Thursday, October 17, 2013

Today's News

WWE Lists:


Hell In A Cell warriors...

10 - Mark Henry
9 - Kurt Angle
8 - Mick Foley
7 - Brock Lesnar
6 - Kane
5 - Randy Orton
4 - Batista
3 - Shawn Michaels
2 - Triple H
1 - The Undertaker


Forgotten Managers...

10 - The Jackyl
9 - Paul Jones
8 - Skandor Akbar
7 - Coach
6 - Gary Hart
5 - Bill Alfonso
4 - Wild Red Berry
3 - Frenchy Martin
2 - Bobby Davis
1 - Clarence Mason


Creepiest Superstars...

10 - The Undertaker
9 - Snitsky
8 - The Brood
7 - Papa Shango
6 - Luna Vachon
5 - Kane
4 - The Boogeyman
3 - Goldust
2 - Doink The Clown
1 - Jake The Snake Roberts

Jim Ross Q&A:

Q - Will John Cena beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania?

A - John Cena will never beat the Undertaker at WrestleMania. No one will."

Q - Who would you book as Austin's last opponent?

A - CM Punk

Q - Did WWE make you retire because you refused to go to rehab?

A - Someone has a vivid imagination. Not true on my end.

Q - Is SmackDown the 'B' brand in WWE?

A - "WWE Doesn't consider Smackdown a B show but most fans seem to. Taker was there to build TV ratings."

Hulk Hogan:

it seems there has been a snag in the contract talks between Hulk Hogan and TNA, the company have removed him from Bound For Glory's advertised appearances on their site.

The two sides have still not come to terms on a new deal.

Katie Lea or not to be:

Former WWE star Katie Lea Burchill, better known in the UK as Nikita is to appear in the Shakespeare play Macbeth in Hollywood next week.

The Rock:

The Rock signing on to do the disaster movie (See Tuesday) almost certainly confirms he will not be at WrestleMania 30. Filming for the flick starts in April, which will clash with the PPV.

Wade Barrett:

Wade cannot return to compete in the US due to his visa problems, but it seems the same does not apply to Mexico, he wrestled in the country last night, scoring a victory over Zack Ryder.

Rey Mysterio also appeared, saving Sin Cara from a beat down by Alberto Del Rio.


MVP says he is going to have some fun, and work a few indies before returning to a major promotion. He is taking bookings.

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley is dusting off some of his old characters today, filming with College Humour for a 2K14 ad (Photo).

John Morrison:

John Morrison has landed a new horror movie called ''Minutes to midnight''...

"On the cusp of New Year's Eve, seven friends and a mysterious backpacker converge at a desolate ski lodge in the mountains when they are systematically hunted down by ruthless masked men with a cryptic agenda."

Colt Cabana:

It seems Colt has refused the WWE tryout (See yesterday) he had booked, he tweeted today...

"No WWE for me. They've 'courted me' for over a year about an announcing gig. I'm sure they will now detract it. I'm a PODCASTER!"

Big E. Langston:

As reported recently, Langston is supported backstage by John Cena, and in Cena's absence has dropped down the pecking order. Cena is coming back soon and coincidentally Langston's star will rise again, his face turn begins this week on SmackDown and big stories are set to follow.

New contract stipulation for WWE:

WWE are making all new stars sign a ''Morality'' clause. This means stars that hope to work for the promotion must sign to say there is no questionable material, (photo's, video's etc) in the public domain that could embarass the company. If a star refuses to sign this, or they breach the morality clause they will not only be rejected the contract, but will be blacklisted from the company.

Sin Cara snubbed:

WWE wanted luchadores to work matches vs Los Matadores this week, instead of using Sin Cara, they put a mask on Tyson Kidd, and had him do the job instead. This was said to be a direct snub of the Mexican.

WWE backstage notes:

Vince McMahon brought the tag title change forward because he does not like all the titles being held by heels.

WWE officials are also unhappy with the lack of support fans are showing Brie Bella, they cannot understand why they are not taking to her as a face.


A memo has leaked online that gives an idea about the inner workings of WWE as they became ''PG'', here are some of the dictats sent down by the head office...

* Vince McMahon no longer wants "Granddaddy of them all" using to describe WrestleMania because he feels it makes WrestleMania feel old and dated.

* Nobody can use the phrase "choke" for a submission move. Undertaker's Hell's Gate move was named Triangle submission hold.

* Producer Kevin Dunn stated that announcers can no longer use the phrase "title changes hands."

* Vince banned the use of terms "five star match" and "match of the year." As part of the memo banning those terms, Vince also wanted all announcers to "stop reading the dirt sheets" with the idea that it influences what they say.

* Stephanie McMahon sent a memo for announcers to never use the phrase "the referee didn't see it" when a heel is doing something behind the referees back. She wrote that it makes it seem like the announcers are treating the fans like they are in grade school. Stephanie prefers "the referee's vision was impaired" or "the referee's vision was blocked." Also, never use the word "hatred" or "hate" when describing a feud and the announcers should never say a talent doesn't care about winning a match.

WWE changing hiring policy:

WWE are to stop signing smaller guys. they feel unless someone is really good they are going back to looking for big men, because there is not enough of them in the promotion. They also feel that indy stars do not have the right attitude. They feel that people should think of WWE as the be all and end all, and making it and staying in the promotion should be their life's goal. Indy stars know they can make a living outside of the WWE and are not as desperate to make it.

They want people to think their wrestling careers hang on making it with WWE.

John Cena:

John Cena will not now return until HIAC, WWE were planning to bring him back on the pre PPV Raw, but feel it will be more impactful to wait.

Tag division:

Triple H is pushing the tag team division again, he has a couple of pairings coming up from NXT soon and is also putting some under used mid carders together to form teams, one of which will be Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd.

Steamboat to retire?:

Richie Steamboat has been out of action since last year due to back surgery, he is still employed by WWE but officials are worried that he may not be able to return to the ring.


Kane will return to WWE on November 6.

Former TNA knockout talks career goals:

Rosita wants to work a WrestleMania...

"Since I was four years old, I knew that this was something I wanted to do. This was my dad's dream as well. He took me to WWE events as a child all the time. I knew from a young age that this was something I wanted to do – being the women's champion, working Wrestlemania. Some people get into wrestling because they want to do it for a living, they're happy working the independents or just wrestling anywhere, and they don't care about working for WWE; for me, I'm not fully (fulfilled yet) in my wrestling career. Plus, I've only been doing it for 5 years and I have a long way to go."


Would you like The Rock to work Mania 30, or has he had his day???

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