Sunday, November 30, 2014

Today's News


Jerry Lawler designed artwork for Michael Hayes' new album.

Punk assaulted:

CM Punk just can't keep his mouth shut. His words got him in trouble today, he was trash talking a rival hockey team, when the opposition's mascot overheard him. This happened...

He's still got it.

WWE snub Hornswoggle:

WWE are not acknowledging Hornswoggle being revealed as the anonymous Raw GM in the past. They say on their website fans will ''Finally find out who the Raw GM is''.

New signing:

WWE have reportedly completed the signing of Uhaa Nation, who is currently in the UK.

Jerry Lawler talks WWE DVD:

"They've just finished interviewing Lance Russell, Bill Dundee and Jerry Jarrett, so it's not too far down the road. It'll be big matches, a retrospective of my entire career. It'll go all the way (from) the Memphis days up to the WWE days."

WCW star arrested with WWE and TNA star:

Konnan was arrested and taken from a ball game this weekend, he was with Rey Mysterio and MVP when he was placed in handcuffs and led away from the arena.

Kane working hurt?:

Fans have drawn attention to a large growth on Kane's back.

The G.O.A.T. is:

According to Hall Of Famer JJ Dillon...

"Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan to me will always be the greatest manager he set the bar to which all the wrestlers are measured. Bobby Heenan is an example of someone who had a great in ring career too."


TNA have confirmed they will still tape their TV show in the UK in January.

Ryback blows huge push:

WWE had Ryback vs Triple H penciled in for the Royal Rumble, but were so appalled by a performance he had against Cesaro they have reportedly shelved the plans.

Bret Hart slams Martha, calls for HOF induction for Brothers:

"I really hope so, both of them (Owen & Bulldog) should be in. I think that it is just a matter of time, I think WWE has just been waiting for the right time to either approach it with Owen's widow (Martha) and I don't know what the final decision is with that. I hate that Owen's widow has done so much to erase his memory and not keep his memory alive, I find that is an insult to him and his family and all the great things he did for the fans who remember him. I take exception for all that now and I want to bring as much of Owen back to life for wrestling fans and let them remember what a great person he was and what a great performer he was, and how much fun he was as a wrestler. Especially coming over to the UK I find it interesting how many fans really loved Owen for his personality and his style of wrestling and all of the little things about him. I miss all of those things about Owen as well and I would like to bring more of that back – there must be troves of video and film of Owen doing things on tour, these are all in a can somewhere and no one is seeing them and I really think that they need to revive the great memories of what Owen did before it's too far gone, the fans that remember him start to die. It is just awful how Martha erased everything he has done."

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Today's News

Fallout continues:

The WWE backstage reaction to that CM Punk interview has made it's way into the public (Internet) domain.

Vince McMahon is said to be saddened and disappointed that CM blasted the company, Triple H, well, a WWE staffer reported to FW4 that Triple H sent a text to a colleague, reading he wanted to ''Kill Punk''. However the interview has gone over really well with the roster, many, even stars openly critical of CM Punk in the past have applauded Punk's comments, feeling he has aired issues, they dare not, for fear of losing their jobs. The backstage atmosphere at WWE events this week has reportedly been awesome, probably with a couple of notable exceptions (Triple H and Ryback).

Unfortunately, if the FW4 source is accurate, this would kill off online speculation that this is an elaborate angle, starting CM Punk's return to WWE. He says Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have an ''Abject hatred'' for Punk, and he is on their ''No call list''.

The interview has also killed any chance of a WWE return for Colt Cabana. WWE have been chasing the former Scotty Goldman to add to their announce team for over a year, but he is now on the WWE ''Sh!tlist''. Colt defended the interview...

''Punk has had this incredible story basically kept to himself for a long time now. There's been so many people bugging and pushing and intruding. I hope this gives HIM closure & I hope it gives YOU closure.''

Kind of shooting the messenger if you ask me, but they can't get to Punk anymore, so they have to punish someone, hopefully Jim Ross' fears that WWE will target AJ to get revenge will not come to fruition, as that will probably force her to the door.

Mike Tenay:

Mike Tenay will be replaced as lead announcer for TNA because, with much less money coming in from their new deal, they will not be able to afford to fly him from his home in Las Vegas for the shows. The new host, Josh Matthews, has moved to Nashville to work at TNA HQ, removing that obstacle. More cuts will be announced before they debut on January 15.

Hall blasts son:

Scott Hall chastised his son Cody on Twitter, after his boy stole more than $1,000 from his bank account. Cody admitted his bills in Japan were hitting him financially, and he used his Dad's money to pay without asking.

Eve Torres:

El Matador, which starred Eve Torres has been axed by the El Rey Network.

Promo sliced:

Nikki Bella cut a long and scathing attack on AJ Lee taped for SmackDown this week, however the promo that went to air was drastically cut back, possibly in the wake of CM Punk's interview, maybe WWE did not want it to seem they had AJ belittled on TV so soon after Punk's shoot?.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Today's News

WWE Alum responds to Punk heat:

Road Dogg Jesse James has raised his head above the parapet responding to the social media storm following CM Punk's interview yesterday. Replying to a fan who exclaimed his fury at the WWE treatment of CM, he said...

"You only hear one side of the story!. I understand that (You're angry) but are you sure you have all of the facts? There are always 2 sides to every story. Just to be clear, I don't know the truth either! I just know how these stories get told around our industry."

To another who said WWE must be a miserable place to work...

"It's crazy but do you always get treated perfectly at work? It's a team and we need team players, everyone can't win!"

A third fan who said WWE should have given him what he wanted (Mania main event)...

"Did you just read what you typed? He didn't get to be in the main event so he got hot!!! C'mon man! I like Punk but dang."

The same fan then said he believed Punk, gaining this retort from D.O.G.G....

"So if VKM or HHH did a podcast would you believe every word of those too?"

He shared his own experience of being fired by WWE (in 2000)...

"When I quit and then got release papers, I dogged the company too. It's what you do when you aren't honest with yourself."

Then told fans not to expect a WWE response to the accusations made (He was proved wrong on this, see later in the news)...

"Well you never will. The way everyone is reacting, I don't believe it's in the WWE's best interest to give one."

He also made a few comments questioning Punk's honesty...

"As far as release papers on his wedding day, wasn't his wedding a secret? How did they know it was his wedding day?"

Personal Note, He married AJ Lee, she asked for the time off to get married, that's how...

"If he has no hard feelings why all the negative talk. He was 'The Man' and that guy runs hard all year long. I'm done!"

He received a lot of anti WWE heat during his comments, later apologising for any offense his defense of WWE had caused...

"Didn't mean to argue and I'm sorry to those I offended. I'll just keep quiet on this subject. I'm passionate about the business. I'm sorry."

Ryback responds:

Ryback too has responded to Punk's allegations, he later deleted the comments...

"For the record if I quit for being fragile and insecure I would make up excuses too. Things didn't go my way for a long time and I kept Going day in and out. Slander is a powerful thing and to state complete made up nonsense for no reason shows his insecurities. I will Continue to bust my ass study matches every chance I get, cut promos when driving and push myself for hours on end even when hurt. Thank you"

He also promised he will one day tell his side of the story...

"Last message on this. I will tell the truth about @CMPunk comments in due time. Not once did he ever confront me. Let's all move on. Thank u."

WWE respond:

WWE have responded to Punk's comments, but only addressing a single part, they decided to defend their medical and wellness team / policy...

"WWE takes the health and wellness of its talent very seriously and has a comprehensive Talent Wellness Program that is led by one of the most well-respected physicians in the country, Dr. Joseph Maroon".


The updated card for R Evolution...

NXT Title Match vs Career Match...

Sami Zayn vs. Adrian Neville (C)

NXT Tag Team Title Match...

Simon Gotch and Aiden English vs. Kalisto and Sin Cara (C)...

NXT Women's Title Match...

Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte (C)...

Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs. The Ascension...

Kevin Owens debuts.

WWE stars on TV:

SyFy's Haven, has not one, but two WWE legends in it tonight, Christian joins his ''Brother'' and cast regular, Hall Of Famer, Edge.

Alum in hospital:

Kamala is back in hospital, this time for a nasty stomach infection.

Good news for WWE in Canada:

The Canadian TV and Film board have thrown out the complaints about WWE's Network, and have authorised it to continue broadcasting.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Today's News


WWE are preparing to call Charlotte up, thoughts are she will debut after the next NXT special on December 11.

The Rock:

The Rock and / or Bruce Willis are set to star in the fifth Transformers movie.

GM role:

WWE were going to bring back the Anonymoous GM, but after the success of Daniel Bryan this week, they are now planning to go with a weekly guest GM, and are also considering bringing in celebrities to do the role.


Sting's appearance at Survivor Series was not a last minute call, they booked him two weeks ago, but they kept it quiet.

Major returns:

4 top WWE stars are set to return before the end of the year, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns and Rey Mysterio are having their return angles written now.

Online debate:

Now Sting has (Finally) ended years of self exile and set foot in a WWE ring, an online debate has begun asking who is the new best wrestler never to appear for the E. I will throw this one over to you, biggest, best or favourite, who is the one star you wish, or wished would have had that WWE run?.

Being British, I would have to pick the legends Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks, but am a huge fan of Jessy Sorenson (TNA), and Roderick Strong (ROH), so one of them would be cool.

Christian talks reuniting with Edge:

"It was fun [working together again]. We hadn't seen each other for a while with him being up in Nova Scotia for the better part of four years filming there and me working for WWE. He just had a daughter. I just had a daughter. Between children and both of us having different schedules, I think we had probably seen each other once in about a year. We just happened to be in the same city at the same time and had dinner for two or three hours, and that was all we had seen each other in about a year. So it was cool to get to go up to [Nova Scotia to film 'Haven'] and spend some time with him and hang out and catch up and also act with him. It was a great experience."

He also says he does not want to join the creative team, and wants to continue to appear as an on screen talent...

"No. I've always liked being on the performance end of it. I've come up with different ideas, but as far as being a creative writer, I'm not sure about that. I've always liked the performance end of it and wrestling, getting in the ring in front of a live crowd."

Punk breaks silence:

CM Punk has turned down multiple big money offers to tell his story since leaving WWE, but chose to give the story away for free to his best friend Colt Cabana.

On re-signing in 2011...

"I wouldn't say Vince convinced me, but I talked myself into giving it the old college try. Now people are saying 'You can't make change sitting on your couch in Chicago', and I disagree, because that's exactly what I'm doing now. It almost took that. When I split in January, they changed everything. Part of me thinks they changed a lot of stuff to spite me. And that's fine, because certain people who deserved certain things at those certain times got those things."

On his attitude...

"OK to be bitter. I wasn't the nicest guy to deal with or the easiest guy to deal with either."

On why he left...

''The main reason that (I) left the company after the Royal Rumble was due to injuries, notably broken ribs sustained at the hands of Ryback. (I) also worked through a concussion and fever all while checks got smaller.''

He said he suffered a concussion very early into the Royal Rumble match this year, but still worked 40 minutes.

On issues backstage...

He listed a number of things, including...

* Concussion testing being ''Bull sh!t''.

* Visa problems, and no help from WWE.

* Constant drugs testing of him.

* A promo that Triple H cut into too soon in 2011.

* An argument about Daniel Bryan being overlooked for WrestleMania 30's main event, despite how hot he was with the fans.

* Vince McMahon embracing him in tears after he said he was going home, telling him they did not want to lose him, as he was family (Emotional blackmail).

* Brock Lesnar being allowed to bring in his own sponsorship deals, after he was denied the chance to do so.

* A UFC appearance being pulled, because WWE did not want him to be there in case ''Someone died in the cage''.

* He blasted the WWE medic as dangerously inept.

* He said Vince was too old, and out of touch.

On his legacy...

Punk says he will always consider his wrestling career a failure, because he did not achieve his goal to be in the last match of Mania, and people talking about him being comfortable financially are off base, as he never earned the really big bucks.

He also revealed he did not leave, he was fired...

He says two weeks after he walked out of Raw, he received a text telling him he was suspended for two months, at the end of the ban he received no phone call, but, on his wedding day, did get his WWE termination papers in the post. He says he had to hire a lawyer to fight WWE over the termination, and he won everything he wanted.

He said he could have ruined WWE's business model (The way they contract their talent) by taking them to court, but their fears of him joining TNA are pointless, as he despises wrestling, and will never go back, including to WWE, who, he says he can never work with again. He also confirmed he cannot work for UFC as part of his no compete clause.

On Ryback...

He saved particular venom for Ryback, accusing him of taking decades off his life, deliberately injuring him, and being addicted to steroids.

Other notes...

He claims he invented the Shield, and was just talking about his personal issues with Triple H, when the volume of people tuning in to the podcast crashed the website.

When it came back, he said Hunter made it clear he did not like him, and rarely dealt with him directly, in particular over a WWE movie he was asked to do, during his epic title reign. Punk was reluctant, not wanting to miss events, or damage his momentum, so Triple H messed him around for weeks, supposedly coming up with a creative plan to allow him to both, but ended up giving the movie to Randy Orton, without so much as picking up the phone to tell him about the change. Punk said the movie was ''Lame as F*ck'' but he wanted to give it a go, to see if acting was something he would like to do more of later in his life.

On the backstage argument that led to him walking...

He went for concussion testing the night after the Rumble, at Raw, and then had a meeting with Vince McMahon. McMahon said Triple H had to be in the room too. During the tense exchange, Triple H demanded Punk undergo a drugs test, there and then, saying Batista would be asked to do one too, Punk shot back asking if Triple H was going to take one, but received no reply. He refused to take the test and left the building, hearing nothing from WWE until two days before his wedding, a voicemail from Triple H said they would discuss his royalties after his wedding, but as noted he instead was given his termination papers, and told he would receive nothing for breach of contract.

He will be back on the show next week, answering fan questions.


Mike Tenay is to be replaced by Josh Matthews as lead announcer on TNA's new network.

Bray Wyatt:

Bray Wyatt says Waylon Mercy was the inspiration for his gimmick.


The Rock has credited Iron Sheik with his catchphrase...

"When a lot of people think, 'oh, jabroni, oh, yeah, yeah, it's The Rock's word.' No, no, no, no. It's not my word. It's the Iron Sheik's word."

No, No, No:

Ice Hockey fans are growing tired of the Daniel Bryan Yes! chant...

"A majority of the callers have been the older demographic, which make up a large portion of our season ticket holders."

Ryback responds:

Ryback has not commented on CM Punk's accusations against him, but did post a picture of a number of Ryback action figures standing over a broken CM Punk toy.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Today's News

WWE snub Foley?:

WWE did not turn up to tape Mick Foley's one man show in New York as planned last night. They were going to do a Network special.

Tyler Reks talks Cena incident:

''I come backstage happy after a good match with Eddie (Primo / Diego Colon) all excited and John grabs me in front of everyone and says, "what do you think you're doing? I thought I told you to get a new finisher." I said, "yeah, I thought you were joking John. We hit it wrong last night. I'm really sorry." He started yelling at me asking who gave me permission to use that. He belittled me, called me an idiot, and asked me if I enjoyed working here. I told him of course I do. He told me, "find another finisher or you're fired." I was humiliated, I was a full-grown man, why can't we talk about this like human beings?. I went outside to cool down, and I was ready to quit, to walk out. That didn't seem like a healthy workplace environment. I came back in and John Cena was sitting there by the curtain and I figured that I'd cooled off and he'd cooled off so I'll try to apologize one more time. I said, "John, I'm super sorry about this. I really thought it was just a miscommunication." He looks over at me and says, "what was there to be miscommunicated? I asked you to stop using that finisher, are you stupid?" He wouldn't even allow me to apologize. Finally I was just like, yeah, I'll find another finisher. He and I never really talked after that. That's the whole story of John Cena making me feel like a six year old boy.''

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Daniel Bryan is General Manager again.

* 20 Man US title Battle Royal.

* Emma vs Nikki Bella.

* Ryback vs Seth Rollins.

* Big E., Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods vs Curtis Axel, Heath Slater & Titus O'Neill.

* Luke Harper vs Dolph Ziggler (IC Title).



Daniel Bryan made a match for TLC last night, Kane vs Ryback.

Shield heat:

Seth Rollins has revealed resentment to his former group, when they debuted, for being too good, too soon...

"It was one of those things where it makes people uncomfortable. It puts people on the spot and they don't like that. I think that over time, when you do steal the show night in and night out—when you do things you said you were going to do—it earns people's respect. They jump on the bandwagon, so to speak. Over time, the guys that were haters—the guys that didn't appreciate our attitude kind of jumped on board and wanted to be a part of the movement."

AJ Styles - Neckbreaker:

AJ Styles has injured another star. After breaking the neck of British star Lionheart earlier this year, he has now done the same to former WWE man Yoshi Tatsu, in Japan. The Japanese star needs surgery to cure the constant pain he has been in since the accident. These are not the only incidents involving Styles, he was also involved in a nasty accident that injured Roderick Strong, he however blamed Roddy for that one.


TNA have announced four specials to air on Spike as their final shows before they leave in the new year. The episodes will be best of 2014 shows.


Sheamus has returned home to Ireland, as he recovers from surgery.

Wade Barrett:

Wade Barrett will have no further issues with his visa. He has been granted a green card to live and work in America as a permanent resident.

Jimmy Hart talks homosexuality in wrestling:

"We've been around the locker room and people coming out. What's so funny, outside, everybody makes such a big to-do of it, but inside, we're just brothers and sisters, having a great time, and everybody just overlooks those things and goes about their business."

Oh and thanks for 1500 fans, that's pretty swell...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Today's News


Daniel Bryan was put in charge of Raw last night, and had a lot of fun at the expense of the former Team Authority.


NJPW have landed a TV deal with AXS in the United States.


Sting has signed a performers contract with WWE. This does not mean he will be on TV working every week, he is also not likely to work live events, but will appear sporadically for big ticket events, so he is not going to be a one hit wonder in WWE after all. The length of the deal has not been made public.

Mick Foley lists 3 reasons why he shouldn't return to WWE:

1) Head injuries - While I will forever be grateful to WWE for removing me from an environment where I am likely to suffer from further concussions, my short-term memory is still a problem. A GM has to have a grasp on not only what they need to say - but on what everyone else in the segment might be saying too. Although things are going better for me, I'm not sure I'm there yet.

2) Limpin' aint easy - I have considerable trouble walking...and it's not always easy to watch. For a show that is supposed to take viewers minds off their own problems, watching me hobble slowly to the ring could be a downer...and a reminder of the price to be paid when doing what we do.

3) A fashion nightmare - Most people reading will probably feel a sense of nostalgia when recalling my struggles with fashion over the years. But for a publicly traded company, having a face of the company who makes good clothes look bad is a legitimate concern. Even while watching Survivor Series 1997 last night on #WWENetwork, my children marveled at just how bad I looked - even while wrestling in a tuxedo! My commissioner days of 2000, where I could wear anything I wanted are long over. I'm down almost 25 pounds since my back injury - due to a combination of #DDPYoga and wiser eating. Believe it or not, I'm actually 20 pounds lighter than I was during my time as WWE Commissioner in 2000. But I'm a long way from looking ready to assume any type of larger role with WWE.

Nikki Bella plays down heat with AJ Lee:

"We all are professionals here and AJ and I have been working with each other for a while. And when you start to work with certain girls, you get excited for them when they win. She and I wanted to have this long old match [at Survivor Series] and it's still gonna be a lot of fun with her. I enjoy working with her in the ring and this just put another layer into our story. We're gonna keep coming up with magic."

TNA announce debut:

TNA will tape their first shows for their new network on January 7, 8 and 9 of next year.

Controversial reference to Hall Of Famer:

A police officer in America has compared the altercation that led to him shooting a teenager, to being in the ring with Hulk Hogan, he told a court hearing his defense...

"I tried to hold his right arm and use my left hand to get out to have some type of control and not be trapped in my car any more and when I grabbed him, the only way I can describe it is I felt like a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan... That's just how big he felt and how small I felt just from grasping his arm."

Hulk Hogan has not commented on the matter.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Today's News

Survivor Series report:

A storm in the area had WWE officials worried, fans were struggling to make it to the arena, and the building was still filling as the show went to air for the pre PPV build up.


Pre - Fandango bt Justin Gabriel.

Note, Fandango was accompanied by his new dancer Rosa Mendes.

Pre - Jack Swagger bt Cesaro...

Note, Swagger was originally written out of Survivor Series with injury, Michael Cole explained on commentary that he had since been cleared to return, but had been replaced on Team Cena by then.

1 - Damien Mizdow & The Miz bt Goldust & Stardust, Jey & Jimmy Uso, and Fernando & Diego to win the Tag Team Titles.

Note, Really fun opener to the show, following a 20 minute pre-amble with the contenders in the main event. I personally don't get Damien Sandow's new angle, it seems the complete antithesis of what his gimmick was about, the cerebral, proud intellectual, but the fans clearly loved it, he was getting chants for most of the show.

2 - Natalya, Alicia Fox, Naomi and Emma bt Layla, Cameron, Summer Rae and Paige.

Note, Much better than last years Diva's match, they were given time to work, and all involved looked better for it. Paige looked like a ring veteran, despite her young age, and lack of major event experience, but her team let her down, picked off one by one, by a much more cohesive and better organised Team Nattie.

3 - Bray Wyatt bt Dean Ambrose.

Note, Disappointed in this one, broke down into a DQ win for Bray too soon for me, then became a VT promo for next months TLC, with Ambrose pulling out ladders, tables and chairs from everywhere he could get his hands on them. Cool, have a rematch, but why use the first match to set up the next one?, have the match you're having first, there will be plenty of TV time to build the story for your next outing.

4 - Adam Rose & The Bunny bt Heath Slater & Titus O'Neill.

Note, this was a last minute addition to the card, the Bunny got the winning fall, pinning Heath, before leaving with the rest of the party posse, without their leader.

5 - Nikki Bella bt AJ Lee to win the Diva's Title.

Note, if this was to be AJ Lee's last match, WWE certainly sent her packing in style, a 5 second humiliation, re-hashing the WrestleMania moment she had with Daniel Bryan. Brie kissed AJ as the bell sounded, and AJ spun into Nikki, who hit her finish to score the pinfall. Brie proudly helped her Sister celebrate the win, in what could have been a heel turn, or may lead to a double cross angle on TV this week. WWE defended the match, saying it went as planned, and AJ's status played no part in the contest.

6 - Dolph Ziggler for Team Cena (Big Show, John Cena, Ryback and Erick Rowan) bt Kane, Mark Henry, Seth Rollins, Luke Harper and Rusev.

Notes, Mark Henry was eliminated right at the start by Big Show. The scores were leveled when Rusev bt Ryback, he was then counted out after a splash onto an announce table. Rowan was pinned by his former partner Luke Harper, before the big twist. Big Show threw a knock out punch, and connected with... John Cena, Rollins quickly took advantage pinning the leader of the opposition, Show walked away from the ring, leaving Dolph Ziggler alone. He fought bravely, pinning first Kane, then Luke Harper, before the Authority's Triple H led a gang attack on the official, then the only man stopping them from winning the bout, however, as Seth was about to score the winning fall, the lights went out, the crows started singing, and WCW legend Sting emerged to make his WWE debut. A tense staredown between Sting and HHH ended in a Scorpion Death Drop, Sting then rolled Ziggler on top of Rollins for the winning fall. This means The Authority are no longer in power, and John Cena is the only man that can bring them back to TV.

This was not the original plan for Sting. They were going to unveil him early in the show, in between matches 2 and 3, with Sting confirming his plans to wrestle at Mania 31, probably against The Undertaker. It is not clear if the change means they now want Sting to face Triple H at Mania next year, or they made the late change to increase the impact of his first appearance.

Other notes...

Randy Orton and Roman Reigns were backstage.


Stars of the night... Renee Young, Alex Riley (Great together on the pre show), and Dolph Ziggler, (Finally got his chance to shine).

Flops of the night... Whoever booked the Diva's Title match, poor show, the women involved deserved better.

8/10 for me, great show overall, spoilt only by a silly time filler match, and the poor Diva's Title bout.


Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt is confirmed for TLC next month.

William Regal:

Has returned to the States after an epic scouting trip, he spent a week in the UK, five days in Brazil, and a further five in India.


WWE have dedicated this years WWE game to the late Connor Michalek.

Raw tease:

* Is Sting planning to come to WWE's flagship show tonight?

* What will a life without The Authority be like?

* Ambrose and Wyatt's road to TLC

* Will Big Show explain his actions at Survivor Series?

* Will Nikki Bella play nice with sister Brie?

Bully Ray to WWE:

Bully Ray has confirmed he wants to come back to WWE, and says Brock Lesnar and John Cena are matches he wants to have. He also said he wants to go back as a solo star.

Tyler Reks talks poor pay in WWE:

"People assume you once you're on TV you make a load of money and drive Lamborghinis and stuff, and that's just not the case. Here's a perfect example: I hate to spill my salary on the internet, but when I left I got a bump to $100,000 a year. But a third of it goes to road expenses. The only thing they pay for is your flight. You pay for your own hotel, and car, and food. Could you imagine trying to eat out five times a day? As a body guy, you have to maintain your physique and that means eating five times a day. Spending all your money trying to maintain that? Good luck. Then Uncle Sam takes 20%-30%. You guys do the math and see how much I walked away with, which was next to nothing. I was making more money fresh out of college as an engineer fresh out of college in an entry level position than being on TV.''

He went on to say the situation has gotten even worse since he left.

JBL berated on social media:

JBL is receiving heat for excluding Chris Benoit from his Survivor Series commentary. He called John Cena a ''Sole Survivor'' at a Survivor Series past, he actually survived along with Chris Benoit in the match referenced by JBL, and fans of the Canadian were not happy with the snub.


WWE still have Sting vs The Undertaker set for WrestleMania 31, but he may face Triple H too, meaning Sting would not be a one and done competitor, but may wrestle a few matches at big events, until he decides to retire.

CM Punk vs WWE:

WWE are telling their security team to slap down CM Punk chants as soon as they start.

Charlotte admits fear:

"The biggest thing holding me back is fear. Being afraid to fail and not live up to such a legacy my dad (Ric Flair) has made. I do feel the pressure, but I also feel the drive. My dad was really hard on me as a kid in sports, so this is no different."

Top star at Raw:

Daniel Bryan is backstage at Raw tonight.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Today's News

Survivor Series:

Tonight is WWE Survivor Series night, I will be hosting live updates over on Shaggy's Wrestling Page, so if you want to join in the chat come on over...


Stardust is promising a new look for the show.

Chris Jericho's tweet that he was on his way to the show with Randy Orton and Sting was likely a practical joke, as of this writing Orton is still officially making his movie, Jericho is on tour with his band, and Sting... well...


Roman Reigns is going to be at Survivor Series, but may not appear on camera, Randy Orton and Sting are in town for the show, and WWE have another surprise waiting in the wings.


HHH - Punk:

Triple H favourited a tweet by CM Punk today, he said hello to Paul Heyman.

Seth Rollins blasts Brock Lesnar:

Talking about no champion on WWE TV...

"I think it's bull crap, I don't appreciate it one bit. I'm sitting here with this contract biding my time. I want to be the WWE world heavyweight champion now. I don't want to wait around to when he decides it's cool to show up. He has said it before. He is this mercenary. He is basically a guy you pay as much as he wants and he comes and works for you. I'm not a fan of that. I think there is no honor in that."

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Today's News


A UFC star pushed Sheamus' buttons during a TV interview prompting a fierce Twitter exchange between himself and Conor McGregor, who started the spat when he said he would have no problems beating the WWE star...

Sheamus... "ok Conor wins. I don't hit featherweights or shoeshine boys. Mouth off to @BrockLesnar fella, I'm injured... Had bigger dumps after a salad @TheNotoriousMMA lad. U can hold @BrockLesnar's @WWE title while the big boys duke-it-out. Win @ufc title 1st"

McGregor... "@WWESheamus, @BrockLesnar fought PURE, phoney. Me and Brock Vs You and any shmuck of your choice. #CelticPhoney #TagTeam @JRsBBQ @WWE @UFC"

Sheamus... "Phoney? @TheNotoriousMMA @BrockLesnar @WWE @ufc haha that last lad you 'knocked-out' went down on the breeze of a punch... #NeverConnected"

McGregor... "Careful now scaldy, you will wake up with no teeth and your nose on my mantle. #CelticPhoney #NeverFought... 'Never connected' sounds more like your game. You wear ball stranglers and slap mens asses for a living."

Sheamus... "Whereas you talk for a living son & we all know who's ass @TheNotoriousMMA is kissing nightly. #LittleManBigChip"

McGregor... "@WWESheamus I'll whoop you at your own game, then we can toast a whiskey and talk about true fighting. Always remember #UFCAsRealAsItGets"

Sheamus... "Whiskey in Dublin this Christmas @TheNotoriousMMA. Shirts on the deck, back-to-back, and we'll fight everyone. #TraditionalIrishChristmas"

Roman Reigns blasts interviewer:

Roman was not happy about being compared to John Cena...

"Last time I checked, I'm 6'3" 265 pounds, which is bigger than John Cena. Last time I checked, my hair is long and jet black, and last time I checked John Cena's isn't. I'm way better looking and I'm way more athletic than he is so for anybody to compare me to him is completely asinine."

Stephanie McMahon:

Stephanie McMahon is recording her vocals for one of the upcoming WWE animated movies, but did not specify whether it was the Flintstones, or Scooby-Doo project.


TNA have confirmed they will not be on TV in Canada in 2015, but Dixie Carter says she is working on getting a deal for their ''Great Canadian fans'', at the earliest opportunity.

New angle for WWE man:

Curtis Axel is calling himself the ''Baddest Man In The World''.

Survivor Series HUGE SPOILER!!!:

WWE have booked a legend to appear at this Sunday's PPV, it will be the first ever WWE TV appearance for the WCW Icon... Sting.


Kane confirms the mask is coming back:

"At some point, we will see that again. In WWE never say never, but certainly I like what I'm doing now — Kane is Kane."

Total Diva's for the boys?:

Sheamus has thrown his support behind the idea of having a WWE reality show following the male roster...

"I think there should be a new reality show for the guys, I think it would be interesting. It should definitely happen now we have the WWE Network. The bigger the Network grows the more content they are going to need and a reality show would definitely take off, especially if it had all the behind-the-scenes stuff. Fans want to know more and more about what happens away from the ring, and they want to know about the Superstars as people and what they are all about. The fans are hungry for that knowledge. If it happened, I believe it would be a very successful show."

Hardcore Rumble:

Next years theme for surprise guests in the Royal Rumble match will be ECW, the event is in Philadelphia, and WWE want to reward the fan base for the former promotion with some of the stars they loved. No names have yet emerged.

Why group was delayed:

''New Day'' was shelved for a time, due to Alberto Del Rio's outspoken attacks on WWE, and the shooting of a teenager in Missouri.

Bill Apter:

Has announced he is writing his biography.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Today's News

Return of:

WWE have announced Santino Marella will be on Raw next week.

CM Punk:

The front man of rock band ''Screaching Weasel'' has asked all of his female fans living in the Chicago area to fight CM Punk, who he calls a steroid ravaged, sexist, bully. Here is the rant he posted on his Facebook account...

''Okay gang, CM Punk's been running his mouth again and it's time to teach him a lesson. Who's CM Punk, you ask (along with the rest of the world)? Some washed up, burnt-out, has-been former wrestler who's been reduced to hanging out on Twitter challenging guys half his size to fist fights, that's who. I wish I was joking. Yours truly was targeted by the big goof when he saw a YouTube video purportedly showing me hitting two women while on stage in Austin TX a few years ago. In fact I was hugging those ladies with my fists, not that it's any of his business. But the slobbering nitwit still challenged me to a fight, I guess so women will feel like he's a really great guy. Well, guess what? I don't believe our female fans are delicate flowers in need of the protection of some oily mouth-breather who runs around in his underwear pretending to fight other men for a living. I think you ladies can hold your own. Heck, I KNOW you can. So I'm challenging all our female fans – including all our M-F transgender fans – to stand up with us on stage at our show in Chicago on 11/22 and challenge the big goon to a fight. He thinks it's so easy to slug a chick? Let's see him try! This is not a joke. If you're up to the challenge and can throw a solid punch, or even just kick a gym-muscled bully in his shriveled-up, steroid-ravaged nuts, post in this thread. Our road manager Kotton will contact you if we can use your help. Let's shut this buffoon's mouth once and for all!''


The next special will be on December 11, and will be named ''NXT Takeover: R Evolution''.

Kevin Steen:

Will make his WWE debut on December 11.

Beth Phoenix:

Beth Phoenix will be the female inductee into the CAC class of 2015.

TNA starting again:

TNA officials say their new Network will mark a completely fresh start, announcing a new logo, new set, new graphics and more.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan has been removed from the SmackDown credits.

Bret Hart on Montreal:

Bret Hart says 5 people knew what was going to down that night in Canada, Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Gerald Brisco, and Earl Hebner. He also says it was good that he did not know what was about to happen, or...

"I would have choked Shawn out in the middle of the ring. I would have front-face locked him and ended the match. Before I went in the ring, I told myself I'd never let them put a submission hold on me. But because I had Earl as the referee, and I trusted that he wouldn't screw me, I wasn't too worried about that any more. That was my big mistake".

He went on to say he regretted leaving WWE because Hulk Hogan made a point of keeping him down in WCW, killing off any idea or angles he came up with.

Lesnar to UFC:

Dave Meltzer... has confirmed that Brock Lesnar is looking at leaving WWE after WrestleMania 31, and will return to UFC.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Today's News

Bryan leaving WWE?:

Fans have raised concerns about Daniel Bryan's WWE status after the promotion slashed the price for his merchandise at live events by more than half. They have also told their creative team not to include him in any angles, stories or shows. However, despite having no timetable for his return, he is still employed by the company, as are Zack Ryder and Rey Mysterio, who have also had their merch cut in price in the same way.


WWE have three matches on the table to headline the final PPV of 2014...

* Brock Lesnar vs John Cena (WWE Title)...

* Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins (TLC Match)...

* John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins (TLC Triple Threat Match)...

WWE PPV news:

WWE have expressed an interest in bringing SummerSlam back to Europe within the next four years.

Hall Of Fame 2015:

Macho Man Randy Savage and Sting are the front runners for the headline spot for next years HOF class.

Jericho working on new WWE deal:

Chris Jericho is working with WWE on securing a deal which would see him work live events, but no TV or PPV event's. He does not want to diminish future appearances by appearing sporadically on TV then disappearing again, and with his band on a big tour next year, he will not be able to commit to a full run with the company.


Taryn Terrell and Low Ki won the Knockouts, and X Titles respectively on the last Impact on Spike TV, which aired last night.

Servin' hard time:

Big Boss Man's former protege, Bull Buchanan has joined the police force in Georgia.

DDP talks WWE HOF:

"I think at some point it will happen. Steve Austin said to me the other day 'No one ever did it the way you did it at such a success level'. He said to me that he was waiting for me to go in, and when it happens it happens. I'm honored that the CAC and National Wrestling Hall of Fame inducted me, and I would be honored if the WWE put me in their Hall of Fame. I'm focused on what's happening right now with DDP YOGA and last year to get to induct Jake and with Scott being inducted in the same year, and they both came out of my house, you know DDP's Accountability Crib."

Survivor Series:

The debut of ''New Day'' may happen at Survivor Series, time allowing.

Injuries legit:

Sheamus is undergoing surgery for his injuries suffered on Raw this week. WWE confirmed this was not a planned angle, and Erick Rowan was added as a substitute for the Irishman as a last minute change.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today's News

Survivor Series:

WWE have added a Diva's elimination match to the card...

Natalya, Alicia Fox, Naomi & Emma vs Layla, Cameron, Summer Rae & Paige.

Let's hope it is not a repeat of last years debacle.

Musician quits wrestling:

Billy Corgan has left Resistance Pro, he will explain why in the coming weeks.


WWE say Sheamus suffered a ''Stinger'' in his neck, and will be out of Survivor Series as a result.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev...

* Damien Sandow & The Miz vs Los Matadores...

* AJ Lee vs Brie Bella...

* Cesaro vs Erick Rowan...

* Triple H announces Team Cena will be fired if they lose at Survivor Series, this would not include Cena himself, just the other 4 members.

* Big Show & Ryback vs Kane & Seth Rollins...



Tonight will be the last Impact on Spike with original content. They are still deciding whether or not they will allow Spike to air the nostalgia shows they have in the can to fill the remaining slots, after their talks broke down acrimoniously earlier this week.

Dixie Carter says today will be the day TNA's future is decided, the announcement that followed was conformation TNA are joining Destination America. This means a 30% cut in their availability, from 87% of America, to 52%, but you can watch the show on the Networks website in some areas of the country.

Spike released this statement saying goodbye...

''Our partnership with TNA Wrestling will officially come to an end with our last telecast on December 24. Dixie Carter and her team have been incredible partners to work with over the past 9 years, delivering high-action entertainment and strong ratings. As Spike continues to evolve into a network reaching a broader audience, we continue to look across our schedule to find opportunities to add original scripted and non-scripted programming that appeals to a wider demographic. On behalf of everyone at Spike, we would like to wish Dixie and TNA all the best and continued success.''

Kevin Kay (President, Spike TV).

Georgia speaks her mind:

Georgia Smith has spoken out about her late Father, Davey Boy Smith's exclusion from the WWE Hall Of Fame, she started by remembering her dad...

''Well, I always remember my dad as just being my dad, his wrestling character will always be second to that. But, him as the man he was, and him as the wrestler, I deeply miss him everyday. I carry and hold a lot of pride, honour, and respect because of my dad's, and my family's legacy, accomplishments, and impact they made in professional wrestling.''

Then on Hall Of Fame, she says she wants her dad to be honoured, and does not understand why he is not in yet...

''I don't think it has any kind of influence really. The WWE do what they want when they want. My dad also never had any bad blood or ill feelings towards Vince or the WWE, of vice versa. My dad did wrestle for WWE even after Bret was gone, so I can't say Bret burying the hatchet with Vince has made it easier for my dad to get inducted, when it really has/had no effect. But I was with Bret last night, and he was saying he didn't understand why Davey and Owen aren't in the HOF yet? Bret said they deserve to be in it, including Jim Neidhart, Dynamite and Brian Pillman over a lot of guys who have been previously inducted. It's important first and foremost for my brother and I to be able to see my dad get the honour and be awarded with the WWE Hall of Fame, which has been long awaited, and rightfully deserved. I hope my dad's dad will still be alive and at the ceremony when the induction happens. I think they owe it to Harry, myself, my mom, along with my dad's family in England. I think for everything my dad did for WWE, and the big of star he was, I think it's been long overdue. But again, WWE do things the way they want and when they want. I think my brother Harry would be the best person to do that along with my Mom, as it was hard for her with Davey gone so much with two children. And let's not forget that my Mom had a huge part in some of Davey's storylines from 95 through to 97, she was on the road a lot too working with him, and so she deserves to be on that stage along with Harry if/when the time comes.''

WWE sign deal:

WWE have teamed with Warner Brothers, in a multi year distribution deal which will cover DVD releases, and the like.

Nova snubbed?:

Mike Bucci is not joining up with his fellow BWO members for the ECW DVD because his commitments with family, and work mean he does not have the time to travel to WWE HQ for the project. He has also declared in the past that he has no interest in returning to wrestling.

John Cena:

John Cena will appear in a Foot Locker commercial this week.

WWE Fail:

WWE wrote Jack Swagger out of Survivor Series with injury, but he worked a match vs Bray Wyatt taped for this weeks Main Event, which will air before the PPV... Woops...

Kamala reveals personal torment:

Following the amputation of both of his legs...

"I didn't even want to look down at first. But when I came home (from the hospital), I would look down, and I'd cry a little. I'd think, 'I'm not normal, am I? I'm not normal anymore. People are going to treat me like I'm not normal.' But I made it through. I made it through. I still have crying spells, but they're not as bad as they used to be."

Brock to MMA:

Dana White continues to tease a return to UFC for Brock Lesnar, saying the door is open when he is ready to walk back through it, and that he fears no competition, as Lesnar wants to fight the best around, and they all work for him.

Stevie lands new job:

Following his work with WWE this week, Stevie Richards will be moving to Atlanta to start work for DDP, at his new DDP Yoga school in the city.


Vampiro is working on setting up a Guardian Angels patrol in his home town. He says there has been 10 murders this year, and he fears for his young Daughters safety, he wants the regular patrols of the peoples police force to start operating where he lives in 2015.