Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today's News

NXT show axed:

The end of the US government shutdown means NXT live shows can be now fulfilled, but it has come too late to save the November 8 show in Jacksonville, WWE confirmed today the show has been dropped.

Michael Hayes:

Konnan has been back today with more backstage WWE news, he has hinted that the heat Michael Hayes has in the WWE locker room, may cost him his job...

"I was a huge Michael Hayes fan, Freebirds fan, when I was growing up, when I used to watch him in Atlanta. Every time I've seen Michael, he's always been very cool with me backstage. But having said that, I will say this, he does have a ton of heat with people. I do know a couple people that told me that if they got fired they would kick his ass before they left the company. And I just found out today that he did get mega heat I guess for having drinks with Rosa [Mendes]. So much so, that he might be replaced. Boom."

TNA injuries:

TNA have announced a number of their stars were hurt at Bound For Glory...

* AJ Styles - Rib Cartilage damage.

* Bully Ray - Bruised sternum.

* Bobby Roode - Cervical swelling to his back and a triceps hematoma.

* Kurt Angle - Also hurt, but left the arena before doctors evaluated him.

Rough tour for Shelley:

Alex Shelley has revealed a shopping list of injuries he picked up on a tour of Japan recently, leading to him contemplating retirement...

"April 2013, partially paralyzed vocal cord via Prince Devitt lariat. Had to change some of the songs at band practice and now I sound like a full time smoker. Not counting the damage from the brutal dropkicks to the face.''

"June 2013, slightly fractured skull via Plancha from Taka Michinoku. Spinal fluid actually leaked out my nose for a week after and I had I idea of the severity until I went to the doctor weeks later. Wrestled again that night against Devitt in a dream come true.''

"Finally, September 2013, severe sciatica via Liger Bomb from @taichi0319. Bad enough injury that I had to let a bunch of people down and forego my chance to become a 3 time IWGP Jr. Tag Champion. Had a hard time walking, couldn't workout, and totally rethought my life."

And on considering quitting wrestling...

"I don't consider myself tough, persay. I just really love wrestling. And @njpw1972 is wrestling. I was 'orphaned', by my choice, and NJPW gave me a home. So while I waited in the doc's office, I really thought that 2012-2013 was my favorite year of my career. I grew the most as a wrestler, I (hopefully) won over @njpw1972 fans and proved to everyone I could adapt and learn and go in the ring. This was the first time I thought 'Maybe I need to get out.' So, understandably, I was pretty scared when I went in again last week. But nope. I am supposed to continue wrestling, I think. Cleared to lift weights, burnout on cardio, and should make a full recovery. "

Ex WWE stars fall out at indy show:

Justin Credible and Matt Striker had a heated confrontation backstage at an indy event over the weekend. The two had wrestled with Credible winning, Striker then hit Credible to continue the feud for a future show, but Credible was bust open by the shot, and he was not happy. He refused to accept Striker's apology and launched into a scathing sweary dressing down, before storming out of the arena.

Ex wrestler slams Cena / Punk:

Steve Cox (Yeah, I have never heard of him either) told NotInTheHallOfFame.Com...

"Now CM Punk and John Cena, you've got to me kidding me. Is this the best you got? Don't get me wrong, but if this is the best you got, but these guys ain't Brody. These guys would get destroyed in my day. When you watch the work today, it's so light. It's too make believe; too much entertainment. In my day, you believed you were getting your a** kicked, because you actually were."

Greatest Survivor Series Team???:

WWE have a poll on .Com today, which will run up to Survivor Series asking who is the greatest team in history. The winners of the following bracket will progress through a number of rounds before a winner is ultimately crowned...


Team of Edge, Christian & The Hardy Boys (1999) vs. Team of Shawn Michaels & his Knights (1993)


Team Guerrero (2004) vs. Team Savage (1987)


Foreign Fanatics (1993) vs. The Warriors (1990)


Hulkamaniacs (1989) vs. Team of Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson, British Bulldog & Sycho Sid (1995)


Team Mickie (2009) vs. Team DX (2006)


Team Barrett (2011) vs. Team of Andre the Giant, Rick Rude, Dino Bravo, Mr. Perfect & Harley Race (1988)


The Teamsters (1994) vs. Team WWE (2001)


Team Orton (2009) vs. Team Kofi (2009)

Bray Wyatt:

Reports are Bray Wyatt has already been cleared to return to the ring, much sooner than the predicted 4 week lay off.

He has also received praise from wrestling legend Jake The Snake, who tweeted...

"Love what you are doing. Reminds of someone else I know. Keep it up."

Hell In A Cell:

AJ Lee vs Brie Bella (Diva's Title) has been added to this Sunday's PPV.

The pre show match has also been announced, Curtis Axel will defend the IC title vs Big E. Langston.


Brad Maddox did not attend the show last night, but Xavier Woods of NXT did, as he prepares for his main roster promotion.

AJ Lee was legit upset after fans were chanting ''AJ is pregnant''.

In a production fail the segment where the big rig was driving around backstage (which was pre taped) left fans attending live disappointed. The vehicle was actually behind the curtain waiting to come out in a position that was clearly visible to some in the audience whilst the footage was aired on the tron.

Luke Harper was highly praised for his performance.

The main event was changed on the day, the original plan was The Rhodes Brothers defending their Tag Titles vs all 3 members of The Shield.

Dean Ambrose (Knee) and CM Punk were injured.

TNA Title:

TNA have announced AJ Styles will be forced to give Bully Ray a rematch for the World Title on Impact this week.

Nikki Bella:

Nikki has been cleared to return to the ring.


MVP has had a dig at WWE, he answered a fan question on Twitter...

''Why did you leave WWE''


"Because I enjoy being a pro wrestler"

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho is to attend a non WWE wrestling show in New York on his birthday (November 9).

More worryingly for WWE fans, it seems that Jericho has taken legit offence to Triple H's promo on Raw, and tweeted that it is time to say goodbye to WWE once and for all...

"Thing is @tripleh despite ur major push,u never were either. Good luck in ur future endeavours. Time to move on guys. Bye bye @wwe! Now time for more important things...any doubt that #DayInTheLife is the best @thebeatles song ever??"

Jericho is not the only one upset, with backstage officials feeling that Triple H buried Daniel Bryan, which diminished him as a performer, rather than simply cutting a heel promo against him.

The Uso's snubbed:

The Uso's are upset they have been left out of 2K14...

"We mite be the biggest gamers in WWE @WWEgames. Looks like were gonna have to create ourselves!! Like we did back in the day!!"

Big Show:

Vince McMahon will return to WWE soon to address the Big Show issue.

Foley misses Kurt:

He tweeted during Raw last night...

"Who else just realized how much they miss @RealKurtAngle in @WWE?"

WWE blame Eva:

WWE have blamed Eva Marie for her heat in the back, because of the way she portrays herself on Total Diva's.


Who is your favourite Survivor Series team??? I think this is mine, only just ahead of The Warriors team in 1990.

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