Monday, September 9, 2013

Today's News


The IOC have announced that Wrestling has been reinstated as an Olympic sport for the Tokyo 2020 and 2024 games.

Spain want Cena:

Two WWE events in Spain have been cancelled after WWE informed the promoters in Madrid and Barcelona that John Cena will not be attending.

That is good news for Scottish fans though, they will get at least one of these dates as a bonus, on November 7 or 8.

WWE vs US Airlines:

WWE have lost the bags of several WWE stars, including Natalya and Antonio Cesaro as they traveled to Canada for tonight's Raw.

Official Raw teaser:

* Can Goldust save Cody's job? 

* What does Edge have in store for the WWE Universe? 

* What is the Triple H's next move as he attempts to grow WWE? 

* How hard is Alberto Del Rio willing to fight to keep the World Title? 

* Will CM Punk get his hands on Paul Heyman before Night of Champions?


* Goldust won't be winning tonight, Cody will be away for several more weeks yet, the planned wedding over this past weekend was delayed, as Cody's soon to be wife says more preparations are going to be needed.

* Santino Marella is expected to return

* Big E. Langston is to start a ''Huge'' face turn story line.


Who will have the best Raw return tonight, Edge, Goldust or Santino???

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