Monday, October 7, 2013

Today's News

AJ Lee out of character interview:

On her real feelings toward the ''Total Diva's'' show, and heat for refusing to take part...

"I give [the cast of Total Divas] credit. Of course on screen I'm not going to say any of that. (Laughs). I'm going to take jabs and stuff as part of the story. But I'm not a hundred percent against it. As a person, I couldn't do it. The whole story is, they asked me to be on it and I told them no. And it was kind of received the wrong way. I was upset about it and there was a lot of friction between myself and the people who kind of wanted me to jump on board with this show. It's not who I am. I don't think it helps with what I've done so far either. It may be great for the girls who are kind of spokeswoman kind of women. That's not my world. But me not jumping on board was kind of perceived the wrong way. I think Vince likes people who are really brave and quirky and like to take risks and stir the pot sometimes. And he was like "OK. She doesn't want to be on it? Let her tell us all why."

On heat with Jerry Lawler over ''I'm too old for you remark''

She made the jibe whilst commentating with the King on an episode of Raw...

"The funny thing is I get a lot of "oh, I can't believe they let you say that!" Everything that has been kind of controversial in the last couple of weeks has been 100 percent from my mind. It's just been me saying "Let's see how much trouble I can get in. When you do commentary you don't really plan anything. I watch my matches back and Jerry Lawler rubs me the wrong way. The way he talks about the girls and me in particular. As a character I feel like she wouldn't like him. So, I went out there thinking "I'm ready to fight any of you. You can't really plan what you are going to say, but I'm kind of a smart a**. I like to jab. That's who I am. I went out there and they were all sort of attacking me and I was not prepared for that. So I kind of went into smart a** mode. And it happened. (Laughs). We never talked about it, but I think it was fine. It was just a fun little jab I think."

Finally on her tattoo...

"I kind of made the tattoo look like a prison tattoo. I was like a prisoner serving time. To me it was like I finally accomplished something and it was time served. Fourteen years of trying to get here. I made it out of a dark past. That's what it means to me. It just happens to be the date I won the title. That was the ultimate goal. I think that's the only tattoo I'll ever get. I probably won't get a matching one the day I lose it. (Laughs)."

WWE star schooled:

Eva Marie was tweeting about being number one contender for the Diva's Title last night, and fellow diva Natalya, was not impressed responding...

"Yeah, you really could be No. 1 contender. I'd like to see you do a headlock takeover first."

BattleGround news and notes:

* Dolph Ziggler bt Damien Sandow (Pre Show)

* Alberto Del Rio retained the World Title in a very good opener

* The Real Americans bt Great Khali & Santino Marella in a bonus match added to due a timing fail, someone had worked the PPV timings out to longer than it was, no-one noticed the mistake until the day of the show.

* Curtis Axel retained the IC strap vs R-Truth

* AJ Lee retained the Diva's Title vs Brie Bella with a screwy finish.

* The Rhodes family bt The Shield in the match of the night, and regain their WWE jobs as a result.

* Bray Wyatt bt Kofi Kingston

* CM Punk pinned Ryback after a low blow

* That is when the power went out... A power fail in Buffalo crashed the TV feed and power to the arena also went out for around 10 minutes.

* When the power came back it was the main event, but their was no winner, Big Show leveled both men with KO punches, meaning the title is still held up.

Other notes...

* Jason Ayers made his PPV debut as a referee.

* Hall Of Famer Bob Backlund was charging $30 for photo's in the lobby.

* Cody Rhodes had a bad day, his new ring gear for the show was lost int he mail, and the vendors in the lobby were selling new Rhodes family shirts with a mis-spelling of his brother's name on the front (Pic on wall).

* WWE were unable to air the show for the military on the US forces network, due to the government shut down in the USA. They usually make PPV's available for free to troops.

* Some fans demanded refunds because of the finish of the show, and the word ''Bullsh*t'' was chanted as the show went off the air.

* Cody Rhodes and Goldust have been re-added to the active WWE roster on .com.


TNA are giving government employees free tickets to their shows, due to the shut down, tickets are available to federal and military staff starting on October 10.

Kurt Angle will be sent to OVW to prepare for his return, TNA have already started a story for him.

Raw tease:

* What will the fallout from the controversial ending at Battleground be?

* What will The Authority have in store for the Rhodes family?

* Who will challenge Alberto Del Rio next?

* Will Ryback be looking for revenge?

* What happens next with Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and the WWE Title?

Vince McMahon is expected to appear and Wade Barrett will debut his new gimmick.

R- Truth:

Is going to be turned heel soon, WWE were very happy with his heel run a couple of years ago, which was truncated after a drugs ban, a turn will likely give him a push up the card.

Vickie leaving WWE?:

Vickie Guerrero is going back to school, She passed entry level exams and will begin a medical administration degree. Is this the start of a step away from WWE?.

Either way, Good luck Vickie...


Rob Van Dam will work an extra week, including an NXT match vs Aiden English this week before he goes off TV, and writes his biography. WWE are already acknowledging the ex-ECW man is weighing up his options, and may take some time off.

Austin Aries talks never making it to WWE:

"I don't worry about that. They've had opportunities to sign me, and for whatever reason or measuring stick they were using, they didn't see fit to give me an opportunity. I don't know all the ins and outs of those decisions, and I don't really dwell on it."


What did you think of BattleGround???

4/10 for me... Good start, then got bogged down until the Rhodes vs Shield match, screwy finishes in the last two diminished the overall event IMO.

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