out there that you read their bio or they will tell you: 'I eat, sleep and breathe wrestling man. I love it,' but then they are the ones that say, 'TNA is going to go out of business and yada, yada, yada.' Do you want that to happen? Do you want to have less wrestling on TV? Do you want all of these performers that you admire have to go find work somewhere else? I don't understand that. That to me has always been a strange thing and the irony of it is that these are the people that claim to be the most dedicated wrestling fans and the one who are not paying for the Pay-Per-Views, they are illegally downloading them and they are busy knocking everything at every opportunity and becoming armchair writers or armchair quarterbacks as the saying goes. You are harming the business more then you are aiding it and I don't understand why would do that if you claim to love it so much. It's not me trying to say, 'Oh please, stop expressing you opinion.' But if you are being overwhelming negative all the time then you should focus it somewhere else and focus it on yourself."

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho is to star in a faux reality / comedy web series called ''But I'm Chris Jericho''... Trailer...

Ultimate Warrior interview:

Highlights, returning to the Warrior character for 2K14, his improved relationship with WWE and remembering Owen Hart...

Rob Van Dam:

According to FW4...

"Rob Van Dam is currently not under a performance contract with WWE."

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* The Uso's vs The Wyatt Family

* AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella

* Los Matadores vs 3MB

* CM Skunk vs Ryback and Paul Heyman

Note, CM Skunk was a scrawny local wrestler...

* Fandango vs Great Khali

* Randy Orton & The Shield vs Big E. Langston, Daniel Bryan and The Rhodes Brothers.


Money In The Bank DVD trailer released...

Mickie James contemplates retirement?:

She says no...

"It's certainly not the last time you'll see me on television in a wrestling ring. I'm far from done. When I retire, I want to retire the right way. That's what we all hope for, right?"

Sunny on cancer:

Sunny has spoken about her cancer returning...

"My doctor's visit was not good yesterday...Im looking at more surgery and possibly radiation...they surgery they did in May did NOT remove all of my cancer I have a long, long road ahead of me!"

She has also angrily responded to fans who claim she is making it up for attention and is selfish for posting an Amazon wishlist along with the news she is suffering from the disease again. I will not post it here (Long, angry and sweary) but it is on this link, if you are interested.

Rhodes Brothers:

Here is the new theme and video for the Tag Team champions...


People who buy the new game on it's release date of October 29 will also receive a bonus DVD of The Rock's career.

Also a new ad has been released, featuring Kaitlyn unboxing the special ''Phenom'' edition, in which she shows off a new look, she has dyed her hair...

Triple H selling stock:

Triple H has started selling his WWE stock selling 703 shares for around $11 each.

Ricardo learning to wrestle:

Ricardo Rodriguez is at the Performance center today ''Learning to wrestle''. Meaning he will become a ring star after a break from TV. He can wrestle, this is just for story line reasons. 

Hell In A Cell:

Los Matadores vs Real Americans has been added to the card.

Dolph Ziggler heat:

Why is Dolph being buried on TV?. Well despite Dolph playing it down as his character he is very unpopular in the back because of his attitude and behaviour towards other roster members and backstage staff, and his outspoken interviews about WWE are causing officials to really resent him. Dolph says he is just portraying his character as a show off and arrogant person. But WWE are not impressed with the way he speaks to and about people in the company, and he may continue to wallow in the mid card until or unless he changes his attitude.


TNA are considering bringing back the 6 sided ring.

Lex Luger on Monday night wars:

"The WWE ended up winning the war, the Monday-night wrestling wars, and took over both companies. So now it's all one, great, big conglomerate, internationally, ginormous wrestling entertainment industry now. There's really no close competitors."

Bound For Glory guests:

Former TNA announcer Todd Keneley and ex WWE man Brian Kendrick were backstage at TNA's PPV on Sunday (Pic to follow).

Justin Credible on confrontation with Matt Striker:

(See yesterday)...

Justin Credible has revealed Matt Striker was supposed to back jump him to set up a rematch but instead threw a chair at him and bust him open hardway, then when he returned to the back, covered in blood...

"Well when I went to the back I was a little annoyed, and it didn't help that Matt was right there already starting to talk s--t to the promoter. I'm not mad at getting hit. I'm mad at the way he is manipulating things in the locker room, and to the NYWC officals. When he started to say he was sorry, I felt more anger, and basically told him to f-ck off. He kept taking sh-t, and then the boys got in the middle, and I walked away. I have no idea what he's trying to accomplish with this, but Matt if something like this ever happens again, I WILL KILL YOU. I just want you to remember, we are 'working' each other again very soon. I'm really looking forward to that match."

Christopher Daniels talks his best friend:

Referring to Daniel Bryan...

"Absolutely. First of all, Daniel Bryan is probably top of my list as far as being one of the nicest guys and one of the guys that's worked the hardest. Watching him go from the Texas indies, to the Ring of Honor days, to where he is now – it's just a testament to his desire and his hard work. Then there are guys like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe, both former World Champions, we went through the indies together and Ring of Honor together. Those guys have both worked very hard to reach the top of the ladder. Lo-Ki is another guy I've had extensive experience with in the ring and on the road. And then Frankie Kazarian and I have traveled around together for the past decade and a half honing our craft and now we're the top team in TNA. You build a relationship with these guys traveling around the world, keeping your nose to the grindstone to become better and I think working with such talented guys like that has helped me become as good as I am now."

Where Are They Now?:

This month... Ken Shamrock.


Is Dolph Ziggler's WWE future doomed to fail, or can he rectify his current situation???

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