Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today's News

Becoming Goldust:

Dustin Rhodes has released a video of his transformation process from the dream's baby boy, to the erogenous Goldust...

Vince McMahon:

Vince McMahon is being advertised locally for next Monday's Raw.

Foley on Angle:

Mick Foley has again called for Kurt Angle to return to WWE...

"[Angle] was on the video for less than 20 seconds, but that was all it took to remind every long-time fan of what a huge part of WWE Kurt was. I know he's had an amazing career since leaving WWE, but if my own departure from WWE proved one thing, it's that a good percentage of the WWE Universe only wants to see their WWE Superstars inside WWE. That's not a knock on TNA. But while many enjoy Kurt on a regular basis on Thursdays, I just know a Kurt Angle return to WWE - whether it's a one-time match, an extended run, or a very worthy induction into the WWE Hall of Fame - will be huge! I miss Kurt Angle in WWE...and, based and so do you."

Bound For Glory

Scott Hall's view on TNA not being able to sell out their Bound For Glory PPV, was not positive. He tweeted#BoundForBankruptcy.

Chris Jericho was more positive...

"Watched TNA Bound For Glory & it was great! Never been in Ultimate X match-looks amazing! @RealBully5150 is the real deal..''

However the fact they only sold a quarter of the available tickets to one of their biggest shows must worry those involved in the promotion.

Marty Jannetty shoot interview:

Trailer released...

Highlights include, Being molested as a child, his ankles, WWE's hypocrisy over refusing to help, Shawn Michaels, Rockers road stories and more.

Personal note, watching this really made me sad, I only met Marty once, and he went out of his way to cheer my brother up after Jake The Snake upset him. He took him in the ring, got the other stars, Doink, Skinner, Bushwhackers, Tanaka and a couple of others to take pics with him and sign his little autograph book, he was made up, so to see Marty, (Who I know has a bad reputation, but I can only judge on the experience I had with him) in this state really saddens me, especially those ankles, he has been suffering for too long with them.

Legend retiring:

Dos Caras, father of Alberto Del Rio has announced he will retire from wrestling next year.


A top UFC star is in talks with WWE, no conformation of who, but it is not Chael Sonnen.

Rey nixed:

Rey Mysterio was backstage at Raw this week, but his TV return was pulled.

Hell In A Cell:

It may be too late for a match but WWE plan some kind of angle between The Miz and Bray Wyatt at the PPV.

Sho Funakl:

Ex WWE man Funaki is in Japan trying to seal a deal between his school and NJPW. He wants to send his students to the promotion to help with their development.

Cody Rhodes:

Vince McMahon was feeding JBL lines running Cody Rhodes down on Raw, Vince was frustrated that Cody was being too passive on commentary, and he wanted JBL to get more out of him.


Kane will be back on WWE TV ''Imminently''.

Lou Thesz to Hall Of Fame?:

WWE are purchasing items in preparation for a physical Hall Of Fame building, interestingly including items from the Thesz family, this would lead to the obvious conclusion that they are looking to induct the late grappler into their HOF at some point in the near future.

NFL star to WWE?:

Shawn Merriman who made wrestling news in the past for his personal feud with CM Punk has been training at the Performance center this week with Bill DeMott and his team.

Bella's to be split:

WWE plan on splitting the Bella's soon, with Nikki going heel and Brie face, this could be leading to the Daniel Bryan vs John Cena feud with a Bella in each corner that was planned for earlier this summer before Cena's injury curtailed their rivalry sooner than hoped for. Interestingly, Nikki is Cena's girl friend so if she were to turn heel, would that mean a Cena turn too?.

WWE star denied:

Triple H has caused a great deal of offence to the PC staff and roster. He refused to allow Yoshi Tatsu to move to Texas, and said he had to stay in Florida and go to the PC every day to become a better worker. This went down like a stone, Tatsu who is 36 and an alum of NJPW is widely regarded as one of the best technical workers on the roster, and the idea that at this stage of his career he needs to do ring drills and basic training to improve has caused great offence to his peers.

Tatsu has not commented.

Sami Zayn:

Vince McMahon hates Sami Zayn's tendency to climb the ropes to get crowd approval, he has been told to cut it out of his move set before he will be considered for a main roster spot.

The Undertaker vs...:

WWE have locked The Undertaker's WrestleMania 30 opponent in. As long as he is happy and healthy enough for Mania, he will face... Brock Lesnar.

This is yet another clue to The Rock being omitted from the show, they were keeping Brock open in case Rocky changed his mind, it seems they have given up and are going down the Taker / Lesnar road.

The Sting option is also still open, although not until he is free of his TNA deal in January. Some in WWE would however rather put Sting in a feud with John Cena.


Triple H and Stephanie McMahon accepting an award from Christopher Nowinski's institute on behalf of WWE.


Konnan is not a fan of WWE star Cameron...

"The other one that has a big head was...who I always used to bury and now I'm glad I did is uh...the one that was...I forgot her f****** name. The one that was dating...Ariane. Remember Ariane, from the Divas?"

He thinks she has let fame go to her head.

New WWE Alum:

This fortnight Stan Hansen.

Santino Marella on Jim Cornette incident:

"It was just a misunderstanding, I was in the audience watching with my daughter and I was sitting in the area where the OVW students sit. I had only been there for a few weeks and didn't know anything about wrestling, The Boogeyman was trying to get out of an exit which was behind me and I had no idea the exit was behind me because he was going out of an emergency exit. I didn't move out of the way and was enjoying the show as an audience member, so the fact that I didn't move out of the way and play along showing I was terrified of this monster tipped Jim over the edge. He was already upset because The Boogeyman had a bit of a costume malfunction and the fact that I didn't jump out of the way kind of made him snap and he gave me a couple of slaps backstage. I just told myself to keep cool because I was a Canadian in the United States and had just got there and wanted to study. I thought to myself if I retaliated in any way it won't be good, first of all he was a stable old guy, it wouldn't of been a fight but that's not the point, you just shouldn't be laying hands on anybody."

Jake The Snake starts petition:

Jake The Snake Roberts has started a petition to get his fans to contact WWE talent relations with the view to him being given a spot in the Royal Rumble match in 2014. WWE have reiterated their stance that they are not interested in doing anything with him at the moment, but would look at things again as the event gets closer.

Al Snow:

Al Snow has landed a horror movie called ''Terror at Crimson Creek''.


With the upcoming Bella's split and heel turn for Nikki, are the WWE finally giving John Cena his long awaited heel turn???

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