Friday, October 25, 2013

Today's News

TNA national tour ends:

TNA have confirmed that their national tour of Impact will end on November 7 in Cincinnati. They will return to Orlando to tape episodes through until January, then they will need to find a permanent new home. They will not be in their old home though, the Impact Zone is now a Resident Evil themed tour, so they will be put into a smaller sound stage to tape the episodes over 3 days in late November.

This has caused worries from talent, they are now going to have nothing to do for a couple of months, and are looking to accept indy dates, but TNA are adamant that they cannot work events that are televised or live internet PPV's, meaning their ability to earn a decent paycheque during the break is going to be limited.

TNA also announced a 24/7 plan, wanting to take TNA to it's fans via social media all day every day, they are calling it ''The action never ends''. It will include action, recaps and reality shows following their talent's real lives.

Joey Styles interview:

On Dolph Ziggler...

"My very good friend Dolph Ziggler isn't being used to the best of his potential. You want to be very careful who you hand the ball to, but I think Dolph is someone that you can absolutely hand the ball to because his work is very exciting. He is unbelievably crisp and great on the mic; he is a big fan of standup comedy and he can ad lib as well (if he is given permission to do it). He's also never going to embarrass the company, he's never going to get in trouble with the law, he's a model guy."

On Daniel Bryan...

"The storyline got him over the top to be someone that you would by a ticket for. I was such a fan of his before he even came to WWE. The whole idea of making him lose in 18 seconds to Sheamus did more for him than winning by cheating. That was good for Daniel Bryan (it led to the YES chant the next night on Raw). The fact that the entire company (on the storyline) is ganging up against him, (is a result of the fact that) you wouldn't do that for someone that you weren't ready to hand the ball to."

On internet fans...

"People say Internet fans like they're a small group. More people have the Internet than have cable tv now. They're not a vocal minority, they are the only vocal fans. Nobody in our company wanted to acknowledge that (Twitter and Social Media) was as big as it was; but thankfully we got ahead of that and we as a company are huge on Social Media."

On Hulk Hogan being on .com the day his TNA contract expired...

"Absolutely (that was intentional). Nobody at knows if the (front office) is talking to Hulk Hogan. But it's out there on every other site; we know that fans are thinking it, so why wouldn't we use all of the videos and content that we own and use it on the site to build traffic and entertain the fans?"

On 2K14...

"I'm not a gamer, but this game is amazing. You can create your own wrestler and really make anybody (even wrestling personalities that aren't in the game)."

Jim Ross on Mania 30 plans:

"Getting lots of offers to do a variety of things in New Orleans during WM30 week but so far I've declined as we've got other thoughts in mind at this time. Stay tuned."


WWE have released another 16 possible DVD's for 2014, and want fans to pick their favouite idea's...

* Bruno Sammartino Biography.

* Nexus - Where are they now?.

* John Cena - Greatest matches.

* WWE Around the World - International matches.

* Attitude Era volume 2.

* WrestleMania Main Events.

* Ultimate Warrior - Greatest matches.

* Top Giants - Profiling 20 ring giants.

* Best of PPV's - 2014's best PPV matches.

* Sting - Greatest matches.

* Best of RAW - Not on Raw, dark matches and segments that happened after the camera's stopped rolling.

* OMG! Part 2 - WCW History.

* Paul Heyman - Biography.

* Best of WCCW.

* Wrestling factions - Best of WWE's factions.

* Best of Great American Bash - 1985 - 2000.

Bischoff through with TNA?:

Eric Bischoff was not at Impact last night, and is not expected back any time soon, which is apparently very popular with TNA's roster. Talent were told he would work from home going forward.

Mr. Anderson was at Impact, making his return to the promotion.

HHH heat:

Dave Meltzer is claiming many WWE talent are not happy with Triple H for the promo he cut on Raw this week, he did not contact Jericho, RVD or Edge ahead of time to tell them about the content, and the locker room feel he was saying things he really feels about people and hiding behind his character...

"As far as the talent in the dressing room—the reaction that I got from a couple of people, was basically that they all thought that the interview was counter-productive. They all felt that Triple H, while he will say "well, I was only working," those were his true thoughts on those guys, and it didn't make people very happy overall."

TNA offend fan:

A fan dressed as Hulk Hogan was very upset at Bound For Glory, he had a Hogan fan sign taken from him and was then asked to remove his Hulk costume, They offered him some TNA shirts, but he was so angry about losing the sign he refused. Staffers and security continued to talk to him throughout the show, accusing him of hijacking the show, but he continued to refuse to change and they eventually gave up asking.

Hell In A Cell script leaks online:

This may not end up being the final script but some highlights would see Big Show tearing the door off the cell to help Daniel Bryan win the WWE Title. Brie Bella winning the Diva's Title, and Big E. Langston winning the IC strap in the pre show.

Finally Goldust and Cody would retain the tag straps, and would continue with the belts until the Royal Rumble where Goldust will turn on Cody and drop the Goldust character before feuding with his younger sibling under his Dustin Rhodes name into WrestleMania 30.


F4W report that WWE, despite claiming no interest in TNA, do watch their product, and use some of their ideas on WWE TV.

TNA do the same, they are currently copying the CM Punk story, where he walked out of the promotion with the title.

TNA and WWE will go head to head in Florida on November 21, TNA start their Impact taping's and WWE will be taping a block of NXT shows at Full Sail University, both in Orlando.

WCW PPV's returning.

WWE are going to run 13 PPV's next year, a second event in June will see the return of Bash At The Beach. They are also dropping an event later in the year, originally the plan was to drop Hell In A Cell, but the poor performance of Battle Ground may see that one dropped instead, whichever is dropped it will be replaced by War Games in October.

This may affect the future of Survivor Series, WWE have considered dropping the event in the past, and it is thought they would not want to have a team inspired PPV two months in a row.

WCW spat:

Yesterday Scott Hall called Goldberg... ''Goldmark''...

Today Goldberg responded with... "He's a waste of space."

The issues go back to their WCW days, Goldberg blames Hall for an injury to his arm when he botched a skit where he punched out a car window.

TNA Impact SPOILERS!!! for 31/10:

* Dixie announces a tournament to crown a new TNA Champion.

* Gail Kim vs ODB

* Ethan Carter III vs A Local Wrestler

* Battle Royal gauntlet match.

* Bromance vs Gunner & James Storm

* Bobby Roode vs Kurt Angle

Note, the stars in the tournament will be...

* Austin Aries 

* Chris Sabin 

* Kurt Angle 

* Bobby Roode 

* Samoa Joe 

* Jeff Hardy 

* James Storm 

* Magnus.


WWE have released a creation video showing fans how to make Rowdy Roddy Piper, who was left off the game because Mr. T did not agree to an appearance.

Bruce Prichard remembers Brother Love:

"I debuted, and three weeks after I debuted I had done my first set. I had done my introduction with Bobby Heenan, Ted DiBiase was my benefactor to carry on my "message of love," and then my introduction with the Big Bossman. So I had done those three. And right before we went to TV for the next set, the Jim Bakker-Jessica Hahn scandal broke. He was big time man, had that whole thing in North Carolina, and he gets caught in a scandal having sex with his secretary. He's everywhere all over the news. I was made right there, because of the timing. We couldn't have written it better. People thought I was doing a spoof on religion. There were guys that wouldn't work with me. Andre didn't want to work with me. Andre liked Bruce, but he hated Brother Love. He did not want to be on the show; nothing to do with Brother Love. So Vince had me do my hair, get in my Brother Love s--t, but not do my [make-up]. And he brought us in, had a sit-down with the boss and said, 'Andre, it's good business.' And Andre agreed, but he hated Brother Love. Hulk Hogan was off at the time, and when came back he was like, "Dude, I don't want to be out there with you man. Somebody's gonna pull a gun on you."

And Finally:

Congratulations to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, today is their 10th wedding anniversary.


Is Survivor Series too important to be dropped, or has the traditional WWE event had it's day???

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