Friday, October 18, 2013

Today's News

Mr. Anderson:

Mr. Anderson is expected to make his TNA return at Bound For Glory this Sunday.

Also on BFG, AJ Styles vs Bully Ray is now a no DQ match.

TNA troubles:

TNA have been forced to cancel a TV taping set for December 5 in Tennessee. This means 2 episodes of their TV show are now in doubt.

These are not the only taping's in trouble, November 21's tickets have been withdrawn from sale and the shows may also be dropped, with December 19's shows also up in the air right now.

PWI exclusively report that TNA are in talks to return to their old home in Orlando, Florida for the 6 episodes, which would be taped on November 21.

Rey returns:

Rey Mysterio has had his first match since his knee injury. At last night's Mexico house show he, as he had the night before, came to save Sin Cara from a beat down by Alberto Del Rio, this time however Wade Barrett also involved himself. Rey evened the numbers and then it was announced that the four men would compete in a tag team bout which was won by Rey and Sin Cara.

Brock Lesnar Eh:

Brock Lesnar is looking into taking up Canadian citizenship dually with his US citizenship. He was impressed with the Saskatchewan area when visiting his brother's farm earlier this week and spoke to officials in the town about making the move himself.

WWE PPV calender:

Here is the provisional calender for 2014's WWE PPV schedule...

* January 26th
* February 23rd
* April 6th
* May 4th
* June 1st
* June 29th
* July 20th
* August 17th
* September 21st
* October 26th
* November 23rd
* December 14th

WWE Alum wants talks with TNA:

John Morrison says he is open to joining TNA, and has called on the promotion to come and get him...

"Wrestling is a business and TNA is like a really cool startup company. I've talked to several people in their organization and I'm looking forward to hearing more about what they have to say. It's business, brother. If they got some cool ideas and some cool stuff going on, then of course I'm going to hear what they have to say."

Chavo Guerrero:

Chavo Guerrero has been asked what his uncle Eddie would think of modern wrestling, he replied...

"I don't think he'd like it too much the way it is now, because it is hard for a young wrestler to get that seasoned experience. You can disguise it all you want with explosions and pyro and entrances, but when it comes down to it in the ring, it's you and that other person. That's it. People don't get the chance to travel these days and learn how to wrestle, how to perfect this art."

Nikki responds:

In response to reports about WWE officials worrying about her Sister not getting over as a face, Nikki Bella has replied...

"Actually the real reports are the exact opposite, everyone needs to remember that social media sites mainly have made up info N"

So they are either worried she IS getting over as a face, or aren't worried she is not getting over???

WWE Top 10s:

WWE and Topps have paired up to create a set of trading cards based on the top 10 champions...

10 Greatest WWE Champions...

* John Cena
* Triple H
* The Rock
* The Undertaker
* CM Punk
* Sheamus
* Brock Lesnar
* Eddie Guerrero
* The Miz

10 Greatest World Heavyweight Champions...

* The Undertaker
* Triple H
* Randy Orton
* Batista
* Sheamus
* Rey Mysterio
* Kane
* CM Punk
* Booker T
* Daniel Bryan

10 Greatest Intercontinental Champions...

* Randy Orton
* Rey Mysterio
* Christian
* Kofi Kingston
* Cody Rhodes
* Wade Barrett
* Dolph Ziggler
* William Regal
* Santino Marella
* Ezekiel Jackson

10 Greatest Tag Team Champions...

* DX
* Kane & Daniel Bryan
* Rey Mysterio & Eddie Guerrero
* Big Show & Kane
* R-Truth & Kofi Kingston
* Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston
* The Miz & Big Show
* Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes
* Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins
* Primo & Epico

Scott Hall wants to return to WWE:

"It would be a dream come true for me but I want to clarify, it's not up to me. If it were up to me, then I would love to have the Bobby Heenan job. I was always a big fan of Bobby Heenan. I would love to wear the headphones and a tacky sports coat, and be the heel commentator who just managed a select couple of guys. Bobby used to put down the headphones and head to the ring to manage Mr. Perfect and then Ric Flair. In my own fantasy world, created solely by me, I would love to be the Bobby Heenan broadcaster and then walk to the ring with Cody and maybe manage a sweet tag team and maybe one Diva. That would be my stable, and I'd be fine with that."


WWE are actively trying to get Goldberg for WrestleMania 30, they also had Jerry Lawler name check him on Raw this week, referencing the chants during Ryback's match. Vince McMahon fed Lawler the line personally. This was to plug the Goldberg DVD, but also to link Goldberg and Ryback in fans minds in preparation for the planned match next year.

Also on Ryback, Vince McMahon made his Hell In A Cell match a cell match to make it more of a ''Spectacle''.


Bret Hart and Sunny will be the star guests at a charity event to raise money for the kidney replacement surgery former WWE man Mo needs. The show will be on November 30 in Humboldt, Tennessee.


Should JoMo go to TNA, or would you like to see him return to WWE???

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