Sunday, October 27, 2013

Today's News

Alex Wight reveals why he rejected WWE:

"When I sign a contract, I really want to give 180%. And if I can't give that, it's just not fair to the promotion and it's not fair to the fans and it's not fair to myself," said Wright. "When I step in the ring, I want to give 180%, for the promoter, for the fans and for myself. And if I can't do that, I just say, "Thank you very much."

He says he was approached on 3 occasions but the timing never felt right, so he returned to Germany and opened up a wrestling school.

Scotty Riggs:

The former WCW man has listed a multitude of injuries he is suffering with due to his ring career, mainly to his neck, back and elbow.

Undertaker vs Brock:

WWE's official Arabian website has confirmed WWE plan on having the Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30 next year.

Hell In A Cell:

Tonight is Hell In A Cell, tune in to Shaggy's Wrestling Page for a fan chat and comms later.

Notes, and final card...

The pre show panel will be Josh Mathews, R-Truth, Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn.

The Intercontinental Championship match has had to be pulled from the pre show due to an injury to champion Curtis Axel. No match has been added to take it's place as of this writing.

Vince McMahon will be back, if not tonight, than tomorrow on Raw.

John Cena will wear a protective sleeve on his elbow.

CM Punk was pulled from SmackDown to protect him for tonight, he is going into the PPV hurt.

AJ Lee is going to work the PPV sick.

WWE have set up a video game booth for the roster to play 2K14 backstage.


* Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. John Cena (World Championship)

* Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan (HIAC for WWE Championship)
Shawn Michaels (Referee)

* CM Punk vs. Ryback and Paul Heyman (Handicap HIAC)

* AJ Lee (c) vs. Brie Bella (Divas Championship)

* Cody Rhodes and Goldust (c) vs. The Shield vs. The Usos (Tag Team Championship)

* Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans

Santino Marella:

A number of WWE superstars have appeared in a promotional video for Santino Marella's Battle Arts Academy...

Chris Jericho:

Here is a preview of Chris Jericho's new show, ''But I'm Chris Jericho''...

Also don't expect him back in WWE for at least a year, he has confirmed that his next album will be out in June and his third book in September of 2014.

CM Skunk:

The indy star that wrestled as CM Skunk on SmackDown was Danny Todd.

TNA morale:

Despite the extended break they are facing from work TNA rostered talent are said to be on the whole happy with the return to Orlando. The consensus is TNA over stretched themselves with the national expansion and getting back to Orlando will help stabilize the company. There is a feeling coming out of TNA that the roster are ready to suck it up and suffer for a couple of months for the good of the company. TNA are also offering recently released stars a chance to return once they get back into a routine and on a steady footing in Orlando.

The morale is also helped by the exit of Eric Bischoff. Although not officially confirmed yet Jeff Jarrett is to take over the creative responsibilities vacated by Bischoff, who is not expected to return to the promotion.

WWE want video libraries:

WWE are actively looking into purchasing more video libraries to expand their collection with a view to releasing them on DVD. One they have expressed interest in in the past is the World Of Sport library. They were knocked back because the library is owned by a network (ITV) not an individual person or organization. It is not confirmed if they are interested in making another bid.

Colt Cabana:

Despite playing down reports Colt Cabana will have a WWE try out in November as an announcer.

Zack Ryder vs WWE:

When asked if WWE give him credit for starting the social media revolution in the company he answered in the negative...

"The members of the WWE Universe give me credit and always have. They know the deal. That I worked so hard to get myself where I was and didn't give up. If other people are in denial, that's fine with this Internet champion".

He also said he is going to start making efforts to grow up a bit, saying he is looking to move out of his college dorm style apartment and to buy a ''Big boy house''. He added he will not be leaving Long Island but that he is pushing 30 and needs to make a change in his personal life.

The Uso's dedicate match:

The Uso's have promised to win the Tag Team Titles tonight in memory of their late uncle Umaga.

Konnan wants sackings:

Konnan has listed a number of WWE stars that are not good enough and should be dropped...

* Curtis Axel

* Drew McIntyre 

* Heath Slater 

* Jinder Mahal 

* Brad Maddox 

* JoJo Offerman

* Rosa Mendes 

* Aksana

Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph Ziggler has been cast in a movie, which may mean he has to miss SummerSlam next year due to a filming clash, entitled "Me Him Her" filming will take place in Summer 2014 in Los Angeles.


Two today, firstly is Konnan right in the names he says are not good enough for WWE, if not who would you cut in place of someone on the list???

Secondly Hell In A Cell predictions please...

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